resurrected Posted July 9, 2020 Author Posted July 9, 2020 36 minutes ago, Still Me said: Neither But what if the afterlife is an endless BBQ buffet?
HardcoreHunter Posted July 9, 2020 Posted July 9, 2020 34 minutes ago, resurrected said: They say spirits, evil spirits, can have negative impacts on the people inhabiting their spaces. Like George Lutz of Amityville Horror fame. Negative spirits feed off the negative person and manipulate them to do their deeds. That's what it sounds like with the cop. Or he could have just been an asshole. The others could have been nice people and were just tormented by the evil spirit, to the point they left in a hurry. I have heard of people just leaving their stuff behind and hitting the road. She was always nice to me growing up. Little girl wore a cloak had burns on her body. My great grandmother told me that she was one of her friends as a child. One of the farm hands children. Back then you would clean clothes by putting them in a Cauldron of hot water and moving it with a stick. She was on a box to do this, lost her balance went to grab the cauldron and poured boiling water over herself and later died. Still have that Cauldron in the yard. Funny enough nobody has tried stealing considering it's solid copper despite not looking it from the age. So I don't know if she was nice with us because she was friends with my great grandma, or if she's just pissed because they cut down her apple trees to put in a town house. I planted some more apple trees for her, but I haven't seen her down there yet. Also I don't know where they put her body. We used to have a family grave in the woods but the bodies were moved years ago. I guess it's possible that hers was missed, or they may have had her unmarked. But yeah it's a hell of a scene sometimes when people move out. The person being carried out on a stretcher screaming was the most oh damn moment. I kinda want to tell the people who live there what's up, but at the same time I don't want to be like hey your house is haunted fyi. Hope that isn't going to ruin your day or anything. I mean hell my house has been haunted for as long as I have been here. When you live around it you just kinda grow accustom to it. Seeing ghosts walk through the woods used to be a normal thing, now there's just town homes. Long while back there was some sort of conflict with natives. Used to find arrowheads, and my grandma would take them off of us and throw them down into the creek. Also two union soldiers that we would run into in the woods that would tell us it isn't safe for use to be out there and to go home. You'd also hear natives chanting down by the creek sometimes. The only other thing I can think of were a couple of servants died while my great great grandfather was in the city. Papers I found said it was a methane leak.
HardcoreHunter Posted July 9, 2020 Posted July 9, 2020 7 minutes ago, Distortedreasoning said: sure. get to die and see all my family. What if they went to hell
Distortedreasoning Posted July 9, 2020 Posted July 9, 2020 15 minutes ago, HardcoreHunter said: What if they went to hell then i could see them from heaven? or maybe i see them in hell?
Poof Posted July 9, 2020 Posted July 9, 2020 8 hours ago, resurrected said: I don't know how it's all going to play out when that moment comes. I am haunted, almost on a nightly basis, by the same dream. Been having it for years now. And it always picks up where I left off the night before. In the same haunted mansion. I'm constantly discovering new areas of the mansion with new horrors in every room. Doors slamming shut on their own is the scariest part to me. Not so much the ghosts, but those damn doors, which carry over into the real world. Door are scary as hell to me. I am rambling, but I just don't know what any of it means, and why I've been dreaming this continuous story for so long. An epic reccuring nightmare. That's big time. Most dreams contain messages that serve to teach you something about yourself. However, soon after you wake up to go about your daily routine, you tend to quickly forget what you dream about. The message in recurring dreams may be so important and/or powerful that it refuses to go away. The frequent repetition of such dreams forces you to pay attention and confront the dream. It is desperately trying to tell you something. Such dreams are often nightmarish or frightening in their content, which also helps you to take notice and pay attention to them. Recurring dreams are quite common and are often triggered by a certain life situation, transitional phase in life or a problem that keeps coming back again and again. These dreams may recur daily, once a week, or once a month. Whatever the frequency, there is little variation in the dream content itself. Such dreams may be highlighting a personal weakness, fear, or your inability to cope with something in your life - past or present. The repetitive patterns in your dream reveal some of the most valuable information about yourself. It may point to a conflict, situation or matter in your waking life that remains unresolved or unsettled. Some urgent underlying message in your unconscious is demanding to be understood. Once you find a resolution to the problem, your recurring dreams will cease. Overcoming Recurring Dreams Following are some tips to help you in overcoming your recurring dreams. 1. To start to understand your recurring dream, you must be willing to accept some sort of change or undergo a transformation. 2. You need to look within yourself and confront whatever you may find no matter how difficult it may be. 3. Look at the dream from an objective point of view. Try to get pass the emotional and reactive elements of the dream and get down to the symbolic images. Often times, dreams are masked by elements that are disturbing, thus preventing you to delve any deeper. This is a defense mechanism that your unconscious is putting up. 4. Each and every time you have a recurring dream, write it down in great detail. Look for any subtle variations. These variations are the most significant as it indicates that you are one step closer to understanding why the dream recurs. 