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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. Ask them what their favorite pizza toppings are.
  2. Salmon cum or human cum?
  3. So when aliens do arrive on the planet and end up following the religions we do, they’ll just end up being filthy otaku that flew across galaxies to fanboy over the humans and artifacts they’ve read about in their favorite passages.
  4. Cancel culture is only effective in brief block periods. You might be “cancelled” for like two months, but once you come out with something people like or people just flat out forget & move on, you’re back on the market. It only really works for people who did something that has enough receipts to warrant jail time like Weinstein or Cosby.
  5. "The ... line doesn’t sell anymore,” Okay, but you could’ve just put the full quote in the lede instead of an awkward pause if the only omitted word was “7700”.
  6. Stick within the rare/medium rare threshold.
  7. I’ve been obsessed with 13 Sentinels recently, especially now that I’m about 80% through the story.
  8. I bought my cat a very nice bed, and she’d still rather sleep anywhere else
  9. Has anyone seen the movie? I keep seeing the poster thrown around, but my interest in the series isn’t strong enough that I’d try to watch it the moment it got subbed. Given the movie’s existence, a season 2 wouldn’t be too farfetched to see happen. To be honest, it might actually be a fresh breath of air to watch this instead of that Healer show.
  10. Ever since I moved out, I switched over to glass Tupperware. Cleanup is definitely a lot easier and they hold up much better without getting warped.
  11. I used to have backpacks full of them because college used to hand them out all the time and I happened to volunteer at the one extracurricular club that set up booths on sex education.
  12. Netflix has two versions of the show, but I’ve only seen the Korean one. Oh My Ghost is my favorite one currently on there. The ghost aspect a throws a murder mystery to the mix and you get many sad moments with the ghost’s old family. But because the ghost is butting into an apprentice cook’s pursuit of her attractive douchey celebrity chef, most of the story is an entertaining romcom where the ghost helps her advance forward into the cooking world while also trying to successfully get her jollies.
  13. Everyone in my state just revels in its shittiness because part of its appeal are the memes built around how miserable and batshit crazy it is.
  14. It’s likely intent. I forgot that there were blurred out knives during Oh My Ghost, but because it’s a show that mostly takes place at a restaurant, it just felt rare to see the blurry switchblades cause cooking knives were all out in the open and uncensored.
  15. I was wondering why I never noticed that, but with all the Korean dramas I’ve come across, they find other methods of killing like pushing people off of boats or poisonings.
  16. https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/29/politics/washington-pipe-bombs-dnc-rnc/index.html
  17. He comes to mind whenever someone kicks around the idea of another Beverly Hills Cop movie.
  18. Finally we have a 2021 film that’s nearly as great as Money Plane.
  19. Crazy how much a comfort meal becomes a struggle meal once mayo is added.
  20. It’s impressive how they were able to get hentai on TV without it being it being a whole public morals situation like with so the Interspecies Reviewers. But seeing it as comparable to your Nightshift Nurses or Euphorias where you’re getting off to taboo content makes it easier to understand than trying to actually build a message or world view around the anime like what people do with other popular fantasy shows.
  21. InuYasha had a ton of sordid relationships. The age gap between Inuyasha and Kagome had an extreme case of May/December and her family was loony enough to let their teenage daughter get whisked away by an elderly dog demon. Sesshomaru being written as Rin’s husband who has fathered two kids with her has even creepier Woody Allen vibes. Miroku and Sango had a stable relationship, but Miroku is shameless enough to creep on children before he decided to settle down.
  22. It’s crazy how much hustle Cloris has had all these years.
  23. Chapinator_X


  24. She was revealed to be the mom fairly early on. I stopped watching it cause it was starting to become a monster-of-the-week show, but I appreciate it as a new gateway for younger fans to get into the series.
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