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I said back in 2017 that Donald Trump was going to get indicted for SOMETHING. This was right after I realized he is more than just a racist, neo-fascist asshole (which I knew he was since I heard him announce he was running for president).

He's an actual criminal, and that can be proven in a court of law. 

This was after I heard the story of him, as president, pressuring FBI Director James Comey to stop some investigations. 

I remember after saying "Trump's going to be indicted and go to prison" I got pushback from Trump supporters but also progressives who thought it wouldn't happen. 

12 minutes ago, SwimOdin said:

Shocked he didn’t raise a call to violence, but perhaps he’d listening  to his lawyers for once

They gave him a Fischer Price phone for the serious tweets & keep telling him the 'MOO' sound when he pushes the cow button means the tweet was sent.

  • Haha 3

If I remember the story correctly, the FBI was investigating Russia's interference in the 2016 election in late 2016-early 2017, and suspicion fell on Michael Flynn, Trump campaign advisor and then National Security Adviser. 

About a month after Trump was inaugurated, Trump called Comey to the Oval Office and told him to stop investigating Flynn.

1) Trump was in office JUST A MONTH before he committed a crime.

2) The President of the United States is not supposed to interact with the FBI Director. 

3) The President is not supposed to even comment on pending criminal investigations, much less order law enforcement to do things. 

Me after hearing this: "Yeah, Trump definitely just committed a crime." And then I tried to explain that to others, and I sounded like a crazy person to them.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Icarus27k said:

If I remember the story correctly, the FBI was investigating Russia's interference in the 2016 election in late 2016-early 2017, and suspicion fell on Michael Flynn, Trump campaign advisor and then National Security Adviser. 

About a month after Trump was inaugurated, Trump called Comey to the Oval Office and told him to stop investigating Flynn.

1) Trump was in office JUST A MONTH before he committed a crime.

2) The President of the United States is not supposed to interact with the FBI Director. 

3) The President is not supposed to even comment on pending criminal investigations, much less order law enforcement to do things. 

Me after hearing this: "Yeah, Trump definitely just committed a crime." And then I tried to explain that to others, and I sounded like a crazy person to them.

Mmmmm There's actually so many federal statutes... Trump did manage to challenge if not break....or as some might say (allegedly) over half of them...

SMH. I think it's important to remember what he IS being indicted for at this point... It's not for breaking federal statutes. It's for "paying hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels for services performed'....That apparently required his business execs to jump through extraordinary hoops to cover up etc.


Edited by PhilosipherStoned
Posted (edited)

I'm obviously out of my league talking about federal law, and just even a former president getting indicted so soon after office... It's one of the only bullet points you give Trump amongst his predicessors lol. but heres LE.... His credentials are more than in check if you ask me if I'm rating youtube lawyers/keyboard law scholars.

Doubling down even...


Edited by PhilosipherStoned
So yeah several federal statutes broken according to LE. Experts stil SMH over the actual 'book' to be thrown at Trump however..
Posted (edited)

Fuck man the indictment is just over the Stormy Daniels thing like I said initially to my knowledge, but OP is apparently right. Orange man has so many seperate legal cases built up at this point my head is spinning.. LE is kind of covering all of them.



Edited by PhilosipherStoned
Posted (edited)

Possible (just my prediction): Cowardly Trump may accept a plea agreement with D.A. Alvin Bragg. 

Don't be surprised if it happens. 

Trump may even start doing things like showing up in court with a walker to look frail, in a Harvey Weinstein kind of way. 

Edited by Icarus27k
4 hours ago, Seight said:

I cannot wait for him to be put in a situation where lying actually gets him in trouble.

I'm looking forward to the judge asserting dominance whenever he refuses to shut the fuck up.

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)

Well, he did it. I didn't think the DA was dumb enough to try this but he is.  I would say to people celebrating to enjoy it while you can because this has backfire written all over it. Ill get to the political fallout in a bit, but first the case itself.

The case itself is going nowhere fast. Ive said it previously that the basis of the case is flimsy at best. Its entirely unchallenged legal territory thats going to rely on a known liar to be a central witness. It also involves a "crime" that has already passed the statute of limitations.

