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It's been kind of a shitty weekend. I had a CT scan last week - I've been having a lot of issues with my gut since Thanksgiving, to the point where I've lost about 25 lbs. Got the results Friday, and it looks like I'm going to be gone for a while - I have a large mass in my abdomen that in all probability is ovarian cancer. (All right, so it is ovarian cancer, I just kind of keep hoping, despite the fact that I have a copy of the of the CT report and have read over it several times, that it's just a really big-ass cyst).


Anyway, things are going to get crazy starting today. I have some more testing to be done, there's a lot of paperwork to take care of , and I have to pack myself and the cats to travel on Tuesday - I can't see the specialist I need to or get the surgery done in my immediate area, so I'm going to be staying with one daughter (the cats are going to the other daughter's) -  since they live where said specialist would be available. And hopefully, by this time in a week or 10 days, I'll be post-op.


Got to say, I'm basically pretty terrified. The diagnosis sucks to begin with, and although it's either stage III or IV, they don't do the actual staging until they do the surgery and biopsy lymph nodes and such, so I don't know whether I'm looking at fair-to-middling or dismal as an outcome. (Good, as far as I could tell, is not generally an option) So, do me a favor - if you believe in anything, say a prayer, light a candle, sacrifice a goat, or just cross your fingers for me; I'm going to need all the help I can get.


See you on the other side, wherever that might be.


you can kick its ass because you are the Thunder Goddess of Rants.


if you need anything, if there's anything at all I can do, PM me.


Thanks for the support, guys - I may not know your names or faces, but you mean a lot to me, and it helps more than you know to know you're behind me.


if there's one thing i know, it's that this will be a walk in the park for you.


sure, the park might be riddled with booby traps (lol, i said boob) and land mines, and the footpath has been moved and moved again, making the journey through the park somewhat daunting. but it's still the same park and you're still on the same journey. no matter the outcome, you're still walking the path.


with that being said, we're here to walk with you. so here's to a long walk on smooth terrain.


damn, i'm sorry you have to go through that. i do hope everything ends up with the best possible outcome that could be. you're definitely one tough cookie though, and even though i'm not a believer in the religious or spiritual, i am a believer in individual people. i believe in you mthor, you will be in my thoughts <3 <3 <3


My thoughts echo those that have already been voiced. You are an amazing and strong individual, you will most certainly be in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us updated from time to time to let us know how you are doing.  <3

Guest The Hound

If they remove the cyst and ask if you want chemo I would advise not letting them give you the latter. Have it removed and go out and acquire a large amount of medical grade THC/CBD oil and self medicate.


Chemo is a fucking death sentence and I wouldn't recommend this to you if I didn't trust it would work. Of course you'll find out more details later on so I wish you the best of luck.


If they remove the cyst and ask if you want chemo I would advise not letting them give you the latter. Have it removed and go out and acquire a large amount of medical grade THC/CBD oil and self medicate.


Chemo is a fucking death sentence and I wouldn't recommend this to you if I didn't trust it would work. Of course you'll find out more details later on so I wish you the best of luck.

Thankfully, she knows better than to listen to this bad advice.



If they remove the cyst and ask if you want chemo I would advise not letting them give you the latter. Have it removed and go out and acquire a large amount of medical grade THC/CBD oil and self medicate.


Chemo is a fucking death sentence and I wouldn't recommend this to you if I didn't trust it would work. Of course you'll find out more details later on so I wish you the best of luck.


God, now I know I'm in rough shape - I don't even feel like arguing. Thanks, Viper - I'm just going to appreciate the sentiment behind your suggestion and let it go at that.


I would do any of those things for you, but I'm a nonbeliever.


The best thing I can say is that I hope things turn out better for you. Cancer fucking sucks. There's no other way to put it.


No time=This isn't about me or any of the paltry shit I post about


The sun goes up, the sun goes down, the sky is blue, the grass is green, and fuggs is fuggs. She's a wonderful touchstone of constancy in a world in flux. And I'd rather hear her plans for dancing on Dylann Roof's grave than see her post nudes or her tongue full of klonopin  :D


Again, thanks and much  <3 to all of you for the kind thoughts and good wishes. It really helps, especially while I'm sitting here playing the waiting game and just wanting to get something done.


No time=This isn't about me or any of the paltry shit I post about


Well offering "catering" services for crackers on death row is pretty time consuming, and it's not going to be "like a teenager's" forever.  (LOL, JK)


I lied.....I have gifs for this....made from footage of some of the events in Mthor's life


Like that time we she went to compete in the Kumite to honor her Shidoshi, Senzo Tanaka, and her opponent tried to cheat by blinding her




she was not pleased, to say the least '>.>




But, due to her inner strength, she stayed calm and remembered her training




and went on to defeat the big scary bad man










I can't forget that time she helped fight off the aliens that were attacking New York...before she went, I kept asking her how she was going to do it and she just kept saying...










Back when she was the captain of our high school football team, I asked her how strong she was....




She only cared about two things back then, football and Pinkberry (which was weird because Pinkberry wouldn't be a thing for another 34 years, so we didn't know what she was talking about  :L)








There was also that time she fed the Witch King of Angmar some of her home cooked steel...he swore up and down that he would never eat another man's steel





All this is to say that Mthor's one tough mother(shut yo mouth)....and if anyone can handle this, she can...


Bloodsport is one of those movies that shaped a huge part of my life.


If you are getting your ass whupped, toss some shit in that motherfucker's eyes.


Nah, that's dirty...but I will say that in the Karate Kid they tried to make sweeping that kids injured leg a bad thing when in actuality,  it happens all the time...once you've injured the guy with leg kicks, you take advantage of it...total legit move...



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