5. Pay attention to what is going on in your waking life when you have these recurring dreams. You may start to notice a pattern. 6. Be patient. Do not get discourage if these dreams still recur even after you thought you have come to understand them. 7. Learn to accept yourself truly and fully. Once you discover what your recurring dream is trying to tell you, these dreams will change or altogether disappear. Now your symbols: Haunted House To dream of a haunted house signifies unfinished emotional business related to your childhood family, dead relatives, or repressed memories and feelings. Haunted To dream that you are being haunted indicates early unpleasant traumas and repressed feelings or memories. You are experiencing some fear or guilt about your past activities and thoughts. Mansion To see a mansion in your dream symbolizes your greatest potential and growth. You may feel that your current situation or relationship is in a rut. Explore To dream that you are exploring new areas indicates self-discovery. You need to start looking within yourself to discover aspects of your own character and find out what drives you. Horror To dream that you are in horror over something symbolizes genuine fear and parallels your waking feelings of horror. Alternatively, dreaming of horrific things implies that you are numb by the things around you. You are becoming too indifferent. Door To dream that you are entering through a door signifies new opportunities that are presented before you. You are entering into a new stage in your life and moving from one level of consciousness to another. In particular, a door that opens to the outside signifies your need to be more accessible to others, whereas a door that opens into the inside, denotes your desire for inner exploration and self-discovery. To see an opened door in your dream symbolizes your receptiveness and willingness to accept new ideas/concepts. In particular, to see a light behind the door suggests that you are moving toward greater enlightenment/spirituality. To dream that the door is closed or locked signifies opportunities that are denied and not available to you or that you have missed out on. Something or someone is blocking your progress. It also symbolizes the ending of a phase or project. In particular, if you are outside the locked door, then it suggests that you have anti-social tendencies. If you are inside the locked door, then it represents harsh lessons that need to be learned. Loud To hear something or someone loud in your dream indicates that there is something in your waking life that is in need of your attention. Alternatively, the loudness in your dream may be a way for you to divert attention from something else. You are hiding from something. Poltergeist To see or hear a poltergeist in your dream signifies a lack of control in your life. You are experiencing some disruptions that are hindering your goals. Scared To dream that you are scared indicates that you are experiencing feelings of self-doubt, incompetence, and lack of control in your waking life. Perhaps you are having second thoughts about a decision you have made. Anger often masquerades as fear, so also consider issues about which you are angry about in your waking life. Ghost To see a ghost in your dream represents something that is no longer obtainable or within reach. It indicates that you are feeling disconnected from life and society. Try to figure out what the ghost wants or what it is looking for. The dream may also be a calling for you to move on and abandon your outdated modes of thinking and behavior. To dream that ghosts are trying to kill you implies that you are ready to confront your past and your repressed emotions, despite how painful it may be. You are ready to move forward with your life and leave the past behind. If a ghost is choking you in your dream, then it means that some past situation is preventing you from fully expressing yourself. Dreaming that you are being stalked or haunted by a ghost indicates that you are refusing to confront issues from your past which is affecting your present life. If you can remember any other details about the dream. Like the type of rooms these are. Types of ghosts and what they're doing. Colors. Especially if any of the doors have colors. Do you start in the mansion? Do you ever see the outside or any windows? And how you interact w/these doors I'm curious about. And anything that might be a symbol that you didn't mention yet. Basically anything and everything about the dream and what happens. There's a lot in what you told me already. This is a major dream, but I'm already seeing a theme I think. If you elaborate and tell me more details, we can pinpoint the dream's meaning. Ultimately, it's your dream and your life. It's always the dreamer who figures out the true meaning. The interpreter just puts together the possible themes and explains the relationships between the symbols and what they probably mean. 1
HardcoreHunter Posted July 9, 2020 Posted July 9, 2020 I rarely dream. I do remember one fucked up ghost dream I had years back though. Fell asleep on the couch. Opened my eyes but sleep paralysis couldn't move anything but my eyes. Scanned around the room and see a ghost. Pretty much looks like a Japanese ghost all white black hair, but it's holding a knife. It starts walking towards me. Then it hears my brother cough in his room. It turns and walks to the hall. Then it just stands there for what seems like a half hour, before walking down the hall. It comes back though it's covered in blood. It then comes over to me and just stands over me staring at me. It feels like it's just waiting for me to blink. Felt like hours passed, I blink get stabbed and wake up instantly. Body hurts where I was stabbed but no marks. Eyes were blood shot as fuck though so I must have been sleeping with my eyes open.
