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If not for Netflix, I would lobby to get Kuromukuro on Toonami so hard. That show deserves to be seen by people too cheap to afford its service and too morally upright to stoop to less than legal means.


Well, maybe not murder, but commit aggravated assault.


Ironically FoxKids's saturday morning did this same strategy to Toonami back in the old days


they licensed several shows that Toonami wanted then never did anything with them


Slayers was one such show, they licensed it and according to both Lisa Ortiz (Lina Inverse) and Veronica Taylor (Princess Amelia) redubbed several episodes to remove profanity.....then never aired them


Hulu also did the same thing with Sailor Moon.....but I'm not sure if that rule applies to ALL of Sailor moon or just Classic, as Crystal airs on Crunchyroll....which is basically owned by Funimation now


so theoretically, as awful as Crystal is....Toonami could probably get Crystal if they wanted it



which I would be okay with because Frankly, the first two seasons are actually kind of amusing in how bad they are....sort of the same feelings I have towards SAO and AGK...they were AWFUL shows....but they were fun to make fun of


I'm trying to think of which shows Netflix grabbed that Toonami must've been clamoring for. My best guess would be stuff like Seven Deadly Sins, Magi, and Kuromakuro. Not sure if the Fate shows, LWA, Kakegurui, or the CGI shows would be within their line of sight. Seven Deadly Sins has gotta be the one that they are gnashing their teeth over losing.


Well, maybe not murder, but commit aggravated assault.



Ohh, Pookie.  I should feel terrible I can watch stuff at a decent hour!


Netflix isn't Fox Kids.  They're showing this stuff uncensored.  They're showing it on demand.  And they're bankrolling stuff now.


Ironically FoxKids's saturday morning did this same strategy to Toonami back in the old days


they licensed several shows that Toonami wanted then never did anything with them


Slayers was one such show, they licensed it and according to both Lisa Ortiz (Lina Inverse) and Veronica Taylor (Princess Amelia) redubbed several episodes to remove profanity.....then never aired them


One of the biggest sins Fox Kids made in the early 2000s was stealing The Vision of Escaflowne (Which Fox Kids just retitled "Escaflowne") from Toonami and then completely butchering it until the show was almost unrecognizable






Then after only 9 or 10 episodes had aired before they completely canceled the show due to poor ratings


At least Adult Swim got to air the Escaflowne movie on the ASA block once back in 2005 during the Giant Robot and Monsters week


I found Seven Deadly Sins and Kuromukuro the superiors of a lot of Toonami shows.  To be fair, Sins isn't as memetastic, except for macro waifu.


I mean so far netflix doesn't have anything that truly says dam that's good wished toonami would have picked it up


I haven't seen it yet but the Castlevania anime seems to have done well.


My best theory is this is in response to Netflix picking up Cannon Busters.


The thing is Toonami COULD have a few great FUNimation shows, like My Hero Academia, that aren't tied up in Netflix hell (until the last episode is done so they can put them all out in their trademark "binge-able" format) but they just won't bite.


Well, maybe not murder, but commit aggravated assault.



But DAMN, it is rare for Jason to blow out his frustration with other companies like this. And there oughta be a law against that. Individuals should be able to buy rights and sit on them, but corporations should be compelled to do something with them or lose them!


But DAMN, it is rare for Jason to blow out his frustration with other companies like this. And there oughta be a law against that. Individuals should be able to buy rights and sit on them, but corporations should be compelled to do something with them or lose them!


That's why Sony kept making terrible Spiderman movies. They had to every few years or they'd lose the rights to it.


I'm trying to think of which shows Netflix grabbed that Toonami must've been clamoring for. My best guess would be stuff like Seven Deadly Sins, Magi, and Kuromakuro. Not sure if the Fate shows, LWA, Kakegurui, or the CGI shows would be within their line of sight. Seven Deadly Sins has gotta be the one that they are gnashing their teeth over losing.


