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I'm an athetist.

Every now and then when I've almost died or had to stare my own mortality in the face I get scared.  Scared that maybe there is a hell of something similar because I'm definitely going there if there is.  Then I realize how stupid I am for even entertaining such ideas and go back to my atrocious life.

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1 minute ago, Le Guignon said:

I'm an athetist.

Every now and then when I've almost died or had to stare my own mortality in the face I get scared.  Scared that maybe there is a hell of something similar because I'm definitely going there if there is.  Then I realize how stupid I am for even entertaining such ideas and go back to my atrocious life.

Why do you call your life atrocious, and if there is a Hell, why do you think that is the place you would reside upon meeting your demise?

1 minute ago, resurrected said:

Why do you call your life atrocious, and if there is a Hell, why do you think that is the place you would reside upon meeting your demise?

I'm not about to publically incriminate myself.

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Just now, Le Guignon said:

I'm not about to publically incriminate myself.

You bring up the subject of an atrocious life, then leave your audience in suspense with a cliffhanger that may or may not ever be returned to for further intrigue. Bravo. Well played. 

You are wise not to incriminate yourself publicly. Anything you say can and will be used against you here. 

  • Thanks 1
1 minute ago, Naraku4656 said:

dying slowly. i'm about to go get some crispy Korean Fried Chicken and die a little quicker

Well, at least your humor is still alive. Pour out a chicken crumb for your homie here. 

Just now, resurrected said:

Well, at least your humor is still alive. Pour out a chicken crumb for your homie here. 

honey and garlic chicken let's goooooooooooooooooo


Closing the book altogether might be alright, but the most ideal scenario would be an afterlife that is mundane and peaceful. The way the afterlife is depicted in most faiths as either achieving a joyous neverending orgasm and suffering prolonged agonizing torture always turned me off. 

4 minutes ago, Chapinator-800 said:

Closing the book altogether might be alright, but the most ideal scenario would be an afterlife that is mundane and peaceful. The way the afterlife is depicted in most faiths as either achieving a joyous neverending orgasm and suffering prolonged agonizing torture always turned me off. 

I like this answer.

4 minutes ago, Poof said:

I don't care all the theories seem fine

I don't know how it's all going to play out when that moment comes.

I am haunted, almost on a nightly basis, by the same dream. Been having it for years now. And it always picks up where I left off the night before. In the same haunted mansion. I'm constantly discovering new areas of the mansion with new horrors in every room. Doors slamming shut on their own is the scariest part to me. Not so much the ghosts, but those damn doors, which carry over into the real world. Door are scary as hell to me. I am rambling, but I just don't know what any of it means, and why I've been dreaming this continuous story for so long.


I'm fine with just being dead. My body returning to the earth from where it came from as my individual earth consciousness goes all over everywhere is the only afterlife I need. I'll be a part of my living family's earth mind 😌. But the one with a heaven and angels and all that I don't buy into. 

1 minute ago, new_disease said:

I'm fine with just being dead. My body returning to the earth from where it came from as my individual earth consciousness goes all over everywhere is the only afterlife I need. I'll be a part of my living family's earth mind 😌. But the one with a heaven and angels and all that I don't buy into. 

I can dig that. I've always said I just want to be dead. 


Don't know, don't care. It's not like I got any say in the matter, so whatever happens happens, and I'm fine with it whatever way it may be. If there is one though, I just hope it's nothing like this reality cuz I would just hate to be bored to death (nope, strike that last part I guess LOL) for all eternity.


My religion promises eternal lif in 2 different ways.

Objectively- the particles which have amalgamated to become my self have existed since the dawn of time. They will continue to exist forever.

Subjectively- the only stretch of time i can experience is that which i inhabit. When I am no longer habitant, i will not experience time. My life is therefore the extent of all time, relative to my consciousness.

39 minutes ago, Dark_Cloud_Overhead said:

Don't know, don't care. It's not like I got any say in the matter, so whatever happens happens, and I'm fine with it whatever way it may be. If there is one though, I just hope it's nothing like this reality cuz I would just hate to be bored to death (nope, strike that last part I guess LOL) for all eternity.

I'll go along with this.

23 minutes ago, SwimModSponges said:

My religion promises eternal lif in 2 different ways.

Objectively- the particles which have amalgamated to become my self have existed since the dawn of time. They will continue to exist forever.

Subjectively- the only stretch of time i can experience is that which i inhabit. When I am no longer habitant, i will not experience time. My life is therefore the extent of all time, relative to my consciousness.

You have a fanfic on this subject, I assume?


