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Say something nice about the user above you *Unevenedge edition*

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This is not my idea, but from what I remember, heavily used by a poster GlitterCupcakes. And I want to revive the idea, so basically say something nice about the poster above you please. It can be anything, their icon, name, etc.

7 minutes ago, SweetPreserves said:

I think your username is super neato!

Your username complements your current pic honorably and gloriously


Oops I done dickered things up.  

2 minutes ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

Is a good musician.

I’ve always found you endearing and funny. ^_^


okay to stave off double dipping the next person need only reply. Lol

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4 minutes ago, SweetPreserves said:

Huh, it kinda does doesn’t it!? xD


nice to see you here.  You doing okay?

Fine as a blade of grass. I hope you're doing well, yourself

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