NNN Posted July 9, 2020 Posted July 9, 2020 10 hours ago, resurrected said: or do you just want to be dead? idc, but i am intrigued by some rare accounts of children remembering their past lives and coercing their parents to investigate to get validation. very rare. i suspect if there is an "afterlife/reincarnation" most people will not remember their past life...or maybe most people do not have the privilege to have one. hope is for the dreamers.
resurrected Posted July 9, 2020 Author Posted July 9, 2020 4 hours ago, Poof said: An epic reccuring nightmare. That's big time. Most dreams contain messages that serve to teach you something about yourself. However, soon after you wake up to go about your daily routine, you tend to quickly forget what you dream about. The message in recurring dreams may be so important and/or powerful that it refuses to go away. The frequent repetition of such dreams forces you to pay attention and confront the dream. It is desperately trying to tell you something. Such dreams are often nightmarish or frightening in their content, which also helps you to take notice and pay attention to them. Recurring dreams are quite common and are often triggered by a certain life situation, transitional phase in life or a problem that keeps coming back again and again. These dreams may recur daily, once a week, or once a month. Whatever the frequency, there is little variation in the dream content itself. Such dreams may be highlighting a personal weakness, fear, or your inability to cope with something in your life - past or present. The repetitive patterns in your dream reveal some of the most valuable information about yourself. It may point to a conflict, situation or matter in your waking life that remains unresolved or unsettled. Some urgent underlying message in your unconscious is demanding to be understood. Once you find a resolution to the problem, your recurring dreams will cease. Overcoming Recurring Dreams Following are some tips to help you in overcoming your recurring dreams. 1. To start to understand your recurring dream, you must be willing to accept some sort of change or undergo a transformation. 2. You need to look within yourself and confront whatever you may find no matter how difficult it may be. 3. Look at the dream from an objective point of view. Try to get pass the emotional and reactive elements of the dream and get down to the symbolic images. Often times, dreams are masked by elements that are disturbing, thus preventing you to delve any deeper. This is a defense mechanism that your unconscious is putting up. 4. Each and every time you have a recurring dream, write it down in great detail. Look for any subtle variations. These variations are the most significant as it indicates that you are one step closer to understanding why the dream recurs. 5. Pay attention to what is going on in your waking life when you have these recurring dreams. You may start to notice a pattern. 6. Be patient. Do not get discourage if these dreams still recur even after you thought you have come to understand them. 7. Learn to accept yourself truly and fully. Once you discover what your recurring dream is trying to tell you, these dreams will change or altogether disappear. Now your symbols: Haunted House To dream of a haunted house signifies unfinished emotional business related to your childhood family, dead relatives, or repressed memories and feelings. Haunted To dream that you are being haunted indicates early unpleasant traumas and repressed feelings or memories. You are experiencing some fear or guilt about your past activities and thoughts. Mansion To see a mansion in your dream symbolizes your greatest potential and growth. You may feel that your current situation or relationship is in a rut. Explore To dream that you are exploring new areas indicates self-discovery. You need to start looking within yourself to discover aspects of your own character and find out what drives you. Horror To dream that you are in horror over something symbolizes genuine fear and parallels your waking feelings of horror. Alternatively, dreaming of horrific things implies that you are numb by the things around you. You are becoming too indifferent. Door To dream that you are entering through a door signifies new opportunities that are presented before you. You are entering into a new stage in your life and moving from one level of consciousness to another. In particular, a door that opens to the outside signifies your need to be more accessible to others, whereas a door that opens into the inside, denotes your desire for inner exploration and self-discovery. To see an opened door in your dream symbolizes your receptiveness and willingness to accept new ideas/concepts. In particular, to see a light behind the door suggests that you are moving toward greater enlightenment/spirituality. To dream that the door is closed or locked signifies opportunities that are denied and not available to you or that you have missed out on. Something or someone is blocking your progress. It also symbolizes the ending of a phase or project. In particular, if you are outside the locked door, then it suggests that you have anti-social tendencies. If you are inside the locked door, then it represents harsh lessons that need to be learned. Loud To hear something or someone loud in your dream indicates that there is something in your waking life that is in need of your attention. Alternatively, the loudness in your dream may be a way for you to divert attention from something else. You are hiding from something. Poltergeist To see or hear a poltergeist in your dream signifies a lack of control in your