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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. I can think of three songs named Heartbreaker.
  2. I suppose so. I'm not miserable or anything.
  3. *is brooding and mysterious*
  4. For u-verse, which is what we have, CN is 325 and 326.
  5. That seems like a joke normally reserved for zeni, lol.
  6. He said toe knuckle, not moose knuckle. -_'
  7. Clever name.
  8. I thought they kept them in their brief cases.
  9. I did. That would be cool, but I'm too lazy for that.
  10. :P :P :P
  11. I have an iPhone 5. I don't like web surfing on mobile because the screen is small, I have to continually "stretch" the page so I don't fat-finger when I try to click links and buttons, and because typing on a phone keyboard is a lot more time consuming than typing on a computer keyboard.
  12. Stewie basically did that. "Olive juice you too." = I love you you too.
  13. I know someone who's currently looking for another job who has been upfront with his employer that he has interviews he goes to. He says they don't mind.
  14. Pretty much never.
  15. You forgot booze.
  16. That happens to me sometimes too.
  17. There was a teacher at my elementary school that was so tall he had to duck under every single doorway. It was amusing to watch.
  18. This was always my least favorite quote trolling:
  19. Ask Phillies if he can recommend you one.
  20. It was like an upside down pyramid on top of a rightside up pyramid.
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