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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. I really don't know how to quantify it. I pirate two things: Porn and Music. All my porn is pirated. The end. Music, I'm a "download before I buy" person. I download a shit ton more than I buy, but I usually only listen to a pirated download once before I make a decision on whether to buy it or not. If I like a download enough, I'll put it on my metaphorical "To buy list." And sometimes I'll buy it. I just recently bought 5 CDs, 3 of which I pirated first and decided I wanted to buy them.
  2. Shocking for society in general, some have already been mentioned, such as John Lennon and Sharon Tate. I would add Kurt Cobain to the list. For me personally, Ronnie James Dio. We all knew he had stomach cancer, but from reports it sounded like the treatment was going well. Then he just up and died. Thank god Tony Iommi's treatment actually IS going well.
  3. They're all wearing high heels.... including the boys.
  4. My first school was a private Christian school (not catholic) that I attended from approximately 1986 - 1995. This school definitely did not do corporal punishment. And needless to say, the public schools I attended after did not do it either.
  5. Did you try the Password Recovery folder?
  6. Zeni, because he's gonna rape somebody.
  7. Johnny Bravo never got any, so no.
  8. Out of the poll choices, Rocko's Modern Life. However, my favorite was Animaniacs.
  9. I bent my wookie!
  10. I have never changed my ringtone from the default. Though I do dig it when other people's are old NES tunes/sfx.
  11. Anime's (especially kid's anime) obsession with spiky hair can get annoying sometimes.
  12. Yeah, sounds a lot more like Ghostie than I'd like to admit. I guess I see your point, but despite my age, I'm not really in a rush to lose my virginity just to lose my virginity. I'd rather do it with someone I think is attractive. Like I said, I can see your point, but that's still my mindset.
  13. I don't drink. Messes with my meds.
  14. Hasn't happened yet. All throughout my teens I was unpopular, was really shy, and had low self esteem, so I basically didn't even try. When I started college, I was still really shy and didn't do anything social, but I did ask out a few girls, but they either said no or shit happened. And that's the story for the majority of women I've asked out. There was one woman a mutual friend set me up with, but I wasn't physically attracted to her, and I wasn't ready to be with someone I wasn't physically attracted to.
  15. molarbear[/member] this thread is supposed to be about ballads. :
  16. I don't have such a bleak outlook on life, but that made me laugh.
  17. In the summer, the lowest temp will be 120. You'll be hating global warming then.
  18. Homo Sapiens, yup.
  19. I thouht Bouvre[/member] is gay.
  20. There was one I like more than Canada Dry, I think its called Schwepps or something.
  21. First he's on the giving end, which lands him in prison, then he's on the receiving end.
  22. I know, but I've never had homemade waffles, so I wouldn't know where to put them in the equation. So I just left them out.
  23. With you it's more like the Rapening.
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