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Azalar Hex

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Everything posted by Azalar Hex

  1. I've plunged the toilet more often in the last month than whoever is dating your mother does in a year.
  2. This year I'm gonna dress up as a sexy clown and sit alone in local restaurants staring at couples.
  3. Breasses. Just breasses on everything.
  4. What the hell did I just watch?
  5. Hitler's left shoe.
  6. Actually managed to handle the problem really easily. Contacted Amazon about it, and they pretty much immediately refunded the money I spent, even sent an e-mail saying I didn't need to send the items back or even prove they were stolen. Guess the fact lots of folks were dealing with this issue this year helped me out.
  7. They put one gift in the mailbox and dumped the rest in front of my door. In an apartment complex. In the bad side of town. Thanks, UPS. Wonder if I can get it replaced, those were for my sister's kids.
  8. Hey wait when did TriBeebs come back? Nobody tells me anything.
  9. Pretty much you can judge how good something is for you by how much you hate it.
  10. Miku looks like she's made out of wax. Get some skin tags and moles on that bitch.
  11. My first, who I fondly remember as "The Fleshy Washing Machine". Big girl, liked to be on top, rattled around like an off balanced top-loader. The circulation went out in my legs and when I started flexing my muscles down there to keep the blood flowing so I didn't have to cut my legs off later, she took that cue incorrectly thinking I was about to pop and started dropping awkward dirty talk. She also had a blast furnace inside her ass and frequently shot plumes of superheated fart onto my jewels during her erratic pelvic gyration. But hey, got laid.
  12. Potato has provided me quality service since 2007.
  13. Potato.
  14. When I die I'm coming back as a Canadian.
  15. You see how those legs are crossed? That's how you know.
  16. Your soul was obviously infested with teenagers that stole your internal organs.
  17. Upgraded it because we're gonna have double chili burritos.
  18. Oooh. You gotta be more clear next time.
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