Seven Deadly Sins is dope but it needs a second season, I don't think it would get views on Toonami like My Hero Academia would right now, I don't really agree with it and I could still enjoy either but the fact is the anime community has a very "what have you done for me lately" mentality, these shows just don't have longevity over here like American dramas that stay popular for over a decade and airing anime takes a different approach that none of these companies are executing.


But DAMN, it is rare for Jason to blow out his frustration with other companies like this. And there oughta be a law against that. Individuals should be able to buy rights and sit on them, but corporations should be compelled to do something with them or lose them!


Yeah, that's the issue with ashcan copies.


But Netflix, Crunchyroll, FUNi, they all win on quantity.  Here's the steps for your average Toonami pickup.


1.  Get rights.


2.  Hide it till the last possible moment.


3.  Schedule it without making Toei mad.


4.  Promote it.


5.  Air it.




1.  Get rights.


2.  Promote it.


3.  Put it up for viewing.


By virtue of not having to worry about specific time slots, Netflix can air a lot more material than Toonami does, and get it out to people much faster.


And this makes DeMarco mad. >:(.  DeMarco, and he has admitted this, is a traditionalist when it comes to television.  You watch what we schedule, once a week, and you wait.  We show nothing beforehand because that builds hype.  And if you're not sitting down in front of your TV at the dedicated time, tough.


Netflix is the complete antithesis of everything DeMarco likes in traditional network television.  Television on the viewers time, television for binge watching and finishing at odd hours, and television where the viewer chooses when to watch.


I think that's the source of his anger.  It used to be that he was the only guy who knew how to do anime right because Fox were filled with executives that had no respect for the medium.  Now it's a new distribution method leaving him in the dust.


DeMarco wanted to air Seven Deadly Sins and Cannon Busters his way, once a week, Saturday night.  I wonder if the idea of someone watching anime on Netflix on a Sunday afternoon hurts him.


Yeah, but you're missing the big elephant in the room, and that's Netflix's asinine "binge-only" release model.


In that respect Toonami and other streaming services like FUNimation STILL have the edge, in that they can do things the 'Flix would never dream of, such as air the first dubbed episode of a series when Episode 12 STILL hasn't even come out in Japan yet! Can Netflix do that? The best they can do, by their own limitations, is get a full season up of a weekly serial the day the last episode comes out in Japan.


At least that's the case with anime. Their true original productions, which never see the light of day in Japan until they pop up bilingually on Netflix, are another story. But that model is completely incompatible with a series that's coming out weekly on Japanese TV. That's why other streaming services, and to a lesser extent, Toonami, still have the edge.



Do you guys see what Adult Swim is trying to do with Apollo Gauntlet?  They make the whole series available at once while also doing the traditional broadcast. Apparently Lazzo wants to do the same thing with Hot Streets when it premieres next year.


They are experimenting with bingeable content for some of their newer shows I guess to see how it performs in each method. Granted, they are cheap, 11 minute shows with 6 episode seasons, but it kind of shows that they are looking towards the future. I wouldn't expect them to do this with something like Rick and Morty  or anything on Toonami. Remember, AS has always seen the value of putting things online to give their viewers options. Remember the Friday Night Fix where you could stream things before they aired? Granted this probably cut into their anime ratings as people got accustomed to doing that instead of watching.


The really need some kind of Roku/Apple tv/Chrome app so that you can watch their stuff on the TV. TBS has one so I imagne they'd be next. What I can see them doing eventually is launching their own way of directly subscribing to them if you don't have cable. They are making a lot of their stuff available though for free without a cable login. Attack on Titan/Jojo are recent examples.




Netflix simulcasts American shows in some foreign countries (like Rick and Morty) and those actually come out on a weekly basis. So naturally, every anime fan is asking why they don't do it here. I would like to see them put up the subtitled version as-is and save the binging for the dub's release.