Every time you try to spread your religion, I'm tempted to be the heretic that spreads the word of the Void.

I have no real investment in it. I just find the idea of rival religions amusing.

Especially when the end result is largely the same.

The Void consumes all. But even in the endless infinity of Nothing, there may still be room for Time to measure the interminable.


Doesn't matter.  You're useless whether or not you're in the afterlife or just dead.  if you can't do good in the hear and now there was no point.

9 minutes ago, Lasty said:

It doesn't really matter what I want, because it's out of my control either way. Kind of a moot inquiry if you ask me.

You are right. It is out of your control. 

But it's not a moot inquiry.

It is a curiosity that I was hoping would have a measure of morbidness to it. 

That is where my hopes were failed. 

28 minutes ago, scoobdog said:

Doesn't matter.  You're useless whether or not you're in the afterlife or just dead.  if you can't do good in the hear and now there was no point.

Most religions believe that what you do here, directly impacts your afterlife. 

If all of that is true, then yikes. 

Hell is going to be over crowded.


If there is, I'd say that the mind and soul probably aren't connected. A more realistic concept of heaven would make the matrix look like a far better option. No thought, form, pain, or pleasure, no free will just eternal existence.  It would be about the same thing as if the lights just go out and your mind turns off. 

34 minutes ago, rpgamer said:

Every time you try to spread your religion, I'm tempted to be the heretic that spreads the word of the Void.

I have no real investment in it. I just find the idea of rival religions amusing.

Especially when the end result is largely the same.

The Void consumes all. But even in the endless infinity of Nothing, there may still be room for Time to measure the interminable.

How does one measure eternity though?

I think that is what Sponges was eluding to.

I could be way off though.

2 minutes ago, HardcoreHunter said:

If there is, I'd say that the mind and soul probably aren't connected. A more realistic concept of heaven would make the matrix look like a far better option. No thought, form, pain, or pleasure, no free will just eternal existence.  It would be about the same thing as if the lights just go out and your mind turns off. 

That's an interesting take on it. 

Your last sentence kind of feeds into my thoughts on out of body experiences. 

I don't really buy into those. 

I think in those cases, you're not technically dead yet. As in, all of your functions haven't ceased working. Your mind is still functioning while the body shuts down, but you are brought back and what you ''dreamed'' is what you have perceived as an out of body experience. 

I could be nowhere near the mark on that.

1 minute ago, SwimModSponges said:

Out of body experiences are just your mirror neurons misfiring.

I was hoping you'd explain that better than I did.

Almost tagged you.

4 minutes ago, resurrected said:

I could be nowhere near the mark on that.

It's hard to say. I mean one woman had been dead for over 6hrs and was brought back to life, other cases of people who were frozen from falling in cold water or passing out in the snow, then regaining a pulse in the autopsy room. The one I remember reading that her skin was so frozen hard that they had to use thicker needles because the normal ones couldn't puncture her skin and veins.  They've even recreated a drug that simulates the chemical released by the brain upon death. In many people it induced visions of light or fire, and some had seen past family and friends.  A lot of the accounts of the afterlife are just people who experienced what happened when the brain shuts down. 

Revival in hypothermia people seems to have the best odds due to it keeping the brain cool. When the brain gets hot it starts to decompose if it's not having regular blood flow. So the key to being brought back to life is all just your brain and your hearts ability to pump blood to it. 

Though on the other end I have experienced a shit ton of ghosts, so I don't fully know how to explain that. If it were just audio and visual it may be possible to explain, but I can't explain a fan getting lifted off the ground and tossed to the other side of the room. My initial thought on ghosts were that there may be an odd magnetic or electric field being produced in specific areas. These can affect your brain and produce AV hallucinations. Since all brains are different I suspected that some are more sustainable to these wave lengths than others. Then I looked at the people who tend to be most prone to having these visions. Interestingly it was children, new mothers, and women going through pms that were most prone, then men with history of depression. So I had a theory that developing and imaginative mines of children were sustainable. As were people dealing with hormonal imbalances like new mothers, older women, and imbalanced men. Though that all kinda goes to shit when you and other people see shit moving. 

40 minutes ago, HardcoreHunter said:

It's hard to say. I mean one woman had been dead for over 6hrs and was brought back to life, other cases of people who were frozen from falling in cold water or passing out in the snow, then regaining a pulse in the autopsy room. The one I remember reading that her skin was so frozen hard that they had to use thicker needles because the normal ones couldn't puncture her skin and veins.  They've even recreated a drug that simulates the chemical released by the brain upon death. In many people it induced visions of light or fire, and some had seen past family and friends.  A lot of the accounts of the afterlife are just people who experienced what happened when the brain shuts down. 

