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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Just because you don't agree with it doesn't means it's wrong. If you feel like you need to be loaded with health problems to be a man, that's your prerogative.
  2. I loved that show as a kid. I would set my alarm every Saturday morning so I wouldn't miss it.
  3. You and her should do some scenes together. Eh? She at one point said she cammed nude.
  4. You can when you beat the game though. You gotta work for that reward!
  5. I used to watch The Mary Tyler Moore show on Nick at Nite. RIP
  6. I always really liked that game and think it caught a lot of undue flack. But the aspect you described does indeed suck.
  7. I don't want a hooker, thanks. Assuming I'm one of the members you're talking about. Which I'm pretty sure I am.
  8. Nah. I'd rather not weigh 300 pounds, have diabetes, and die from a heart attack before I reach age 50.
  9. If you're getting your caffeine from sugary drinks like I used to, I highly discourage you to do that. If you just don't use caffeine, then good on ya.
  10. I've been constantly thinking about someone from my past and people related to them for many years now. But I never miss any of them. My emotions when thinking about them range from anger, regret, and indifference. Pretty much all of my experiences with them were god awful, but they sure were memorable, if nothing else. I think the only ways I'll stop constantly thinking about them is if I get a really good, really busy job, I fall in love and start a family with someone else, or if my band really takes off and I get wrapped up in that. But since the time I interacted with them, my life has pretty much completely stalled so I got nothing to keep them off my mind.
  11. Judging by what you post here, your entire life revolves around unsuccessfully picking up girls over the Internet, which is not at all having a life.
  12. You ever use your penis as a noose?
  13. Wakko was my favorite of the Animaniacs.
  14. Man, no wonder I've had those dreams so often. Those first five interpretations have all applied to me for many years.
  15. I don't have an income. I have approximately $300 dollars in the bank that I really got to stop spending. I have many possessions, but for the most part that's just my parents paying for them. That doesn't make me affluent, that makes me supported by affluent people. I will say you are in a much rougher position than me though, if living with your parents isn't even an option.
  16. I can't eat 20. Though I can't remember if, when I tried this, if I had gotten fries or not. I've never been an "all the [one item] you can eat" guy. I like an entree, a soda, and some fries or onion rings.
  17. I'm just as a poor as you, I'd just rather live with my parents than be homeless.
  18. According to an article I found on the iPhone 7 headphone jack controversy, you don't have to buy the expensive air buds, but the phone comes with an adapter to plug into the same port you charge the phone with and that allows you to use the traditional headphone jack. http://www.techradar.com/news/phone-and-communications/mobile-phones/iphone-7-headphone-jack-the-story-so-far-1324866 No idea what's up with Samsung.
  19. Ok, I looked up what they did with the iPhone 7, and yes there was information I wasn't getting before: You plug the earbuds into the same jack as the charger. It apparently came with an adapter to use old style headphones, which is not so bad in my mind. Though it definitely does suck that you can't charge and use the headphones at the same time.
  20. Because removing the headphone jack on cell phones from not one, but two HUGE cell phone manufacturers doesn't make any sense at all, since everyone and their mother loves plugging in their earbuds to their phone and listening to music. I get the feeling there's some info I'm not getting, because this just doesn't seem possible; it's company suicide. Also I don't know the story on what Apple did.
  21. I hate that song.
  22. What do you mean "remove a headphone jack"?
  23. That post of mine is not concerned about when they ended up or where they ended up. It is about when they started.
  24. Something to think about with all these examples is, did they just not get their big break until later in life, or did they not even get to start from square one until later in life? Because there's a big difference between wallowing in obscurity but still building your chops early and then succeeding later, and starting from square one with no prior experience or proper education later.
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