life. You are experiencing some disruptions that are hindering your goals. Scared To dream that you are scared indicates that you are experiencing feelings of self-doubt, incompetence, and lack of control in your waking life. Perhaps you are having second thoughts about a decision you have made. Anger often masquerades as fear, so also consider issues about which you are angry about in your waking life. Ghost To see a ghost in your dream represents something that is no longer obtainable or within reach. It indicates that you are feeling disconnected from life and society. Try to figure out what the ghost wants or what it is looking for. The dream may also be a calling for you to move on and abandon your outdated modes of thinking and behavior. To dream that ghosts are trying to kill you implies that you are ready to confront your past and your repressed emotions, despite how painful it may be. You are ready to move forward with your life and leave the past behind. If a ghost is choking you in your dream, then it means that some past situation is preventing you from fully expressing yourself. Dreaming that you are being stalked or haunted by a ghost indicates that you are refusing to confront issues from your past which is affecting your present life. If you can remember any other details about the dream. Like the type of rooms these are. Types of ghosts and what they're doing. Colors. Especially if any of the doors have colors. Do you start in the mansion? Do you ever see the outside or any windows? And how you interact w/these doors I'm curious about. And anything that might be a symbol that you didn't mention yet. Basically anything and everything about the dream and what happens. There's a lot in what you told me already. This is a major dream, but I'm already seeing a theme I think. If you elaborate and tell me more details, we can pinpoint the dream's meaning. Ultimately, it's your dream and your life. It's always the dreamer who figures out the true meaning. The interpreter just puts together the possible themes and explains the relationships between the symbols and what they probably mean. Whoa. First. Thanks for all this information. I'm kind of shaky after reading some of it. My grandmother always shows up in my dreams. She passed 7 years ago. We live in her house now. But never experienced anything paranormal in it. But she is always in the dream. I know she is dead, but she's always coming home in the dream, from the graveyard, where she was buried, and is alive again somehow. She comes home in a manner as if someone who had been in the hospital for a long time, finally got to come home and the whole family is here waiting to see her when she arrives. She gets out of the car and just wants to go sit in her chair. She tells us of her experience and what it was like being trapped in a coffin for the last 7 years. There is a path to our house, backdoor specifically, that from the opposite end, you can see the backdoor from. I had a dream many, many years ago that it was night time and I was standing at the other end of the path and saw a figure walk past the door. I still have this dream. I told my grandmother about it before she passed. And to this day, when I walk past that point in our yard, it makes me feel weird. That dream was so vivid. Like my brain picked up on every single detail of the yard. Back to the mansion. The doors are all brown. Matter of fact, most of the mansion is. Some sort of hand crafted hardwood. Stained wood. There is one separate wing of the mansion that is an exact replica of the haunted part, but this part is not haunted. But I get easily confused as to which is the haunted side and which isn't. I always end up on the haunted side, but occasionally end up on the safe side. Long hallways with rooms all the way down on either side. One room in particular scares me the most. It is a mostly empty room. I go inside, knowing the place is haunted, and as soon as I go to leave and renter the hallway after closing the door behind me, the door violently slams open and I am dragged back inside by an unseen force. I try to get the door but it slams shut, trapping me inside. Trying to get to the door from that point is like fighting under water. It takes all your energy and you get nowhere. Like moving in slow motion. I always manage to escape and make my way downstairs to the main floor. I never stay downstairs, and always make my way to the top level, which can only be accessed by climbing on some boxes and reaching an attic type crawl space hole in the ceiling. Once inside, it opens up into a whole other floor. I usually don't remember anything about that part, other than the first glance. I do venture outside of the mansion. I know exactly what the house looks like outside. I will have to find a picture from last year that a friend shared on Facebook. She doesn't know this story, but she was just out randomly and passed this house and snapped a picture. I almost shit myself when I saw it. It was the spitting image of this house. It's creepy looking. The wooden exterior has weathered over the years. I never see the ghosts who haunt this place. Not once. Always an invisible force. I don't know if the spirits are males, females, children, demons, etc. There are, however, other people in the house, who I only see periodically. None are ever in screaming distance of me though. I'm screaming for help to be let out of that room of which the door slammed on me, but no one ever comes. The side of the mansion that is an unhaunted replica, when I am lucky enough to make it there, I am still overwhelmed with anxiety, just because it is identical to the haunted side. I