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Azalar Hex

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Everything posted by Azalar Hex

  1. Why did they fill in all the text boxes for the applicant? Can't the person just type in those responses themselves?
  2. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fXSrx0iTeUY/UNjmuuUPbHI/AAAAAAAAMYc/S7u7WUASfiI/s1600/InuYasha+-+Jollibee.jpg[/img]
  3. When I was younger I'd always have dreams where I knew I was having dreams. I could openly hit on the ladies knowing there were no consequences outside of the dream, and I'd get laid semi-often. But somewhere along the line my brain decided to be an asshole. Now any time things get frisky in a dream, dumb nonsensical shit happens. Most often the object of lust turning into, like, a pile of clothes or something. Never mind that the whole "I know it's a dream" thing rarely happens any more in the first place, and at least 90% of the time when it does I wake right the fuck up when I realize it's a dream. The other 10% of the time I wake up right before I get some boob. How much self-loathing does a person have to have before their own dreams start cockblocking them? Shit.
  4. Shit-eater Saturday.
  5. Satisfaction An attractive, sane, and available female acquaintance. A good MMO.
  6. I did it and it wasn't enjoyable. Haven't had any desire to try again. I had no luck with women back then so I figured I'd try with dudes, but it didn't turn me gay. Guess those folks who say you can choose to be gay are full of shit.
  7. I tried gay buttsex once in high school. It didn't work.
  8. I hate babies.
  9. Silent Hill. Though I think that was more because of all the references to the game, which made me shit a little when I played it as a kid. Well, maybe not so much scared as filled with a kind of sick dread.
  10. Nah, it's Kotaku. They block access to all content if you use adblock. At least for me. EDIT: Er, well, I just visited the link again and I didn't get locked out. Another mystery.
  11. Anti-adblock. Looks like I won't learn the mystery behind Mario's dick.
  12. Smell my nipples.
  13. New set of dubbed episodes came out today ... and, like, all but two of them are pure filler. I'm so used to the dub that hearing the characters in Japanese would be annoying but I think it's time to just go for the sub and be done with the show. If I start something I gotta finish it, and looking at the filler list the next couple of years are gonna be hella rough.
  14. Name: Name Age: Old Gender: Male Sexual Preference: Woman boobs Turn-ons: Food. Video games. Anime. Boobs. Turn-offs: Sports. Boring shit. Gross boobs. Perfect Partner: Woman with boobs. Worst Partner: Miley Cyrus.
  15. The totality doomsphere passed over my apartment, my sister's house, and my mother's house. I got a shit cell phone video of it. My nephew made an unnatural noise during it.
  16. I need to stop sleeping at the DMV.
  17. I can't say why, though. That thread likely belongs in dumpster fires. I'll just say we're gonna have riots.
  18. Only betas hide their beer. Prop a foot up on your boss's desk and chug your beer like a man.
  19. I did a google for "taco tuesday" and got this. So enjoy.
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