"Pyramiding two transgressions of state rules to go after a federal candidate is legally plausible. But the strategy is also novel, and courts may regard it with skepticism. What’s more, the potential campaign finance charge itself is shaky. When federal prosecutors charged former senator John Edwards (D-N.C.) with a similar crime following his 2008 presidential run, he rebutted the accusation by arguing he was trying to disguise his faithlessness from his wife rather than from the voting public. The trial ended in acquittal on one count and a hung jury on others — at which point the Justice Department dropped the charges."


No unbiased jury will convict Trump on these charges. Trumps lawyer will very likely file two motions immediately, one to dismiss and one to change venue. Trump wont be able to get a fair trial in NYC for fairly obvious reasons so if it isn't dismissed outright it will likely be moved. The fact that its 34 charges also points to just how weak the charges are. This screams "Throw everything and hope to god something sticks". Odds are that they split each individual payment up into separate charges to try and make it look worse than it really is. It grabs all sorts of headlines, but its paper thin at best when looked at critically.

Its entirely a Witch Hunt designed to get the Bad Orange Man, and everyone knows it.

Its just OK to do because its Bad Orange Man.

This is going to blow up in the prosecutors face, and likely take other cases with it. Once Trump is cleared of these charges any future charges are immediately stained as political. This is an absolutely massive miscalculation by people trying to get rid of Trump when there are far better cases working their way through the system in Georgia. "They tried to take me out in NYC and didnt, now another partisan prosecutor is trying to do the same!" he will scream.

Everyone should also look for Republican DAs across the country to start to look for ways to charge Democrat politicians with crimes. Its absolutely going to happen, it will be as made up as this case, and it will just further escalate the divide. When one side does something, the other always responds. This is no different. Someone in Texas or Florida is probably looking for any possible way to bring charges against Democrats. Hunter Biden is going to become a very interesting target for DAs who may want to go at Biden without doing it directly.

Politically, this is going to backfire in a major way. Trump very likely just sealed up the GOP nomination and is probably the front runner in 24 for a rematch with Biden. The GOP was set to have a brutal civil war in the primary pitting hardcore MAGA types against more moderate Republicans who were pushing for DeSantis or Youngkin. Now Trump has become a martyr and will solidify the base. I would expect him to have record hauls of fundraising over the next few days as he milks this for everything its worth. When he is cleared of these charges he will parade it through every single GOP event. "They tried to take me out and failed because they are scared of me". It will be a brutally effective weapon to wield in the GOP primary.

For 2024 it also probably puts him ahead of Biden. A lot of people tend to forge that one of the biggest reasons Trump lost wasnt because he had fewer voters, he didnt he actually increased his vote total, but a significant amount of Republican voters didnt vote for him. It was just enough to flip key states and give Biden the win. Now? Now thats gone. Hes a martyr. Those people who were turned off will return to him and likely be enough to put him over the top against a flagging Biden.

The odds that Trump wins in 2024 have gone up after this indictment, not down. It may feel good now because Bad Orange Man is indicted, but this entire thing screams backfire. Everyone seems to have forgotten the single biggest rule, Don't Feed The Troll. And Trump is the biggest Troll around.

Edited by Master-Debater131

Fact check: has the statute of limitations run out on the alleged crimes that New York can charge Trump with?

New York has broad statute of limitations on most crimes. A misdemeanor is 2 years and a felony is 5 years, with the exception of violent crimes. Another exception is if a potential defendant has been out of state and thusly making it difficult for New York law enforcement to pursue him. 

Beginning in 2017, Trump spent most of his time in Washington DC and in 2019, changed his official residence to Florida. Meaning beginning in 2017 or 2019 (a court will decide), the statute of limitations is paused. 



Trump can try that argument, and see how much of a defense it is.

  • Thanks 2
34 minutes ago, Master-Debater131 said:

Well, he did it. I didn't think the DA was dumb enough to try this but he is.  I would say to people celebrating to enjoy it while you can because this has backfire written all over it. Ill get to the political fallout in a bit, but first the case itself.

The case itself is going nowhere fast. Ive said it previously that the basis of the case is flimsy at best. Its entirely unchallenged legal territory thats going to rely on a known liar to be a central witness. It also involves a "crime" that has already passed the statute of limitations.

"Pyramiding two transgressions of state rules to go after a federal candidate is legally plausible. But the strategy is also novel, and courts may regard it with skepticism. What’s more, the potential campaign finance charge itself is shaky. When federal prosecutors charged former senator John Edwards (D-N.C.) with a similar crime following his 2008 presidential run, he rebutted the accusation by arguing he was trying to disguise his faithlessness from his wife rather than from the voting public. The trial ended in acquittal on one count and a hung jury on others — at which point the Justice Department dropped the charges."