see that same room that scares me. I go inside, and nothing happens. I feel relief. But still anxious. Still wondering if the spirit is just toying with me, and is going to strike at any moment. But so far, that side has remained safe and nothing has ever happened over there. But yeah. This has been an ongoing saga for a long time. I am a very stressed person. Which is why I have taken my frustrations out here before. I deal with a lot of shit on a daily basis in my real life. My grandfather, who was my grandmother that passed away's husband, lives here too. He is an old man with dementia, Alzheimer's, kidney disease, heart condition, and diabetes. He was my world as a kid. But now, he has changed due to all of his illnesses. He's getting to the point where he can't and won't do anything for himself. The past two nights, (I get up to pee a lot during the night) I went to pee at 1 am, both nights, and he was sitting in his recliner in the living room, in the pitch black dark. Scared the hell out of me both times. When it's time for him to eat, he takes anywhere from 1 to 4 hours to eat. That's not an exaggeration. It's a very stressful environment being a 24/7/365 caregiver. I know this shit in my real life has to play some part in these dreams I have every night. I also lost my best friend a couple of months ago. A guy I used to work with before becoming a full time caregiver. He just had a heart attack and died instantly. I was his best man in his wedding a few years ago. That hit like a ton of bricks, especially when I saw his urn at his funeral. I had a massive panic attack. I know that has nothing to do with the dream, since I was having it years before my friend died, but his death definitely added another stress level. Anyways, I'll stop here before I turn this into one of Sponge's novels. Thanks a lot Poof for taking the time and interest in replying. All things considered, with everything happening in the world now, I am trying not to be an asshole anymore. I am trying to remove some stress, even though it's easier said than done.
Still Me Posted July 9, 2020 Posted July 9, 2020 9 hours ago, resurrected said: But what if the afterlife is an endless BBQ buffet? Kinda don’t wanna die
Doom Metal Alchemist Posted July 9, 2020 Posted July 9, 2020 The thought of losing consciousness completely and not even dreaming frightens me. Like what does that feel like? It must not feel like anything. Nothing to feel, nothing to think. I just can't imagine a complete lack of existence and I don't like it.
resurrected Posted July 9, 2020 Author Posted July 9, 2020 1 hour ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said: The thought of losing consciousness completely and not even dreaming frightens me. Like what does that feel like? It must not feel like anything. Nothing to feel, nothing to think. I just can't imagine a complete lack of existence and I don't like it. Same.
resurrected Posted July 9, 2020 Author Posted July 9, 2020 1 hour ago, Still Me said: Kinda don’t wanna die Same.
resurrected Posted July 9, 2020 Author Posted July 9, 2020 6 hours ago, NNN said: idc, but i am intrigued by some rare accounts of children remembering their past lives and coercing their parents to investigate to get validation. very rare. i suspect if there is an "afterlife/reincarnation" most people will not remember their past life...or maybe most people do not have the privilege to have one. hope is for the dreamers. I like this.
Lasty Posted July 9, 2020 Posted July 9, 2020 16 hours ago, resurrected said: You are right. It is out of your control. But it's not a moot inquiry. It is a curiosity that I was hoping would have a measure of morbidness to it. That is where my hopes were failed. Wanna know what's truly morbid? I have showered once in the last, like, six months.
tsar4 Posted July 11, 2020 Posted July 11, 2020 On 7/8/2020 at 4:58 PM, Le Guignon said: I'm an athetist. Every now and then when I've almost died or had to stare my own mortality in the face I get scared. Scared that maybe there is a hell of something similar because I'm definitely going there if there is. Then I realize how stupid I am for even entertaining such ideas and go back to my atrocious life.
lupin_bebop Posted July 12, 2020 Posted July 12, 2020 On 7/8/2020 at 4:07 PM, resurrected said: or do you just want to be dead? Just dead. It helps many things.
cyberbully Posted July 12, 2020 Posted July 12, 2020 I was going to comment, but as the posts became longer and my attention span became shorter, I assume anything I have to say has already been said. I'll just succinctly posit that the textbook idea of heaven and hell is completely broken and full of holes. Heaven sounds like it can really suck is everybody in your crew doesn't make it, and hell is really dropping the ball of eternal damnation of the soul if it's just the feeling of burning forever, which is a physical attribute.....Way to miss a great opportunity. Could have made the torture of the soul something unfathomable....But no, it's really hot and the gnashing of teeth or some shit. As far as what I hope, I hope I already died and my consciousness just picks up where I left off in a different universe....And when the "death" comes along that sticks, I just awaken in a new body, no memories of this life and all the memories in place of whatever random person I plop into.....Meaning right now, you're you, but you're only you because a plethora of other souls co-habitate your being....Seemlessly giving the guise that this is your life, but in reality you're just a product of preconceived memories and a future of will until the cycle repeats and you are none the wiser.