Granted, they are cheap, 11 minute shows with 6 episode seasons


Hot Streets is 10 episodes fwiw


there's no premiere date for The Jellies! yet, or any word on episode count although it's at least 6, but it comes out next month. i'm thinking they could do the same thing for that show but we won't know until the premiere date is announced. if they don't do it for that show, i wonder how they plan to select which ones to do this with. Hot Streets and Apollo Gauntlet were part of the same pilot dump, but i would imagine they'd be doing this to more than just those shows. they will probably only do this with new shows. the obvious question being if these shows get renewed will they release every episode of their next seasons all at once ahead of the tv premiere. a renewal should mean releasing it all at once was a success for them, and doing the same thing again with a new season should mean similar success.


It will be real interesting to see what will happen when Netflix becomes available to sat/cable subscribers as a part of their subscription service.




Also related



So, yeah, get a netflix subscription and watch Toonami if LivePD is boring. >:D



Hot Streets is 10 episodes fwiw


there's no premiere date for The Jellies! yet, or any word on episode count although it's at least 6, but it comes out next month. i'm thinking they could do the same thing for that show but we won't know until the premiere date is announced. if they don't do it for that show, i wonder how they plan to select which ones to do this with. Hot Streets and Apollo Gauntlet were part of the same pilot dump, but i would imagine they'd be doing this to more than just those shows. they will probably only do this with new shows. the obvious question being if these shows get renewed will they release every episode of their next seasons all at once ahead of the tv premiere. a renewal should mean releasing it all at once was a success for them, and doing the same thing again with a new season should mean similar success.


They may do that as well. I'm sure it would be up to if Tyler the Creator OKs it since it's his show (does he have his is production company? )


How does that not have a premiere date yet? That's crazy


From what I've seen the ratings for Appllo seem like o be on par with other stuff so I'm not sure it cut into that much at all.


They may do that as well. I'm sure it would be up to if Tyler the Creator OKs it since it's his show (does he have his is production company? )


How does that not have a premiere date yet? That's crazy


From what I've seen the ratings for Appllo seem like o be on par with other stuff so I'm not sure it cut into that much at all.


The Jellies! is produced by Augenblick Studios and Williams Street.


from what Lazzo said on Development Meeting, the decision to release Hot Streets all at once was fairly recent. he said it was gonna be November but now they're waiting for all the episodes to get done so they can release it all at once, which will be in January. not sure when they planned to do that with Apollo Gauntlet but, obviously, all 6 were ready by July. they've had summer as the date for The Jellies! since they announced it, and if they'll release the whole season online first then it would have been an early decision, since as of the SDCC panel it's still summer, obviously now late summer. but yeah, no word on whether or not they're doing it.


at the Tim and Eric live show they said the new special was airing in September. It's now moved up to August 27th. Bedtime Stories season 2 is September 10th. Eric said late summer for Bedtime Stories season 2, the fake news New York Times recently said fall. i am shocked it's airing on sundays. is The Jellies! gonna air on fridays or 12:30 on sundays? if it's 12:30 sundays i would have to guess they're putting it online. though The Eric Andre Show and Hot Package have aired at 12:30/12:45 before so that late a time isn't exactly an indication, but since Bedtime Stories was always thursdays and fridays, something could be up. i doubt The Jellies! airs on fridays since it's animated.


yeah Apollo seems to be doing fine.


By virtue of not having to worry about specific time slots, Netflix can air a lot more material than Toonami does, and get it out to people much faster.


And this makes DeMarco mad. >:(.  DeMarco, and he has admitted this, is a traditionalist when it comes to television.  You watch what we schedule, once a week, and you wait.  We show nothing beforehand because that builds hype.  And if you're not sitting down in front of your TV at the dedicated time, tough.


Netflix is the complete antithesis of everything DeMarco likes in traditional network television.  Television on the viewers time, television for binge watching and finishing at odd hours, and television where the viewer chooses when to watch.


I think that's the source of his anger.  It used to be that he was the only guy who knew how to do anime right because Fox were filled with executives that had no respect for the medium.  Now it's a new distribution method leaving him in the dust.


DeMarco wanted to air Seven Deadly Sins and Cannon Busters his way, once a week, Saturday night.  I wonder if the idea of someone watching anime on Netflix on a Sunday afternoon hurts him.

This whole take is posited on the idea that DVR is not a thing that exists.


