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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Restaurant waffles > pancakes > frozen waffles.
  2. Yeah I thought it was funny she kept chasing him out the elevator.
  3. Does it even matter? They're cupcakes!
  4. Probably my all time favorite non-metal band. Jim Morrison had a great voice, and Ray Manzarek was a great keyboardist.
  5. Absolutely! Canceled way too soon.
  6. And twice as many bits as a float! I think. ???
  7. I wouldn't put it past him to cut off his own right hand and keep it in his medicine cabinet.
  8. Well you're vegan so, duh.
  9. That guy looks so much like Dana Carvey.
  10. THANK you. I thought I was the only one with that opinion. All you crazy fuckers looking at porn on your phone, in the old TGP days you probably jacked off to the thumbnails rather than clicking them for the full sized pics. >
  11. Calvin and Hobbes The Far Side Garfield Fox Trot Pearls Before Swine Bloom County Dilbert Zits I used to love the funnies.
  12. Tonight is leftover barbecued hamburgers from a couple nights ago.
  13. Sorry about your ass pandaka, no more buttsex for you! Get well soon!
  14. Doom Metal Alchemist


    Procrastinating doing my homework.
  15. I was about to say "I volunteer as tribute," but then thought that sending zeni her way be more beneficial, since maybe that would get him to STFU.
  16. New picture. Another one of your cat but actually in focus.
  17. I chose Thursday. I have band practice, which I really enjoy, on Tuesday and Thursday nights. But on Tuesday nights I have to go to bed early because I have class at 8:00 AM on Wednesdays. But Thursdays are like my Saturdays. I have no where to go but band practice, which is cool. However, after I voted, I realized I usually have stuff due from my online class on Thursday nights. Oh well.
  18. He's made a zillion threads where I'm tempted to reply with "Do you have anything going on in your life besides OKC and ASMB/UEMB? Anything at all?" But decided against it each time.
  19. Last night's dinner was fajitas from a really good Mexican restaurant. Tomorrow night's dinner is leftovers of said fajitas.
  20. SwimModSponges[/member] you got this guy beat, right?
  21. I'm pretty sure UFC is hand-to-hand combat only.
  22. lol it's a cake. At least that's what came up when I googled "lady gaga cake".
  23. She has a fever... and the only prescription is more cowbell.
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