Lasty Posted July 12, 2020 Posted July 12, 2020 I was going to make a parody thread of this, but it didn't play well, and I couldn't come up with an alternative to aftershave...
André Toulon Posted July 12, 2020 Posted July 12, 2020 1 hour ago, Lasty said: I was going to make a parody thread of this, but it didn't play well, and I couldn't come up with an alternative to aftershave... Well, you don't come off as very smart so I can understand your struggles with creativity 2
GunStarHero Posted July 12, 2020 Posted July 12, 2020 Pretty sure I'm just another lame avatar my shitty, ethereal controller is playing. My character will soon be deleted to make room for whatever new playable race/class combo is coming with the next update. 1
RainyDayJizz#35 Posted July 12, 2020 Posted July 12, 2020 On 7/9/2020 at 6:31 AM, Doom Metal Alchemist said: The thought of losing consciousness completely and not even dreaming frightens me. Like what does that feel like? It must not feel like anything. Nothing to feel, nothing to think. I just can't imagine a complete lack of existence and I don't like it. Time travel. Most nights I don't dream.
cyberbully Posted July 12, 2020 Posted July 12, 2020 18 minutes ago, tsar4 said: There's an afterlife - no hoping necessary. Such unabashed certainty....Tell me more, pls. Are my worries confirmed? 1
tsar4 Posted July 12, 2020 Posted July 12, 2020 10 minutes ago, cyberbully said: Such unabashed certainty....Tell me more, pls. Are my worries confirmed? If you feel you need to worry, while you're still alive ask forgiveness & repent. (John 8:1-10)
cyberbully Posted July 12, 2020 Posted July 12, 2020 57 minutes ago, tsar4 said: If you feel you need to worry, while you're still alive ask forgiveness & repent. (John 8:1-10) Not what I asked you for....So again, tell me more about this afterlife, not give me homework. 1
tsar4 Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 5 minutes ago, cyberbully said: Not what I asked you for....So again, tell me more about this afterlife, not give me homework. You asked "are my worries are confirmed?". Only you could know that. As for Heaven - John 14:2. If you have a wry sense of humor, watch "Night Gallery - Hell's Bells" episode. It stars Sean Astin's Dad, John. I think it explains things from the other perspective rather well.
scoobdog Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 1 hour ago, tsar4 said: If you feel you need to worry, while you're still alive ask forgiveness & repent. (John 8:1-10) What if I have nothing to repent for and I'm still worried?
tsar4 Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 5 minutes ago, scoobdog said: What if I have nothing to repent for and I'm still worried? The Bible would say that everyone has something they need to repent. As for the "worry", Psalms 16:8, 34:4, 118:6 and others.
scoobdog Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 1 minute ago, tsar4 said: The Bible would say that everyone has something they need to repent. As for the "worry", Psalms 16:8, 34:4, 118:6 and others. What if the Bible is wrong?
tsar4 Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 5 minutes ago, scoobdog said: What if the Bible is wrong? Then feel free to continue to worry.
scoobdog Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 1 minute ago, tsar4 said: Then feel free to continue to worry. Are there no other ways to not confirm my worries?
tsar4 Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 2 minutes ago, scoobdog said: Are there no other ways to not confirm my worries? Try one of the other religious texts.
scoobdog Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 Just now, tsar4 said: Try one of the other religious texts. What if I don't want to be religious?
tsar4 Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 1 minute ago, scoobdog said: What if I don't want to be religious? Everybody worships something.
scoobdog Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 Just now, tsar4 said: Everybody worships something. That's not true.
tsar4 Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 1 minute ago, scoobdog said: That's not true. Well, I suppose there are those in a vegetative state...
scoobdog Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 No. Not everyone worships a deity. In fact, a good deal of the world does not.
tsar4 Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 1 minute ago, scoobdog said: No. Not everyone worships a deity. In fact, a good deal of the world does not. I never said that everyone worships a Deity. I said everybody worships something.
