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And it continues...


All of you who have who have hated/complained before, have at it.


Rant virgins: This is the place for brief gripes, little things you're pissed off about, or big things that you're pissed off about but don't want to discuss. This is not the place for diatribes, discussion, or walls of text; for that, start your own damn thread. (admin edit: per OP, multi-post interactions may be spliced into their own thread)


Because I hate people who can't follow simple instructions.

Edited by Raptorpat

I hate your snarky conformist bullshit.

I hate politics in general.

I hate your political opinion {and I truly don't care what it is}.

I hate your face.

I hate that I don't have a genie granting me wishes.

I hate that I still have to grind out work stuffs for monies.

I hate traffic.

I hate the lack of left-turn lanes on my route to work.

I hate being addicted to Monster energy drinks.

I hate not knowing everything.

I hate that if I knew everything, I would hate that.

Did I mention I hate your face?


I hate that the few things I used to enjoy I can no longer partake in.

I hate stress headaches.  I feel like I've got a scowl on my face every time I get one.

I hate my body sometimes.

I hate cigarette smoke.

I hate your attitude in general.






I hate potentially having to suffer for the shitty decisions of other people. Why is it so hard for half the country, or god help us more than that, realize if a man makes a living fucking over people, that's exactly what he's going to do in office? Make America great again. The man won't even pay kids he hired to help him campaign.


I mean I get that our education system is fucked up, but why on earth would sane white middle class and poorer allow their hatred of minorities to surpass basic common sense? These are the kind of people who end up bankrupt by the shady shit he does, but brown people are bad so that makes it okay. And even if Hillary wins, I won't be able to stop thinking about the millions of people who would rather shoot themselves in the foot for a president who will just say or do all of the godawful things they've fenced up in the back of their minds.


Hey people that blast your music out of your headphone speakers to the world (not to your own ears): Fuck you. The rest of the world does not want to hear your crappy music. I was in a quiet building trying to get some reading done before class. Some numbnuts with those damn speakers comes in the building and walks around. Now, I could've gone outside to read. The door was right there, and there are plenty of benches right out there. However, this numbnuts kept walking not only throughout the halls, but also outside the building. Like there was no escape from this guy unless I found seats in or outside another building. I sat where I sat because it was right outside where my class was next, and I wanted as short a walk to class as possible for as much time to read as possible.




I hate the media.  It's divisive, deliberately so.  All of it, one-sided, shoveling shillbux so blatantly obviously into their chosen candidate, with naught but a single outlet for the controlled opposition.  Then heckling and degrading the opposition.  The citizenry?  Virtually helpless, with the deluge of a single damned narrative.  It's a wedge, and it needs to go.




I hate the awkwardness of my girlfriend's family pretending they're not psyched Trump won when i'm around....no one believes you were watching dancing with the stars, you're a 60 year old man!!!

  • 2 weeks later...

I hate full of shit manipulative Fucktards that make up stories to gain sympathy

or to make other people feel bad. Those types of people can go die in a fucking fire.


Thank you and good day!

  • Like 1

I hate my elderly Trump supporting neighbor ranting about how she's tired of paying for benefits for illegal immigrants. I wanna tell her, "Bitch, you retired. I'm tired of paying for your decrepit ass. Hurry up and die"

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1

To all the self righteous dick sweats out there. I hate you. Go fuck yourselves and die.

Thank you! Come again!


what is this, "dick sweat," you speak of?


NaBraniel[/member] ive been trying to move to neptune for a minute.


Ten days ago, I broke a pinkie toe.


A week ago tomorrow, I came down with a stomach flu that had me puking for 3 days, and I'm still pretty much just doing clear liquids.


I hate that these things come in threes, because I'm not too thrilled about whatever's next.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckedy fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck


I hate december....I hate holidays in general....stop calling me you cheerful fucks i'm not going to answer everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Fuck.. twice recently I have put myself in the precarious situation of having to pee right when handling hot peppers


Risky move, guys


I actually rubbed myself with lemon juice to see if it helps, as per internet


I think I might need more..?.. edit- maybe the vinegar worked better

  • 2 weeks later...

Fucking scammers clogging up my emails. I'm desperately trying to find work, but these assholes keep sending me scam jobs ever since I applied for stuff at popular sites like Indeed, Beyond, Career Builder, and Ziprecruiter. I'm finding more success with my college site's job board, but it's hard to weed through alot of the legit ones when you've got ones that look like people getting back with me on resumes I've sent only for it to be scumsucker motherfuckers I never applied for wanting me to send in a resume to their scam jobs where you gotta pay out-of-pocket to make money.


I've been getting a lot more shit spam marketing whatever bullshit phone calls lately. Sometimes real people, sometimes automated. My line is usually along the lines of "thank you, have a good day, *click*"


Mine are car insurance people asking me all the time to buy their insurance. I always get my hopes up and think it's someone who wants to hire me because it's a local number, but lo and behold, insurance fuckers again.


God damn, I am so sick of being sick. I see the surgeon on Tuesday, and I swear to Christ if she doesn't come at me with a scalpel within 48 hours of my appointment, I'll prop up an anatomy book and take out the mother fucker myself.

