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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. They don’t bother me, but there aren’t any marshmallow cereals would go out of my way to buy.
  2. AT&T wanting to sell off Warner Bros to Discovery is like what happens in those edgy shows when a lecherous bandit kidnaps the main female lead and says “Heh, with your looks, you could fetch a high price if I sold you to a twisted noble!”
  3. Odd that he chose that era in time to do damage control for when it was pretty clear that they didn’t understand why anime fans were upset with how the block was being handled and why they got the shit end of the stick for being fans of the shows they aired.
  4. Yeah, it was misleading to suggest users were being paranoid about NSFW images being banned when it turns out that they were being banned. I’d understand setting a restriction on loli/shota or young characters who are aged up for hentai purposes, but banning everything NSFW altogether seems like another one of those kneejerk decisions out of fear that the FBI is coming to close the forums because of Fuggs’ hooha.
  5. Slicing through molten oven pizza builds character.
  6. I feel like posting hentai in the picture threads lost its luster when I realized I don’t revisit any of the pics I post (whether it’s SFW or NSFW) unless I stumble across it while posting the next pic.
  7. But if acid hit his head, his body isn’t alive anymore. Who’s to say his dick hasn’t fallen off yet? Or that a little acid didn’t splash on his pocket rocket? And if he did have a cock, would it still be purple or is it a white or black dick we’re working with? I bet He-Man’s got the answers.
  8. I was going to ignore this until I saw that this was Kevin Smith’s idea, and now I’m looking forward to if there’s an in-depth conversation about whether Skeletor has a normal cock, no cock at all, or a bone for a cock.
  9. “Okay, then about a sandwich shaped like a dick?”
  10. The Witch Candyman Let the Right One In Creep
  11. I haven’t had any issues with Taco Bell, but I only go there for nachos nowadays.
  12. Ordinarily, I’ll go for a boring cereal with some flakes or rice puffs for mornings, but I always keep a chocolate cereal on reserve for this reason.
  13. I thought BNA was a kinder show because they gave everyone a human form so that you could still find a character to be attractive without having to automatically shamefully dive into the furry rabbit hole. It also surprisingly wasn’t nearly as horny as Beastars since it’s hard to separate sexuality from that narrative when it’s brought up as part of the experience of animals trying to suppress primitive urges. That being said, I haven’t watched Odd Taxi. But one of the newer writers I work with has a breakdown of it and it seems like it’s not explicit from the screencaps.
  14. Now with Nagatoro and Komi-san getting anime, it's time for them to work their magic on Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko to complete the ultra-hyped Reddit romcom trinity.
  15. Happy birthday!
  16. That’s why PreCure is still making money.
  17. Finally playing Odin Sphere because I loved 13 Sentinels. Amazing game so far. I’m tempted to get the new Pokémon Snap and Famicom Detective Club.
  18. It’s like when Bleach used to be anime Ghostbusters. Sometimes, it’s like the coolest story could’ve happened if the allure of training arcs and tournament arcs wasn’t so alluring.
  19. Who looks forward to watching Naruto at 5 o’clock in the morning!?
  20. It’s been ages since I’ve regularly kept up with Toonami, but my current brush-ins have been while I’m doing late night channel surfing on vacation.
  21. I’ll probably mention it again once the next poll comes around, but I got the second shot a couple days ago. I felt like shit yesterday from the side effects, but I felt a lot better today and didn’t feel bad enough to take off work so that was a thing.
  22. As it turns out, “Do as I say, not as I do,” is another prevalent Jedi proverb
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