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Godzilla King of Monsters 7.5/10

I enjoyed this movie the monster action was great, awesome visuals and shots as well. The human Interaction  was annoying at times. Juiced up Godzilla was freaking awesome 


Booksmart: 9.5/10 -- Just stellar. definitely recommend. definitely getting on blu-ray

Dark Phoenix: 6.5/10 -- saw it three times because i fell asleep twice. great action, great special effects, weak story, misses a LOT of easy opportunities to be better. improves on mistakes of the last stand, but also recycles some of its lamer plot points. who cares about the D'Bari? IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE SHI'AR. but not as awful as people are saying it is.

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Dark Phoenix - 7/10.

Not as good as the last two X-Men movies but I still liked it.

Weak story.  Not enough Quicksilver.  It was bad but not as bad as others are saying it is.

X-Men First Class is still the worst X-Men movie in my book.


Spider-man: Into the Spiderverse 8/10 Cool ass movie. Love the mixture of artistic styles and unique animation. 

John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum 8/10 Love these movies, but the first one is still my favorite. I don't need a lot of plot on this one, and I hope we continue to only get inklings of the backstory and inner workings of the organizations featured. Swore Ruby Rose was supposed to return but didn't see her. I knew Common wasn't coming back for this one, which is a shame. 

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Spider-Man: Far From Home

Baron Corbin is mad at HHH for firing him and making Seth Rollins the new general manager. He wants revenge, so he dons a wig and reinvents himself as Caron Borbin. He stages a fake attack on himself by Bobby Lashley, which prompts Seth to come to his aid. Seth feels he is not ready for so much power and immediately resigns and makes Caron the new GM. Then Caron's wig falls off momentarily, revealing his true identity to Seth, but he quickly places it back on his head and attempts to maintain the ruse, as surely no one in the audience had yet noticed. After battling for weeks without a finish, Seth finally comes out on top at the PPV and reveals to the audience that Caron is actually Baron! Then Becky kisses Seth.

-400/0. Worst PPV ever. Rather see more Braun and Nicholas.

  • 3 weeks later...

Spider-Man: Far From Home - 9/10.

Much better than Homecoming.  Wasn't a teen movie like that one.  It's the first time I feel that Tom Holland understood

what Peter Parker should be like.  He was an okay Peter Parker before but not great like Tobey Maguire.  This time he did a very good job. 

Also the J. Jonah Jameson cameo at the end was great.  Loved it.


Original Pet Sematary. 8/10. Not terrible.

Storks. 8/10. Fun movie.

New Pet Sematary. 2/10. It sucked.

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. 10/10. I liked it a lot.

  • 2 weeks later...

Theaters: Once Upon A Time in Hollywood. I liked it, and found it fun. the ending was lolzwtf tho.

Home: Brightburn. Liked it as well, would of liked to see more development though with the characters especially the kid. wouldnt mind a sequel.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Oldboy - 9.5/10

My main complaint with movies is that I can always see how it's going to end, and that kind of leads to me getting bored by the ending. Oldboy did its thing to where even if I saw what was coming, how it got there was what kept it so on target. Also, this is the kind of movie where the villain usually turns out to be disappointing, but he was like a perfect puzzle piece that brought everything to such an awesome fucked up conclusion. This is probably one of the few movies besides The Thing(80's) that I've watched years after everyone else that still retains its bite.

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Posted (edited)



Redline 8/10 One of the most beautiful pieces of animation I have ever seen. Redline deserves a watch for its animation alone, but it also absolutely oozes style. This film was hand drawn and took 7 years to complete. It cost way too much to produce and make a pitiful showing at the box office by comparison. (Though with its inflated budget, it was doomed to fall short no matter what.) The movie itself focuses on a racer named Sweet JP and the legendary (and deadly) Redline championship race. I won't spoil anything, but honestly the story is the weakest link here. I appreciated getting to know some of the cast better, but reducing the movie to only two races slows down our pacing. Both races were great and the Redline race was bonkers (shout out to Funky Boy) but it left me longing for more of these gorgeous and superbly animated, framed, and directed races. I cannot stress enough just how fucking cool this movie looks. Every little thing is distinct and each individual character, no matter their relevance or screen time, are unique and interesting to look at. Redline is the ultimate animation eyecandy. Madhouse's enormous talent is on full display here. I wasn't in love with the story, and if this had been animated in a more contemporary way and style, I would have rated this far lower, but god damn is it a feast for the eyes. I'm normally pretty staunch about watching things in their original language but the dub works just fine here if you can't find a subbed version. I was able to watch this on YouTube with ads (which ended up being all of 2 ads total) so that's a fine option as well. 




Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky 10/10 As a huge fan of "so bad they're good" movies, I am always delighted to find one in the martial arts genre. This masterpiece is beyond perfection. I fell to my knees on multiple occasions in laughter watching this film. Ricky has been sent to jail for murdering the man who killed his girlfriend. But the thing is, Ricky is practically invincible and inhumanly strong, so he won't be staying here long. The Warden and his lackeys attempt to torment Ricky and the other inmates but this fucking champion dealer of death cannot be stopped. Gratuitous violence is the norm here, as inmates get their heads caved in and one gentleman even disembowels himself and uses his own intestines in an attempt to strangle Ricky. Everyone needs to bare witness to the greatness that is Riki-Oh. The scene where Ricky's girlfriend is killed is hands-down the best part of this movie and I had to pause and rewind the video several times just to rewatch it. I don't even want to attach a gif from this movie because it's so damn good, I want you to go in blind to the visuals. Please watch this movie.  

Edited by GunStarHero
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On 10/1/2019 at 4:58 PM, GunStarHero said:


Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky 10/10 As a huge fan of "so bad they're good" movies, I am always delighted to find one in the martial arts genre. This masterpiece is beyond perfection. I fell to my knees on multiple occasions in laughter watching this film. Ricky has been sent to jail for murdering the man who killed his girlfriend. But the thing is, Ricky is practically invincible and inhumanly strong, so he won't be staying here long. The Warden and his lackeys attempt to torment Ricky and the other inmates but this fucking champion dealer of death cannot be stopped. Gratuitous violence is the norm here, as inmates get their heads caved in and one gentleman even disembowels himself and uses his own intestines in an attempt to strangle Ricky. Everyone needs to bare witness to the greatness that is Riki-Oh. The scene where Ricky's girlfriend is killed is hands-down the best part of this movie and I had to pause and rewind the video several times just to rewatch it. I don't even want to attach a gif from this movie because it's so damn good, I want you to go in blind to the visuals. Please watch this movie.  

I need to watch this again, it's great.

One of my bans on ASMB was for posting gifs from it..

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Invitation 8/10
A Quiet Place 8/10
Happy Death Day 7.5/10
Happy Death Day 2U 7/10

I liked those Happy Death Day movies more than I thought I would.


Hereditary 8.5/10

I really liked it and appreciate it not relying on jump scares, but that ending made me roll my eyes.


I just can't take cult shit seriously. Ghosts are creepy, but humans who are gullible enough to join a cult for whatever reason are just sheep who are easy to kill.



Avengers Endgame 9/10.

Ma 8/10.

Us 8/10.

Spider-Man Far From Home 8/10.

Annabelle Comes Home 2/10.

The Nightmare Before Christmas 4/10.

Hocus Pocus 4/10.

Child's Play 6/10.

The Lion King 9/10.

Dumbo 9/10.


4 hours ago, cryptkicker5 said:

Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark. 4/10.

It really wasn't very good. It felt like it should have been a made for tv thing like a goosebumps or are you afraid of the dark episode.  Also del toro's mexican self insert Gary Stu was a horrible character. I really don't get why they made him a draft dodger. The fact that he was mexican born in america and a draft dodger made it feel worse. I just really wanted to see the character get killed/spirited away. The bully was too much of a psychopath. I assume they went that route because IT did that. It just comes off as lazy writing to make a character with zero redeeming qualities. His whole arc was just a lazy comeuppance story. The issue is that a good comeuppance death has a lesson to be learned. There was no moral or lesson to this; he was an asshole that was creeped out by a scarecrow that was it. Also I hate when films start on halloween then the bulk of shit happens in November. Have shit start prior to halloween and it hit its climax by halloween, it's not a hard thing to do. Though this is Toro and Day of the dead lasts from the 31st-2nd, so I assume that is what he was going for, despite it lasting well past the 2nd of nov. 