No unbiased jury will convict Trump on these charges. Trumps lawyer will very likely file two motions immediately, one to dismiss and one to change venue. Trump wont be able to get a fair trial in NYC for fairly obvious reasons so if it isn't dismissed outright it will likely be moved. The fact that its 34 charges also points to just how weak the charges are. This screams "Throw everything and hope to god something sticks". Odds are that they split each individual payment up into separate charges to try and make it look worse than it really is. It grabs all sorts of headlines, but its paper thin at best when looked at critically.

Its entirely a Witch Hunt designed to get the Bad Orange Man, and everyone knows it.

Its just OK to do because its Bad Orange Man.

This is going to blow up in the prosecutors face, and likely take other cases with it. Once Trump is cleared of these charges any future charges are immediately stained as political. This is an absolutely massive miscalculation by people trying to get rid of Trump when there are far better cases working their way through the system in Georgia. "They tried to take me out in NYC and didnt, now another partisan prosecutor is trying to do the same!" he will scream.

Everyone should also look for Republican DAs across the country to start to look for ways to charge Democrat politicians with crimes. Its absolutely going to happen, it will be as made up as this case, and it will just further escalate the divide. When one side does something, the other always responds. This is no different. Someone in Texas or Florida is probably looking for any possible way to bring charges against Democrats. Hunter Biden is going to become a very interesting target for DAs who may want to go at Biden without doing it directly.

Politically, this is going to backfire in a major way. Trump very likely just sealed up the GOP nomination and is probably the front runner in 24 for a rematch with Biden. The GOP was set to have a brutal civil war in the primary pitting hardcore MAGA types against more moderate Republicans who were pushing for DeSantis or Youngkin. Now Trump has become a martyr and will solidify the base. I would expect him to have record hauls of fundraising over the next few days as he milks this for everything its worth. When he is cleared of these charges he will parade it through every single GOP event. "They tried to take me out and failed because they are scared of me". It will be a brutally effective weapon to wield in the GOP primary.

For 2024 it also probably puts him ahead of Biden. A lot of people tend to forge that one of the biggest reasons Trump lost wasnt because he had fewer voters, he didnt he actually increased his vote total, but a significant amount of Republican voters didnt vote for him. It was just enough to flip key states and give Biden the win. Now? Now thats gone. Hes a martyr. Those people who were turned off will return to him and likely be enough to put him over the top against a flagging Biden.

The odds that Trump wins in 2024 have gone up after this indictment, not down. It may feel good now because Bad Orange Man is indicted, but this entire thing screams backfire. Everyone seems to have forgotten the single biggest rule, Don't Feed The Troll. And Trump is the biggest Troll around.

Yes, because the legal system totally works like, "Well, that one lawsuit for a real crime didn't work so I guess we can't charge for any other crimes because it looks bad to the public."

Our justice system isn't a popularity contest. Our justice system should not be a popularity contest. Lawyers, at least not legitimate ones with multiple functioning braincells, don't drop charges based on political maneuvers. They don't press charges on political maneuvers.

So, like, shut up scoob.

  • Thanks 2

A lot of Trump's defense centers on the logic "the whole damn justice system is corrupt". You see it intellectualized in the claim that Trump can't get a fair trial in NYC. 

If you know someone who has ever went to prison, you know that every defendant thinks the whole system is corrupt. 

Prosecutors don't bring criminal cases simply out of spite. Grand juries don't indict without evidence. If they try, the case will be thrown out. 

If Trump wants to make the case to a judge that he is an innocent victim of a witch hunt, he should try it. But judges have heard it argued before. 

  • Like 1

It's too premature to speculate, given we don't even know what any of the details are yet, but I'ma say my mindset is that it improves his odds of winning the primary (as long as he's not convicted first) because even his adversaries feel compelled to circle the wagons.

But I think it increases the odds that he loses a general (should he get that far), and by higher margins. Biden's mediocre numbers have been fairly stable and independents probably won't buy the claim that it's a pure political witch hunt with no merit and it'll be 2022 redux.

ALL THAT BEING SAID, any of this could or will change based on what comes out Tuesday.

  • Like 2
8 minutes ago, naraku360 said:

Yes, because the legal system totally works like, "Well, that one lawsuit for a real crime didn't work so I guess we can't charge for any other crimes because it looks bad to the public."

