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Azalar Hex

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Everything posted by Azalar Hex

  1. Thanks much, guys. (:
  2. What should I buy with it?
  3. Really any point where the skies are dimly lit but early morning edges out evening since the armpit of summer has usually receded its farthest in the early morning. It's also quiet and easy to feel like you have the whole world to yourself. I'd love to go out and get a few burgers and then go somewhere up high to sit and watch the skies. Bonus points if it's raining.
  4. I heard about it on TV once. I think it was something only rich people and pretty people can eat.
  5. I don't think I'd murder anyone, but I'd be chokeslamming them out the door after making sure my cat wasn't dead or spazzing out so much that it would run outside when the door opened.
  6. I put bacon inside an oreo and I think I traveled through time faster the usual for a little bit after I ate it.
  7. The best way to make sure people leave you alone is to tell them you'll be moving soon and will need some help.
  8. I yell "fuck you" at the TV a lot when commercials I don't like are on and I can't find the remote.
  9. I find those women with the vibronis that react to the sound of tips hilarious when they hop and jump like somebody shoved a live gerbil into their ass when a tip comes in.
  10. Keeping up with two series as they come out. But most of the stuff I watch falls under reruns since my niece is new to a lot of series and I'm re-watching them with her.
  11. Strangely positive. A debate on whether balloons or pillows make better partners in bed.
  12. This is the most fascinating thread I have read this month.
  13. The person below me once got thrown out of an Applebees for attaching one of those suction cup dildos to the sneeze guard at the buffet line.
  14. I get paid every month to stay out of the workforce, but thanks.
  15. Somebody send me a better camera.
  16. What about my super amazing beard growing power? ... that's not a thing here? Shit.
  17. I don't really get depressed because anime is always struggle i.e. Ichigo never gets to touch the boobs when he wants to.
  18. Samurai Shamwow.
  19. Vaginal belch.
  20. I was born in '82 so this makes me a GenXer, Gen Y, and a Millenial. ... shit.
  21. That's not even a question. Tails obviously.
  22. The episode this came from is older than dirt. Memes is stupid.
  23. Turtle Saturday.
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