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7 hours ago, HardcoreHunter said:

It really wasn't very good. It felt like it should have been a made for tv thing like a goosebumps or are you afraid of the dark episode.  Also del toro's mexican self insert Gary Stu was a horrible character. I really don't get why they made him a draft dodger. The fact that he was mexican born in america and a draft dodger made it feel worse. I just really wanted to see the character get killed/spirited away. The bully was too much of a psychopath. I assume they went that route because IT did that. It just comes off as lazy writing to make a character with zero redeeming qualities. His whole arc was just a lazy comeuppance story. The issue is that a good comeuppance death has a lesson to be learned. There was no moral or lesson to this; he was an asshole that was creeped out by a scarecrow that was it. Also I hate when films start on halloween then the bulk of shit happens in November. Have shit start prior to halloween and it hit its climax by halloween, it's not a hard thing to do. Though this is Toro and Day of the dead lasts from the 31st-2nd, so I assume that is what he was going for, despite it lasting well past the 2nd of nov. 

I agree with all of this. This movie seemed like it meshed all of it's elements from previous movies, into one. When the bully met his demise, I was under-whelmed to say the least. I didn't care for the whole draft dodger angle either, as it did nothing for the story at all. He got on the bus to enlist in the army at the end? OK. Cool story, bro. And the girl who started the whole shit show, well, nothing happened to her. But everyone else paid the price. I didn't care for the fact that she said there would be a way to bring them all back, hinting at a sequel. Nah. Don't make a part 2. We had this whole angle about the mom leaving, never to touch on why. There were just too many non-working elements in this movie. 

On 11/7/2019 at 8:03 AM, midnight said:

The Nightmare Before Christmas 4/10.

Hocus Pocus 4/10.

Wooooooow...you do suck. :frankensmiley::P

Upgrade 8/10
Overlord 8/10
Robocop 10/10

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Posted (edited)

Hellboy (reboot) 5/10 (I like the original two way better, but it was still okay.)

X-Men Dark Phoenix 3/10 (Not as bad as I thought it would be, but given how it bombed at the box office and I expected it would be a complete train wreck, heh heh sorta like the one in the movie, that's not saying much. Glad Marvel's got the rights back now at least and that the next X-Men movie will be coming from them.)

MIB International 8/10

Pokemon Detective Pikachu 9/10 (Not a pokemon fan, but I really enjoyed it nonetheless.)

Frozen II 10/10 (I liked the original, but wasn't nearly as crazy about it as lot of other folks seem to be, but I loved this one. Was definitely worth the wait.)

Edited by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

Rashomon -  10/10

Set up my account for Kanopy and started my dive into the Criterion Collection movies I've missed with Rashomon a couple weeks back. It really goes to show how some older films can take a basic concept like having a group of people recall a particular crime and turn it into an engaging and intriguing experience. I'm still reflecting on the different perspectives of the crime and comparing/contrasting each point-of-view, thinking about which parts of each story are unreliable and why.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The Rise of Skywalker 7.8/10

I enjoyed it better then the last jedi. Yes there are issues with it I agree  but I don't t think they were so big people would actually be freaking out over them calling it a terrible movie . I think they did their best to try and tie in the last jedi and give it an proper enough send off. 


Once Upon A Time in Hollywood 8/10

Not one of Tarantino's strongest movies but still good enough to keep me entertained. Everyone was great in this but Brad Pitt really stood out. That last scene was glorious tho 


Sweet Virginia 7/10 - The movie was entertaining and well acted but ended up being very predictable in the end. Kept waiting for some loop to throw me and it never happened.

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