Our justice system isn't a popularity contest. Our justice system should not be a popularity contest. Lawyers, at least not legitimate ones with multiple functioning braincells, don't drop charges based on political maneuvers. They don't press charges on political maneuvers.

So, like, shut up scoob.

Damn, I got "Shut up scoob"ed. I'm going to have to go sit in the corner by myself for a bit after that. Gotta think about things....

Im not arguing that thats how the legal system works. If Trump committed a crime in GA he can still be charged. The problem is that its going to become just that much more difficult to get a conviction. This entire country is aware of this case now, so if he is acquitted or the charges are simply dropped then everyone will know that. Now take that and try and find a Jury in Georgia that isnt going to be influenced by that fact. Good luck.

The rich and powerful have always had a second legal system and rules they get to play by. This is that on steroids. By taking a shot at Trump and failing it just feeds the narrative that any future charges are just them trying to take him out. Does that matter for the justice system? To an extent, but where it really matters is with public opinion and potential jurors.

Just now, Raptorpat said:

It's too premature to speculate, given we don't even know what any of the details are yet, but I'ma say my mindset is that it improves his odds of winning the primary (as long as he's not convicted first) because even his adversaries feel compelled to circle the wagons.

But I think it increases the odds that he loses a general (should he get that far), and by higher margins. Biden's mediocre numbers have been fairly stable and independents probably won't buy the claim that it's a pure political witch hunt with no merit and it'll be 2022 redux.

ALL THAT BEING SAID, any of this could or will change based on what comes out Tuesday.

Its probably too early to predict 2024 but I do think that this increases his odds. A lot can change, but as things currently stand Biden isnt exactly bring about a ton of enthusiasm for a 2nd run. More and more people dont want him, or Trump, to run in 2024 including a sizeable portion of the Democratic base. Will they return if its Biden vs Trump? Oh you bet they will. But that might not be enough to get Biden over the top if inflation remains high and people continue to have a poor outlook on the economy. Covid was a bit of a deus ex machina for Biden last time, he wont have it this time. Hes going to have to campaign, debate, and show up to answer questions about his administration. Trump can sit back and attack how much more expensive things are, worse wages are, worse the economy is, and so on. Thats going to be tough for Biden to fight back on.

I would say this, if it is Trump v Biden 2.0 then the Trump campaign will be a decent amount of grievance campaign but a majority economy campaign while Biden will focus on Trumps character. Neither side will talk about the same issues. They'll just talk past each other hoping that one message resonates better than the other.

15 minutes ago, Master-Debater131 said:

But that might not be enough to get Biden over the top if inflation remains high and people continue to have a poor outlook on the economy.

Inflation wasn't determinative in 2022 and the other issues that competed with it (eg. abortion and extremism) remain factors.

But when inflation/economics is determinative it is because of the trend (are we going up or down?) and not the real inflation of the moment. That it's easing is probably enough to neutralize it (and again, it wasn't determinative in 2022).

17 minutes ago, Master-Debater131 said:

Neither side will talk about the same issues. They'll just talk past each other hoping that one message resonates better than the other.

This is true. But as 2022 showed, the GOP preaching to the choir via friendly media outlets created a disproportionate echo chamber. And 2022 showed that independents weren't buying into it (independents nearly handed Dems the House, if only more actual Dem voters hadn't stayed home).

I don't see Trump changing from that trajectory and given all we've seen from the Dominion case, I don't see conservative media focusing on improving their credibility and broadening their viewership so much as they are continuing to wage war over their existing (also shrinking) audience base.

  • Like 2
30 minutes ago, Master-Debater131 said:

Damn, I got "Shut up scoob"ed. I'm going to have to go sit in the corner by myself for a bit after that. Gotta think about things....

Im not arguing that thats how the legal system works. If Trump committed a crime in GA he can still be charged. The problem is that its going to become just that much more difficult to get a conviction. This entire country is aware of this case now, so if he is acquitted or the charges are simply dropped then everyone will know that. Now take that and try and find a Jury in Georgia that isnt going to be influenced by that fact. Good luck.

The rich and powerful have always had a second legal system and rules they get to play by. This is that on steroids. By taking a shot at Trump and failing it just feeds the narrative that any future charges are just them trying to take him out. Does that matter for the justice system? To an extent, but where it really matters is with public opinion and potential jurors.

