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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Judging by what LGL quoted, he was sick of zeni.
  2. It does matter. He was arrested for (un-armed!) robbery later in life and he got 30 years in prison, which is he is currently serving. Did he really kill Nicole? I don't know, I didn't pay attention to the case at the time. I just wanted to watch cartoons, not a boring court trial. >
  3. I assumed this was going to be about Cuccos killing Link.
  4. I haven't seen him post anything like that. Anyway, he's probably busy fapping over a giant pile of Skittles while listening to Michael Bolton's back catalog.
  5. 21 - 3 Falcons at the half. O0
  6. They're getting their asses handed to them. >
  7. The customer that said that is just a cunt. You don't look like an alien.
  8. Is that show still on??? I've never seen the show (why the fuck would I want to?) but from the looks of the commercials, all the women competing had loads of plastic surgery done.
  9. When I go to Burger King, I get the whopper without tomatoes or pickles. I like the lettuce and onions though.
  10. Video games New computer speakers New headphones New phone Mp3s of musical artists featured on amazon Musical instrument Canned beverages, coffee Coffee maker Autographed sports/music memorabilia
  11. I used to get a lot of nosebleeds as a kid, and pretty much all of them occurred while I was picking.
  12. All the yes. I discovered the Victoria's Secret catalog something like 4 years before we ever got Internet access. The VS catalog single-handedly kick-started my sexuality. My favorite models to fap to were Stephanie Seymour, Tyra Banks, and Laetitia Costa. <3 <3 <3 Stephanie Seymour: Laetitia Costa: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-5HDvFDH515E/TvqyGhDNQxI/AAAAAAAACIo/uBivD9WAlD0/s1600/Laetitia+Casta+Victoria%2527s+secret+model+%25281%2529.jpg[/img] I'm not going to bother with a pic of Tyra Banks because hopefully we all know what she looks like.
  13. Doom Metal Alchemist


    Not very (64).
  14. You should've seen his posts about having butt worms and accidentally baking a mouse in his oven.
  15. My car could use some new rims. *signs up*
  16. Considering Marilyn Monroe is just a pile of bones now, I'd rather be known as gay with horrible taste in men than a necrophile.
  17. If it makes you feel better, sponges, I got it right away. However, the long set up was not worth the punch line.
  18. Robot Chicken added that line in their parody of Cribs with Richey Rich. I guess saying that's the room where you have sex without actually saying it is more glamorous than "and this is my bed."
  19. We are all bored. That's why we're here.
  20. I was watching Space Ghost the other night, and Robin Leech was one of his guests. For those that may not know, Robin Leech was the host of a show called "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" back in the day. I was thinking about that while watching SG, and then it hit me: MTV Cribs was like the newer, hipper (for the time) Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.
  21. I can fap to hentai, but I'm not in the mood for it very often. I much prefer 3D girls.
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