  • 3 weeks later...

fucking best buy.....


bought a tv two weeks ago with guaranteed delivery by wednesday. guaranteed by the website, as well as three different people on three different calls because i know how they can be so i called three different times to get shipping updates.. and now i sit on the phone while this tech is "having trouble finding which warehouse it's in". bitch, the only warehouse it should be in at this point is my own. i swear to god, if this damn tv doesn't show up by the end of the day today....................

  • 2 weeks later...

i hate that this thread doesn't get more play.


anyways, a late update on the best buy thing. the tv never arrived. i called the store on friday (2/3) and they told me it was in their stock but they couldn't deliver it because there was a problem with the delivery order. they assured me it would be fixed and delivered on saturday. when it didn't arrive by noon on saturday (2/4), i called the corporate custserv to figure out where it was. they put me on hold to find it, and the guy eventually came back on the line to say that the tv wasn't at the store, but off in some other warehouse and it would take a few days to get shipped over to me. i said no, that's not going to work because i needed the tv TODAY for an install. i told him i was going to the store, and that store was going to give me a tv of the same specs, and i wasn't paying an extra dime for it (the one i ordered was on clearance for $300 and similarly-spec'd tvs were going for $400+).


so i get to the store and tell them what's up, and that i want to go pick out a new tv and they're going to give it to me. some random geek squad dude comes over and says he thinks my tv is in the back after all. so they go looking, and sure enough...they wheel out the tv i ordered. so i'm like "ok, i'll be going now." but they wouldn't let me leave with the tv because it was, according to the floor manager, still on hold in the system and scheduled for a delivery that they were unable to complete. so now i'm getting real upset, causing a line behind me at the service counter, and there are several employees just kinda standing there looking like idiots and mumbling to each other. so i started being the asshole, told them i was leaving with the tv one way or another because i was scheduled to install it THAT NIGHT, so someone had better get creative on finding a fix.


after standing there for literally 20 minutes while these uneducated fucks stared at their computer screens and did nothing, one of them comes up with the bright idea that we can just cancel the order and set it up again. i thought, sure, let's do it. then they tell me i'll have to purchase the tv again, and that they'd process a refund for the original order that would post back to my account "in a few days". i said no, because i already purchased the tv and now there's not enough money on that card to purchase it again (there was, but i wasn't about to buy it again...yet). another round of standing there looking like idiots. so i said, "you guys knock another $50 off the cost and then i can afford to buy it again." so they did.


two weeks of bullshit, and i eventually walked out of best buy with a 55" smart tv for $250. pretty sure i'll never set foot in that store again.

  • 2 weeks later...

I fucking hate weather. I finally came home yesterday, and it looks like 3 of my trees were trashed by an ice storm. Now I've got to wait for the snow to melt and the lawn to dry up so that I can get all the branches out and see what's actually left. And it doesn't look like it'll be very soon, because it's supposed to snow today.


I fucking hate weather. I finally came home yesterday, and it looks like 3 of my trees were trashed by an ice storm.

I feel ya.  The 80 year old cedar tree in front of my house kinda fell on the front of my house during the Feb storm (CA - all that rain, + 60 mph winds = not enough roots in the world).  I cried the whole time they were cutting it down.  I couldn't even save the lumber because I don't know who does urban sawmill stuff around here. 


My insurance paid for the damage, but of course not for replacing the tree (or the increased electric bills), which was my only shade (and my de facto a/c) during the summer.  Without it, I'm not sure my living room will be livable this summer. :(  Plus I miss it.  No privacy.  I feel naked now.  :'(


I hate that I hate the wind now.  I used to revel in windy days as a kid.  As an adult, all I can think of when the winds kick up is all the damage they'll do.  :(


I hate how all it takes is sleeping the wrong way for my back to be fucked up. All my extra money is going to my last health emergency and taxes, so I really don't need another reason to visit the ER.

  • 3 weeks later...

I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day.  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(


I hate that 2 hours on the operating table did what decades of being a direct care giver and hauling on landwhales did not - my back is messed up.


I hate cars. Fuck a car, get this shit away from me. I don't want it anymore.


I hate paying rent to old people who own a bunch of houses. Why can't they just give me and my friends a house. We'd take care of it, it's not fair.


I hate when an old person who owns a bunch of houses sells one and you have to find a new house to rent from an old person if your current one doesn't have a house available for you to move into.


I want to take some of their houses from them.


For some fucking reason my Directv randomly decides to not record shows, mainly Toonami ones.. what the fuck is wrong with you you fucking motherfucking thing

Mine's been doing the same, won't record GITS and another show, it also will record show but not let me watch them


Fuck you DirecTv


I hate that modern tax prep is the result of millions of dollars' worth of lobbying on behalf of tax prep firms to prevent the simplification of tax filing so that the firms have a raison d'etre.


I also hate that TurboTax let me go through the whole tax prep process, and then at the very end of the process before filing for my only $60-$70 combined returns it tells me I need to upgrade to the $55 deluxe version to actually file because I had an $8 foreign income tax credit that popped up. Rather than just alert me as soon as the foreign credit was imported in.

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