Distinct Lunatic Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 I'm pretty sure there's something. I've looked into a lot of shit online, reading a lot of experiences and accounts of things that seem credible, because of this there's two possibilities, that the Buddhist outcome seems to be the more likely one, or perhaps something above that in which the human cognition shapes what we see and what we'll experience. I do think going to an afterlife, reincarnation, and also ghosts could all be possible. I've posted here about how I legit think my house might be haunted, and I had another experience in the last 2 weeks that seemed too freaky to be a coincidence. I bought my house back in March, and had a bunch of small, trivial things happen. But one day in the last two weeks I had to get up early to go do something for a couple hours and when I got back home I immediately went back to bed, where I had the most vivid / lucid dream I can remember having, where it felt like there were people in my bedroom having conversation, I remember opening my eyes a couple of times to see if someone was in my room (I live alone mind you), and then at some point I opened my eyes and there was an old man standing next to my bed, he wear some kind of patriotic ball cap on his head, him looking to be at least in his 70's. He said something to me that I forgot after I woke up, but when I got up I immediately went and checked this one letter I got months ago to the original owners of the house, me getting the name from that, I looked the name up and I shit you not there it was, 2019 Illinois obituaries, and it even had a picture of the person, and there they were, even wearing the same hat I saw. The guy lived from 1938 or 39 to 2019.
scoobdog Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 Just now, tsar4 said: I never said that everyone worships a Deity. I said everybody worships something. I know what you said, and it was in fact fundamentally wrong. Not everyone "worships" the object of their prayers or incantations.
tsar4 Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 1 minute ago, scoobdog said: I know what you said, and it was in fact fundamentally wrong. Not everyone "worships" the object of their prayers or incantations. You're adding things I did not state.
resurrected Posted July 13, 2020 Author Posted July 13, 2020 45 minutes ago, Distinct Lunatic said: I'm pretty sure there's something. I've looked into a lot of shit online, reading a lot of experiences and accounts of things that seem credible, because of this there's two possibilities, that the Buddhist outcome seems to be the more likely one, or perhaps something above that in which the human cognition shapes what we see and what we'll experience. I do think going to an afterlife, reincarnation, and also ghosts could all be possible. I've posted here about how I legit think my house might be haunted, and I had another experience in the last 2 weeks that seemed too freaky to be a coincidence. I bought my house back in March, and had a bunch of small, trivial things happen. But one day in the last two weeks I had to get up early to go do something for a couple hours and when I got back home I immediately went back to bed, where I had the most vivid / lucid dream I can remember having, where it felt like there were people in my bedroom having conversation, I remember opening my eyes a couple of times to see if someone was in my room (I live alone mind you), and then at some point I opened my eyes and there was an old man standing next to my bed, he wear some kind of patriotic ball cap on his head, him looking to be at least in his 70's. He said something to me that I forgot after I woke up, but when I got up I immediately went and checked this one letter I got months ago to the original owners of the house, me getting the name from that, I looked the name up and I shit you not there it was, 2019 Illinois obituaries, and it even had a picture of the person, and there they were, even wearing the same hat I saw. The guy lived from 1938 or 39 to 2019. I'd look more into what kind of person he was. Whether he was a good dude or a piece of shit. Also, demons can impersonate people. In any event, I'd go ahead and burn some sage or get the house blessed, or burn that shit to the ground and move.
resurrected Posted July 13, 2020 Author Posted July 13, 2020 45 minutes ago, tsar4 said: You're adding things I did not state. Personally, I believe there is an afterlife. I believe that a lot religions worship the same God. Not all. But a lot. I know they all argue with each other about which one has it completely right. Christians wouldn't agree with Jews, and vice versa. If I had to pick which ones got it right, I'd go with the Jews, since they are the chosen people. If you believe the Bible. I do not like organized religion, which is why I haven't been to church in years. But that doesn't mean I don't believe. With all of that being said, my personal preference for my afterlife would be to just remain asleep. Dead. Whatever you want to call it. Probably because I'm so anti-social.
Distinct Lunatic Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 Just now, resurrected said: I'd look more into what kind of person he was. Whether he was a good dude or a piece of shit. Also, demons can impersonate people. In any event, I'd go ahead and burn some sage or get the house blessed, or burn that shit to the ground and move. I've been considering burning sage but I've been holding off until it seemed like it needed to happen. In the past month I've also been finding the door that leads down to my basement to be open a lot more often even though I typically always keep it shut. Also with my bedroom door from time to time it will randomly pop, where the door latch is no longer in the hole, able to just push it forward and open the door, though that one might just be the house settling.
tsar4 Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 1 minute ago, resurrected said: Personally, I believe there is an afterlife. I believe that a lot religions worship the same God. Not all. But a lot. I know they all argue with each other about which one has it completely right. Christians wouldn't agree with Jews, and vice versa. If I had to pick which ones got it right, I'd go with the Jews, since they are the chosen people. If you believe the Bible. I do not like organized religion, which is why I haven't been to church in years. But that doesn't mean I don't believe. With all of that being said, my personal preference for my afterlife would be to just remain asleep. Dead. Whatever you want to call it. Probably because I'm so anti-social. Muslims, Jews & Christians all worship the same "One God", or the God of Abraham. They are even referred to as the "Abrahamic religions".