None of that matters to making a decision on whether or not to indict and reflects nothing about the prosecutor's intelligience. What matters is evidence.

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, Raptorpat said:

Inflation wasn't determinative in 2022 and the other issues that competed with it (eg. abortion and extremism) remain factors.

But when inflation/economics is determinative it is because of the trend (are we going up or down?) and not the real inflation of the moment. That it's easing is probably enough to neutralize it (and again, it wasn't determinative in 2022).

This is true. But as 2022 showed, the GOP preaching to the choir via friendly media outlets created a disproportionate echo chamber. And 2022 showed that independents weren't buying into it (independents nearly handed Dems the House, if only more actual Dem voters hadn't stayed home).

I don't see Trump changing from that trajectory and given all we've seen from the Dominion case, I don't see conservative media focusing on improving their credibility and broadening their viewership so much as they are continuing to wage war over their existing (also shrinking) audience base.

Abortion might be an issue in 2024, but it wont be as fresh in peoples memories as it was in 22. It also has the potential to be highly localized and personalized. If people look around and think "Things haven't really changed all that much" then it wont be an issue for them. It was a much bigger issue in 22 because of how much unknown there was, now the dust has started to settle and a lot of people might not notice things being different. Inflation will be easier for people to understand in 24 than in 22 as well. Trump can run adds saying "Eggs were $3 when I left office, now they are $9". And he can do that over and over again on all sorts of items. Thats going to be tough to fight against.

The other thing that helped mitigate GOP gains in 22 was the god awful candidates they nominated. I noted it many times that PA and GA absolutely would have flipped if the GOP didn't nominate some of the worst candidates to ever be up for election. Will that happen in 24? Maybe. The GOP does have a staggering ability to nominate some of the biggest morons possible. But if they actually learn a lesson and nominate people who are even remotely competent they should flip the Senate with seats to spare. The may is extremely GOP favorable in 24.

2 years is a long way to go, and an absolute eternity in politics. So who knows.

1 hour ago, Raptorpat said:

It's too premature to speculate, given we don't even know what any of the details are yet, but I'ma say my mindset is that it improves his odds of winning the primary (as long as he's not convicted first) because even his adversaries feel compelled to circle the wagons.

But I think it increases the odds that he loses a general (should he get that far), and by higher margins. Biden's mediocre numbers have been fairly stable and independents probably won't buy the claim that it's a pure political witch hunt with no merit and it'll be 2022 redux.

ALL THAT BEING SAID, any of this could or will change based on what comes out Tuesday.

This.  The fact of the matter is Trump lost an election and lost two popular votes; he’s not gaining supporters by getting rung up on charges.  But, the charges (or more correctly, the spineless sycophantic responses by his challengers) do benefit him in the primaries because he can use it to galvanize his hardcore base against his generally toothless opposition.  

  • Like 4
Posted (edited)

I hear the following claim being made by Trump defenders. It's silly. The federal Justice Department did not pursue this case because they did not pursue ANY criminal case against Trump while he was in office. It's the stated position of DoJ a sitting president can't be indicted. The idea that that  arbitrary policy says something about the merits of a case now being brought against Trump is ludicrous.


Edited by Icarus27k
  • Like 1
14 hours ago, Icarus27k said:

Also, don't be surprised if an annoyed judge slaps a gag order on Trump to keep him from talking about the case, basically nipping this stuff in the bud. 

Right now, Drumpf has two options that you know he is weighing heavily in-between angry-binging burgers - stick around and attempt to empty as many MAGAt wallets as he possibly can while risking much worse charges going through/getting dragged to jail or grab whatever money he has holed away already and run to someplace like Saudi Arabia 'to supervise on his latest golf course' [ aka no extradition ]. 

4 hours ago, viperxmns said:

heh stormy

is she the hero we needed? perhaps

Real-life Striperella apparently. :D:D:D 

4 hours ago, Master-Debater131 said:

Well, he did it. I didn't think the DA was dumb enough to try this but he is.  I would say to people celebrating to enjoy it while you can because this has backfire written all over it. Ill get to the political fallout in a bit, but first the case itself.

The case itself is going nowhere fast. Ive said it previously that the basis of the case is flimsy at best. Its entirely unchallenged legal territory thats going to rely on a known liar to be a central witness. It also involves a "crime" that has already passed the statute of limitations.

Would you like to elaborate on who the known liar is and what they lied about? 