Revival in hypothermia people seems to have the best odds due to it keeping the brain cool. When the brain gets hot it starts to decompose if it's not having regular blood flow. So the key to being brought back to life is all just your brain and your hearts ability to pump blood to it. 

Though on the other end I have experienced a shit ton of ghosts, so I don't fully know how to explain that. If it were just audio and visual it may be possible to explain, but I can't explain a fan getting lifted off the ground and tossed to the other side of the room. My initial thought on ghosts were that there may be an odd magnetic or electric field being produced in specific areas. These can affect your brain and produce AV hallucinations. Since all brains are different I suspected that some are more sustainable to these wave lengths than others. Then I looked at the people who tend to be most prone to having these visions. Interestingly it was children, new mothers, and women going through pms that were most prone, then men with history of depression. So I had a theory that developing and imaginative mines of children were sustainable. As were people dealing with hormonal imbalances like new mothers, older women, and imbalanced men. Though that all kinda goes to shit when you and other people see shit moving. 

Yes. That can be ruled out if multiple people witness it. 

I have been ghost hunting for many years. Before it was the cool thing on YouTube to do.

I went to a church in the next county over. The cemetery was across the road in the woods. Not far though.

Had acorns thrown at me. Not falling from the trees. But thrown. Heard a loud, wicked laugh above us.

Caught many intelligent EVP's. Caught two full bodied apparitions on video. I did everything in my power to try to scientifically debunk it. I really couldn't. I even took the tape to a news station to have it analyzed. They couldn't give me any explanation. I took it to a psychic who stopped me at her door. I had the tape in my back pocket. She said I was welcome to come in and she would give me some free advice, but I must not bring that tape in her shop. I never told her I had a tape. She told me what I was messing with was evil and not to go there anymore. It got so bad, that anyone I lent the tape to to watch, had experiences in their homes while in possession of the tape. I never did, and I had the tape for years, until my wife made me throw it out. She never watched it. The thing is, I couldn't see these apparitions with my own eyes. But the camera picked them up. One floated by right in front of me. The other stepped out from behind a tree and turned its head and looked at us. We heard the leaves rustling when it stepped out. You could hear us react to the crunching of the leaves on camera as it stepped out, but we didn't see the image until we viewed the footage. 


Have had this one ghost on the property forever. She used to stay out around the apple Orchard. Now that's gone and there are some town houses. The one town house I haven't seen anyone stay there for more than a few months. The current family has been there the longest now since the houses went up in 2008, and that is 5 months. I assume they are staying longer due to covid. Though the last family left rather dramatically. There was an ambulance and fire truck, cops. I never bothered to ask what happened, but they left never came back to the house, and movers just came by and grabbed their stuff. Worst one that lived there was some Cop and his wife. He would just beat the shit out of his wife all the time and yell at her. He'd bring his dog in our yard and have it go to the bathroom and not pick it up. We talked with their HOA, and they put up a sign on our property line to keep dogs off of grass. He tore it up and threw it in our yard.  Guy ended up having a heart attack, don't know if he died or not, but the wife moved out quick.  I assume the ghost has something to do with the turnout. 

53 minutes ago, HardcoreHunter said:

Have had this one ghost on the property forever. She used to stay out around the apple Orchard. Now that's gone and there are some town houses. The one town house I haven't seen anyone stay there for more than a few months. The current family has been there the longest now since the houses went up in 2008, and that is 5 months. I assume they are staying longer due to covid. Though the last family left rather dramatically. There was an ambulance and fire truck, cops. I never bothered to ask what happened, but they left never came back to the house, and movers just came by and grabbed their stuff. Worst one that lived there was some Cop and his wife. He would just beat the shit out of his wife all the time and yell at her. He'd bring his dog in our yard and have it go to the bathroom and not pick it up. We talked with their HOA, and they put up a sign on our property line to keep dogs off of grass. He tore it up and threw it in our yard.  Guy ended up having a heart attack, don't know if he died or not, but the wife moved out quick.  I assume the ghost has something to do with the turnout. 

They say spirits, evil spirits, can have negative impacts on the people inhabiting their spaces. Like George Lutz of Amityville Horror fame. Negative spirits feed off the negative person and manipulate them to do their deeds. That's what it sounds like with the cop. Or he could have just been an asshole. The others could have been nice people and were just tormented by the evil spirit, to the point they left in a hurry. I have heard of people just leaving their stuff behind and hitting the road.

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