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Azalar Hex

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Everything posted by Azalar Hex

  1. Goddamnit. Again I come to post a reply and somebody else gets it right before I did.
  2. 90% of the shit I make up when I post here is true.
  3. Well this was a fun read.
  4. Go back to sleep about seven times if I have nothing to do that day and burn off about six more hours.
  5. On my stomach with my feet hanging off the end of the bed and out of the covers. No choice. Beds aren't made for people my height. And if I sleep on my back I choke. Sleeping on my side? I randomly bite the ever-loving shit out of my tongue. Face down, too. I have to be up against a wall to prop the pillow up against it so I have an air hole.
  6. Yeah, this whole situation sucks. She's got this thing now where she gets mad if anyone tries to give her advice and comes back with "I'm an adult, I'm old, and I just want to have fun", then goes off and gets drunk, gets roped in to abusive relationshits, and acts like a teenager. Anything me or my sister says to her is written off as overstepping our boundaries and trying to bully her into being unhappy and alone. I get it, I don't want people playing mommy over everything I do, either. But it's like she hates herself.
  7. Damnit, Bouvre. I was just about to make a post about how disappointed I was that my initial answer hadn't been mentioned yet.
  8. But cat + balloon = ( beautiful? ) disaster.
  9. Yeah, the bruise is right on her left eye. There's another on her forehead and on her chin. It was at this point that I realized there isn't anything I can do about it other than tell her he is a festering sack of bloated ass maggots, and be ignored. Anybody got a spare missile?
  10. There's no official word, but I haven't seen the bruise on her face yet. She's started to recently say she regrets telling me the bad things he does because he's "really a good guy" but promises she'll tell me if he ever crosses the line.
  11. This has nothing to do with the fact her asshole boyfriend is a piece of shit drunk who she has caught cheating. Nope. She fell into a door frame.
  12. o-8-i=
  13. No it isn't why are you wearing shoes inside my house?
  14. I'm tired of businesses manipulating customers into paying extra money with deceptive advertising.
  15. Those suicide hotlines are a crock of shit anyhow, probably. I've never called one, but I'm thinking a complete stranger who knows shit-all about you or the problems you are dealing with isn't going to be any use outside of telling you "This is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Your family loves you. Life is worth living. You mean more to this world than you realize. If you were gone people would notice and miss you."
  16. Summer heat is wretched moist ass. We didn't even get a winter here last year. This year hasn't been much better. I remember when it used to snow before February. Sometime back in the 90s when fashion was terrible and music was terrible too.
  17. Went to church and believed being a good person meant others would be good to you, because god rewards good people.
  18. If you keep ignoring your mother's phone calls, she's just going to show up at your job and yell at you again.
  19. There is no such thing as a hole. The openings are filled with oxygen and therefore not a truly empty space.
  20. Video unrelated.
  21. ... I'm pretty sure snakes would be more popular as a pet if they made it so that big scaly boobs grew down the length of their backs. Like a sexy legless stegosaurus.
  22. I heard the controls are still absolutely awful with no way to remap them. ( And the PC version is still around nine months away from release. ) The eternal debate continues on whether finding a way around them makes you a "true hunter" or a "settlefish".
  23. I'd save up all my piggy bank money buy a porking doll if they made the damn things look realistic. Even the top end ones look like plastic shit.
  24. Only 2K? Realdolls were around 3K a few years back. ( The male ones were 5K. So I guess that makes these things as expensive as a realdoll penis. )
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