  • Like 1
5 hours ago, Master-Debater131 said:


No unbiased jury will convict Trump on these charges. Trumps lawyer will very likely file two motions immediately, one to dismiss and one to change venue.  


Speaking of Trump's lawyer, his name is Joe Tacopina and he admitted that Trump committed a crime by paying Stormy hush money. He admitted on national television. If the unbiased jury feels the same way as Trump's defense attorney, they will convict Trump. 

Posted (edited)

Me debunking a couple of defenses of Trump (from the same people who thought the grand jury wasn't going to indict because some anonymous source said they were going on vacation for a month):

I can guarantee a D.A. quadruple checked whether the charges he was bringing were within the statute of limitations and that some of the charges meet the standard of felony. 


"They are really misdemeanors, and they are out of the statute of limitations." Lol, no. 

Edited by Icarus27k
Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, Master-Debater131 said:

Now Trump has become a martyr and will solidify the base. I would expect him to have record hauls of fundraising over the next few days as he milks this for everything its worth.

Damn I'm good. It doesnt beat his own personal record, but thats a huge chunk of cash to pull in in a short time, and a large chunk of it is from first time donors as well. His support may truly be growing.

Trump raises $4 million toward presidential campaign in 24 hours after indictment


Former President Donald Trump raised more than $4 million toward his presidential run in the 24 hours since he was indicted by a Manhattan grand jury, his campaign announced Friday. 

“This incredible surge of grassroots contributions confirms that the American people see the indictment of President Trump as a disgraceful weaponization of our justice system by a Soros-funded prosecutor,” a press release from the former president’s campaign read. 

The campaign noted that more than 25% of the donations came from first-time Trump donors, and the average contribution was $34.

Edited by Master-Debater131
23 hours ago, Raptorpat said:

I read that the Secret Service has put some restrictions on what they will allow to happen when he shows up. He wont be Handcuffed and he will have relatively freedom of movement. They wont let him be put in any sort of isolated cell, but they wont let him be in a cell with others either. They have to be able to move him at a moments notice due to standard Secret Service policies. Hes still the former President so they have to make special precautions, and the local DA doesnt really have a choice in that matter. If the Secret Service needs to move him, they will move him.

The key moment will be the mugshot. It will be the single most viral image ever, and it will be on Trump merchandise within hours of it being released. Trump is going to make so much money off of that mugshot. He knows how to market and merchandise, and this isn't going to be an exception. I'm expecting shirts, hats, flags, and even mugs for the irony to be made and shipped out quickly. Its going to turn into a massive windfall for him.

18 hours ago, katt_goddess said:

Right now, Drumpf has two options that you know he is weighing heavily in-between angry-binging burgers - stick around and attempt to empty as many MAGAt wallets as he possibly can while risking much worse charges going through/getting dragged to jail 


Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Top Gun said:

So what you're saying is that large chunks of our country are mentally disabled. Is this supposed to be news?

Let her have this, she's really having a great time stating the obvious.  Trump has controlled, albeit in the most hilarious way possible, the narrative to this entire thing...of course his loyal dipshits are just waiting to bless this idiot with more cash...frankly, I'm extremely fine with him raping his constituents 

Edited by André Toulon
  • Like 2
2 hours ago, Master-Debater131 said:

Damn I'm good. It doesnt beat his own personal record, but thats a huge chunk of cash to pull in in a short time, and a large chunk of it is from first time donors as well. His support may truly be growing.

Trump raises $4 million toward presidential campaign in 24 hours after indictment


Former President Donald Trump raised more than $4 million toward his presidential run in the 24 hours since he was indicted by a Manhattan grand jury, his campaign announced Friday. 

“This incredible surge of grassroots contributions confirms that the American people see the indictment of President Trump as a disgraceful weaponization of our justice system by a Soros-funded prosecutor,” a press release from the former president’s campaign read. 

The campaign noted that more than 25% of the donations came from first-time Trump donors, and the average contribution was $34.


Screen_Shot_2018-10-25_at_11.02.15_AM (1).png

  • Haha 3

So, part of the charges are related to mishandling campaign funds, and his fan-club's response is to.... give him more money?

That's some advanced stupid right there.

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 4
18 minutes ago, rpgamer said:

So, part of the charges are related to mishandling campaign funds, and his fan-club's response is to.... give him more money?

That's some advanced stupid right there.

Also, just accepting as true anything said in a Trump press release. 

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