The Jellies! is produced by Augenblick Studios and Williams Street.


from what Lazzo said on Development Meeting, the decision to release Hot Streets all at once was fairly recent. he said it was gonna be November but now they're waiting for all the episodes to get done so they can release it all at once, which will be in January. not sure when they planned to do that with Apollo Gauntlet but, obviously, all 6 were ready by July. they've had summer as the date for The Jellies! since they announced it, and if they'll release the whole season online first then it would have been an early decision, since as of the SDCC panel it's still summer, obviously now late summer. but yeah, no word on whether or not they're doing it.


at the Tim and Eric live show they said the new special was airing in September. It's now moved up to August 27th. Bedtime Stories season 2 is September 10th. Eric said late summer for Bedtime Stories season 2, the fake news New York Times recently said fall. i am shocked it's airing on sundays. is The Jellies! gonna air on fridays or 12:30 on sundays? if it's 12:30 sundays i would have to guess they're putting it online. though The Eric Andre Show and Hot Package have aired at 12:30/12:45 before so that late a time isn't exactly an indication, but since Bedtime Stories was always thursdays and fridays, something could be up. i doubt The Jellies! airs on fridays since it's animated.


yeah Apollo seems to be doing fine.


I think they've abandoned Friday premieres for now and are just throwing everything on Sunday live action or animated.


Sunday premieres tend to replay on Friday, while Saturday premieres (i.e., Toonami)--go online-only or perhaps elsewhere on Saturday.


Wait, I'm wrong. The only Sunday show that's getting replayed on Friday is Rick & Morty--and that also happens on Saturday.


This whole take is posited on the idea that DVR is not a thing that exists.


You're still waiting once a week.  You're not binging the whole season as soon as it hits.


Well maybe some people don't want to binge. Hell, my system for watching Kuromukuro consisted of me watching it one episode at a time with several days in-between.


binged watch GoT when it was free



Now if only they would buy the contract of super and the rest of the dbz series then everyone would be happy


Yeah it's funny how they were smart enough to not go for Super.


These Netflix guys may know what they're doing.


Yeah it's funny how they were smart enough to not go for Super.


These Netflix guys may know what they're doing.


demarco could learn something from them ;)



Well maybe some people don't want to binge. Hell, my system for watching Kuromukuro consisted of me watching it one episode at a time with several days in-between.


I like having a few days to digest what I just watched before seeing another episode. Sometimes, it's the only way things can make sense.


Well maybe some people don't want to binge. Hell, my system for watching Kuromukuro consisted of me watching it one episode at a time with several days in-between.


I hate binging shows, unless under rare circumstances.  I feel like when I binge I'm just wasting my time.


When I binge, I go for the Toonami method and watch multiple shows back-to-back in one sitting. For example, I managed to get through CHAOS;HEAD by sandwiching it in-between Eden of the East and Air Master, with the former following up Fight Ippatsu! Juden-chan for good measure.


[those were the days]


I hate binging shows, unless under rare circumstances.  I feel like when I binge I'm just wasting my time.


yeah, I try not to binge too much. Generally I like savoring my shows. Though I did do it last I think for season 2 of the new Voltron finishing it quickly since I got so into it.


They both commit suicide by airing shows that are old news.....it's a slow suicide but guaranteed.


Which, after you read his tweet, makes you wonder if NOT EVERYTHING Toonami picks is their fault!!


But DAMN, it is rare for Jason to blow out his frustration with other companies like this. And there oughta be a law against that. Individuals should be able to buy rights and sit on them, but corporations should be compelled to do something with them or lose them!


Netflix is an Oscar-winning entertainment juggernaut with billions under their feet and is only growing more out of control.


Toonami is a 6-person wagon with barely any budget that can only go live 4.5 hours per week with dwindling ratings.



They think they can FIGHT them!! -_-


Little Witch Academia the series was a direct production of the FANS' generous donations from a kickstarter fund.  And what does Netflix do with it? .... take it away from them until the anime stops airing in Japan, forcing me to watch illegal streams of it.


SHOVE IT, Netflix!!!!

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