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Azalar Hex

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Everything posted by Azalar Hex

  1. This ... this is relevant to my interests. I may acquire one of these.
  2. Because I'm so far out in the boonies and close to banjo country that I could probably buy wallets made out of human skin within five miles of my house.
  3. And the horse is shitting all over the place. Then cars run over the shit and it gets flipped up all over things, like our mailbox. So I have to wash my hands every time I go out to check the mail because there's horse shit on the handle. I wiped it off a few times but it keeps coming back. Fuckers need to slow the hell down when they drive down this road ...
  4. The internet says I look like Steve Zaragoza. No, I've never heard of him either.
  5. Pee directly into your own butt. Then I'll be impressed.
  6. Kroger. Wal-Mart can go suck a big fat misshapen infected dick. Their prices are lower but their quality is shit. And since the people around my city would rather pay lower prices for cheese made from diseased cow teet scrapings I have to do all my shopping during the day instead of at night when transportation is available since Kroger dropped the 24 hours formula due to lacking business.
  7. just posted.
  8. Stank availability otherwise. Out in Deer Penis, TN where I live there's nothing out here outside of $200 a month satellite internet and dial-up. Though I wised up and decided to get a cell phone ( I can at least internet and watch porn but gaming is out of the question ).
  9. I tried to get Discord to function but they laid out a giant chonking horker of an update at some point. So looks like I'll be here for now. Did I miss any chaos?
  10. Gods. Trapped out in the middle of nowhere on dodgy subpar 4G and now I'm being threatened.
  11. Hello people from the developed parts of the world. I am stuck inside a phone. Please send food and good boobs.
  12. ~8.8405%. ... still longer than expected.
  13. What color will I be?
  14. Casting Zoom indoors is indeed some shit. Lazy gamers cried too much about head injuries.
  15. I like hugging people that I find attractive.
  16. Broom Anal Alchemist. Yeah I don't do funny.
  17. Did I already show them to you guys in the Discord?
  18. I don't have a camera but I do have an apartment I can meet you in. You'll need to drive here. Only women please.
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