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if I looked for someone just like me I'd never find anyone


how many other people are alive who are Overweight Gay men who like Disney songs, cartoons, anime, and have/are willing to comfort someone with extreme emotional disorders


there aren't many other people like me :|


Soul mates are a bullshit concept anyway. Perhaps be willing to take a risk with people who don't completely fit your criteria and consequently broaden your scope of interests? Idk.



a big part  of even finding someone is actually putting yourself in positions to be found.

back in my neet days idk how i managed to think i'd ever get a gf. and i still don't have one, but going to school and the park every now and then puts me in a better position vs sleeping in until 6 pm.

which i still do, but i do other stuff now too.

Guest The Hound

I'm best friends with mine. At least it's just me. Not her. Or so i think. I'll keep it to my grave and keep looking.


if I looked for someone just like me I'd never find anyone


That's not what anyone's soulmate ever is unless they're a huge narcissist.


If you're looking for that, you're looking for the wrong thing. You should find someone you like, not try to find a mirror image of yourself.


if I looked for someone just like me I'd never find anyone


how many other people are alive who are Overweight Gay men who like Disney songs, cartoons, anime, and have/are willing to comfort someone with extreme emotional disorders


there aren't many other people like me :|


Dude it's called Grindr and it's one of the most successful online dating apps that exist


My Cousin has no problem finding people that he likes on there who are interested in the same stuff.   


if I looked for someone just like me I'd never find anyone


how many other people are alive who are Overweight Gay men who like Disney songs, cartoons, anime, and have/are willing to comfort someone with extreme emotional disorders


there aren't many other people like me :|


Positivity and confidence go a long way.


That's because there is no such thing as a "soul mate".  What if your soul mate is an elderly woman living in the hinterlands of Siberia?  What's that you say?  It has to be a guy?


Then that's not a soul mate - that's part of a wish list.


step outside yourself and see people in their own light.  Search for who they are rather than what you need.




The first step is to not go looking for people like yourself.

Like, some common ground is nice, but in my experience, variety makes for better, more exciting relationships.


like Buddy said there's literally millions out there. and also you don't really want someone almost exactly like you. trust me. that's not what a soul mate is. they're kinda gonna be the opposite of you.


There's conventions specifically for gay anime fans. In America where 75% of adults are overweight.

not really, most of those are overrun with fujoshis

Dude it's called Grindr and it's one of the most successful online dating apps that exist


My Cousin has no problem finding people that he likes on there who are interested in the same stuff. 


well I just downloaded it...I'll figure out how to use it (and take some selfies) later, but it's in my phone for when I'm ready :|


well I just downloaded it...I'll figure out how to use it (and take some selfies) later, but it's in my phone for when I'm ready :|

be careful with that Grindr there's a lot of freaks and perverts on there. and not the good kind.

be careful with that Grindr there's a lot of freaks and perverts on there. and not the good kind.

Yeah I know that's one of the reason's I didn't download it till now ::]::


that and I have an average sized penis and I'm out of shape so I don't have much to offer in the looks department


I'm dead inside....think that I need to grow up and except that I'm not developed enough...enough life experiences.....i can't feel and went through a metaphorical hell for the past few years.


I hear they got a internet thing called the OKC that let's you talk to eligible singles online.

I do not want to use the same dating site as Zeni :|

I do not want to use the same dating site as Zeni :|


You use the same forum as he does(did, for now), watch the same TV anime block, why not also use the same dating site?


I do not want to use the same dating site as Zeni :|


OKC is probably the best free dating site out there. Tons of questions you can answer to give you a compatibility score, so you can know before you even talk to someone if they're worth pursing. Not sure how it is for a gay guy but I had decent luck there as a straight female a few years back.


And just to add to what others have said. "Soulmates" is a made up Hollywood concept. Don't look for a clone of you. Look for someone that you have enough in common with that you can get along and have fun with, but different enough that things stay interesting and you don't get too codependent.



OKC is probably the best free dating site out there. Tons of questions you can answer to give you a compatibility score, so you can know before you even talk to someone if they're worth pursing. Not sure how it is for a gay guy but I had decent luck there as a straight female a few years back.


And just to add to what others have said. "Soulmates" is a made up Hollywood concept. Don't look for a clone of you. Look for someone that you have enough in common with that you can get along and have fun with, but different enough that things stay interesting and you don't get too codependent.

I hear it's possible to fail the test. That's why I never tried OKC.


Never try, never fail. Amirite or amirite?


You use the same forum as he does(did, for now), watch the same TV anime block, why not also use the same dating site?

Maybe mochi's soulmate is... zeni?!


I think you find your soulmate when you aee being your most authentic self. That doesn't always mean you're ready for them to be in your life. These days a lot of soulmates dont end up together and people are marrying folks they hate.

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