resurrected Posted July 13, 2020 Author Posted July 13, 2020 Just now, Distinct Lunatic said: I've been considering burning sage but I've been holding off until it seemed like it needed to happen. In the past month I've also been finding the door that leads down to my basement to be open a lot more often even though I typically always keep it shut. Also with my bedroom door from time to time it will randomly pop, where the door latch is no longer in the hole, able to just push it forward and open the door, though that one might just be the house settling. I'd say it's probably time to burn the sage. That dream sounds like it wasn't a dream to me. Had that not happened and the fact you opened that letter and it had a picture of him, I'd have question electromagnetic field levels being too high, or a nearby stream or limestone nearby. EMF's can cause hallucinations. Streams and limestone can be conduits for paranormal activity. You don't have to question it at this point though. But those things can intensify the levels of activity. It could start with doors opening, and work its way up to full-bodied apparitions. Poltergeist activity is too common as well. Moving things. Breaking things. Etc. When those fuckers start showing themselves and verbally communicating with you, it's past time to go.
Distinct Lunatic Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 1 minute ago, resurrected said: Personally, I believe there is an afterlife. I believe that a lot religions worship the same God. Not all. But a lot. I know they all argue with each other about which one has it completely right. Christians wouldn't agree with Jews, and vice versa. If I had to pick which ones got it right, I'd go with the Jews, since they are the chosen people. If you believe the Bible. I do not like organized religion, which is why I haven't been to church in years. But that doesn't mean I don't believe. With all of that being said, my personal preference for my afterlife would be to just remain asleep. Dead. Whatever you want to call it. Probably because I'm so anti-social. Honestly I think religion as a concept turns off so many people when it comes to believing in a god. They'll look at actions or things hypocritical done or said by Christians for example, and want nothing to do with that. I've experienced it many times, for the most part I believe in some form of maker but when I'm around someone that's drinking the koolaid big time and pushing that stuff onto others it makes me feel more atheistic. The way I interpret it is God is something that goes above and beyond our understanding, while the majority of religions is something people for the most part have shaped to suit their needs and to push their agendas. It's probably crazy to say, but I believe there could and should be a seperation between god and religion. That's another thing about Buddhism, it isn't built around serving or trying to appeal to gods or deities, it's about living your life and achieving enlightenment. The things I've looked into online does lead me to believe that those that are likely to reach an afterlife are those that have served their purpose in this life, or have lived a complete life and have no further use here. While those that haven't reached enlightenment or have lived an unfulfilled life are more likely to experience reincarnation. 1
Distinct Lunatic Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 3 minutes ago, resurrected said: I'd say it's probably time to burn the sage. That dream sounds like it wasn't a dream to me. Had that not happened and the fact you opened that letter and it had a picture of him, I'd have question electromagnetic field levels being too high, or a nearby stream or limestone nearby. EMF's can cause hallucinations. Streams and limestone can be conduits for paranormal activity. You don't have to question it at this point though. But those things can intensify the levels of activity. It could start with doors opening, and work its way up to full-bodied apparitions. Poltergeist activity is too common as well. Moving things. Breaking things. Etc. When those fuckers start showing themselves and verbally communicating with you, it's past time to go. I still never opened the letter in the persons name, all I know is it's one of those VFW related letters, that being something I did find online about the guy that he was in Korean war I believe. I've had a couple other ghostly encounters when I was a kid. When I was 9 my neighbor was also my best friend, and I'd stay the night at his place from time to time. His parents even said their house was haunted, there were some nights I could hear things being moved around down on the first floor, and the way that house was set up, all the bedrooms were upstairs, and my friends room was the room where the stairs were, so if anyone had gone down them it'd literally be impossible to not notice them. There was also a time when I was 4 (I have some memories from back then, even as far back as 3 years old) us and a lot of other folks were hanging out at some friends house that lived across the street from us (by now those houses are likely 70 years old at minimum), their basement had some kind of entertainment room setup. I remember going down there and I saw a door to the side, I was curious so I opened it and it was a laundry room, but at the far side of the room I just saw a pale white, faded man standing there staring at me. I was only 3 or 4 and even then I thought of him as a ghost, me quickly closing the door and walking away. Didn't tell anyone there about it though.
ghostrek Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 if there is a light after life I'm going to get shit there also
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