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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. I get dreams like that too. I don't know if it's exactly bubble gum. I think I think of it as something that shouldn't be in my mouth in the first place. But what that is, I don't know. Oh also it doesn't really get stuck to my teeth, but there are just unending amounts of it that no matter how much I pull out of my mouth, there's always more.
  2. Do any of else really need any more convincing?
  3. Freud was a big believer in dreams being a window to a person's subconscious. Almost all of his theories have since fallen out of favor, including his dream interpretations; however, a lot of current mainstream psychologists still believe dreams are a window to a person's subconscious, even though they don't at all believe Freud's specific interpretations of specific types of dreams.
  4. I used to have dreams all the time where some of my teeth fall out. I used to think that was my subconscious telling me to take better care of my teeth (because I don't take very good care of them at all), but apparently according to mainstream psychology, those dreams are very common and mean something very different (I can't remember what though). Sometimes I also used to dream that my teeth don't fit in my mouth right by being way too big and they are precariously hanging from my jaws, and are on the verge of falling out.
  5. I don't care to test that out.
  6. Moving is the real downside to my still collecting CDs. At least I don't collect vinyl.
  7. You have to be smart to do that.
  8. I'm gonna commit seppuku when Brady beats Bradshaw's/Montana's super bowl wins record.
  9. Last night I dreamed Mike Judge (creator of Beavis and Butthead and King of the Hill, in case there are people here who don't know that) had his own potato chip line. And they were really good!
  10. My favorite meme of all time is Kanye's "Imma let you finish." And my favorite specific image of that meme is this: I wanted to make one of my own back when that meme was popular. I think it was about Manny Ramirez when he got busted for PEDs. It would've been "Yo Manny, I'm happy for you, and I'mma let you finish, but Barry Bonds was the greatest steroid user of all time!'
  11. You're worse than Hitler.
  12. Some of us don't like to go 100 mph over the speed limit.
  13. You didn't tell the rest of us.
  14. I don't even know if you are to begin with, but if you are ok with your daughter being in any kind of non-hetero romantic relationship, I don't see why you'd be mad at her for dating whatever the fuck it is you're talking about. Sure that person could get annoying, but trying to put a stop to the dating over such a matter seems counter productive. Remember when you said something along the lines of your brother doesn't let his daughter see boys, and you meant it is stupid, because your dad did the same thing to you, and you immediately got pregnant when he died? What would be stopping your daughter having the same resentment of you not liking/not letting her date a whatever gender, in the same manner your dad not allowing you to see boys didn't stop you from getting pregnant?
  15. Well no shit, that was what I was about to say without even knowing why he said what he did. It's just that painfully obvious. "Wahh, people who don't like my work shouldn't get to voice their opinion! Shower me with love or STFU!"
  16. You had me with the anti-stick but lost me with the anti-radio. Driving for a couple or more hours in silence would be boring as fuck.
  17. Went to class, am currently doing homework and UEMB'ing. On my way home from class, I almost crashed my car. It was raining, and I hit a yellow light. I figured I was too far away from the light to speed up and beat it, but I was also close enough to it where I felt the need to hit the breaks more than gradually. I lost control of the car and turn a large swerve left. Then I over-corrected right. Then I over corrected left again. Then I straightened out and and got to a nice stop just in time to stop right at the red light. Thank fricking god there were no cars in front, behind, or next to me.
  18. I don't think I've heard that one. Probably the only Ted Nugent songs I've heard (and I've listened to a LOT of classic rock radio over the years) are Cat Scratch Fever and Stranglehold.
  19. I don't want to be laughed at.
  20. You want to own the whole world? Sounds like you're a super villain in the making.
  21. I suck at bowling, but it can still be fun if: 1. The other person/people you are playing against suck too 2. You don't roll too many gutter balls. Seriously, nothing takes the fun out of bowling like rolling a bunch of gutter balls.
  22. I think you mean school girl cookie.
  23. Home recording studio (complete with home).
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