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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. I'm using the default theme, and I cannot see your sig or psychoderelict's avatar.
  2. I only noticed the boards offline at like 10:00 last night so I just went to bed early. >
  3. Happy birthday!
  4. I don't know if it's the bra over only one boob, but they look really asymmetrical size wise.
  5. He's hitting the reply button next to each post, not realizing that doing so doesn't tell us explicitly who or which post he's replying to like the NodeBB boards did.
  6. Fair enough. This is why I shouldn't be speaking for other people. owo
  7. Too lazy. I shower more often now. But still not daily. >_>
  8. We have A/C.
  9. Yeesh. I would imagine that's one of the very most painful ways to die.
  10. There's a lot more of it coming from others in Babbling and Dumpster Fires.
  11. Did you slip and fall?
  12. Do you have to pay per play?
  13. Absolutely. I don't even shower that often compared to most people. And for while, I'd shower pretty much only once every two weeks. I had school on weekends every two weeks, and I'd shower on Friday night and ride that for the weekend, then not shower until I had to go to school again. Well, one Friday, I was getting ready for my bi-weekly shower, and the water wouldn't heat up. I called maintenance and they couldn't get anyone to look at the water heater until I had to leave the house the next day. So I just went to class not having showered for two weeks. >_> I ain't taking no fucking cold shower for anybody.
  14. ok? Ok?? OK????? Cookies are one of mankind's greatest inventions! <3
  15. YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW BIG OR SMALL MY COCK IS What if my cock was the same size as Osama Bin Laden's in that one episode of South Park?
  16. From what I can tell it's REALLY old grudges from the old Hey Mod threads of yore.
  17. Because relying on the rest of us to voice luuv's thoughts and intentions is kind of dumb?
  18. Take it up with him then.
  19. Is that a sad winky face?
  20. "Just look at the size of that fucking cookie." There needs to be another object in the pic to compare the cookie against, otherwise I have no idea how big or small those cookies are.
  21. So you want us to speak for luuv? FINE. Luuv didn't intend on UE being a replacement for ASMB. Originally the only general discussion type folder there was was FFA. Once the main ASMB got shut down, someone (I think it was nabs) requested a Babbling folder. Luuv obliged, one of the reasons being he wanted a place for political threads to go. Then someone else (mthor, I think) requested a Rants folder. Luuv obliged. So even though it looks like this board is supposed to be ASMB II it really wasn't meant to be in the beginning until the actual ASMB was shut down (and I think luuv still doesn't want it to be ASMB II). Short enough of an answer?
  22. "Light chat and non-topical stuff goes here. The "IB" of the UEMB."
  23. Totz. But this time of year, the water doesn't stay hot for very long.
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