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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Call me old fashioned, but I prefer the traditional front/top view of cleavage.
  2. But... .everyone loves potatoes. How is that underrated?
  3. In 2003 my primary care doctor diagnosed me with depression, which I fully agreed with. In 2008, a psychiatrist changed that to bipolar disorder, which I did not agree with at all. But I've since come to accept the bipolar diagnosis.
  4. Ketchup, mustard, BBQ sauce, and taco sauce go in the fridge. Maple syrup and sugar do not.
  5. Pretty good. Not a fan of the one woman's muscles, but eh.
  6. If I have to go somewhere in the morning I'll usually skip breakfast because I can hardly ever get up in time to allow me time to eat breakfast. In that case I'll just drink coffee or soda. If I don't have to go anywhere, I eat breakfast.
  7. Not quite as talented at MS Paint as meo[/member] but still very nice. A-. <3
  8. I just saw the Family Guy episode "Gronkowsbees," which is so massively a blatant rip-off of the King of the Hill episode where former Dallas Cowboy "Big" Willy Lane moves into the neighborhood, that I just have to assume Seth MacFarlane had to pay Mike Judge $50 million dollars to allow it to be aired.
  9. What if the hacks do die, but no one knows because no one cares about them? Or have even heard of them?
  10. Honestly, I've never liked classes where the students were supposed to participate in the discussions. I never have anything to add.
  11. I had Computer Music Production class tonight, the third time we've met, I believe. We were learning about how really old school analog synthesizers work. I think the giant ones with patch cables. I don't know anything about electricity or voltage, and very little about sound waves, so this class (and Audio Engineering, which I'm also taking right now) have been very enlightening. It was difficult to understand, but not so difficult that I didn't get anything out of it, because I feel like I got a lot out of it. Prior to tonight I had no fucking idea how sound synthesis worked. Plus, the teacher brought up some software on the computer (I think it's called Reason) to simulate one of those old school synthesizers, and showed us how to play around with it, and a lot of the sounds he was making sounded straight out of 80s Atari and NES games. Then he let us fool around with the software on the computer stations in the class. I've had a guitar synthesizer for a over a decade, but I barely know how to use it. I still get a lot out of it, because I use it to make my guitar sound like a tin whistle, a harp, a sitar, a tamboura, a pipe organ, etc. But with the knowledge I'm gaining in this class I should REALLY be able to utilize it. O0
  12. Athena92[/member] Do they sell doughnut pizza? Or pizza doughnuts?
  13. The Butt-ler.
  14. Let's not turn this thread to political garbage, k guys?
  15. I'm 5'6", 137 pounds as of a week or so ago, and my 30x30 slacks are both too long and too loose. Something's not adding up here...
  16. I need to wear either pants or shorts at all times. I can't be bottomless, and I can't just be in my underwear either. During warm weather I am constantly shirtless though. I'm a horrible IBer.
  17. The Calgary Flaming Homos
  18. The Pittsburgh Butt Pirates
  19. The Green Bay Fudge Packers
  20. The San Francisco 69ers
  21. The Philadelphia Seventy-Sexers
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