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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. I miss the NSFW folders. Now it’s a weird Human Centipede discord.
  2. If historical pubs in coastal towns can still credit the haunted spirits of traveling pirates as current staff, Luvv should still count as the backbone of the site.
  3. I saw speculation that they were both gay, but married to keep up appearances with relatives. That way, it explained why Betty would come out now and why Howard had a soft-boy aesthetic.
  4. So one Dracula has a castle for multiple Dracula’s?
  5. I loved Melissa, but I thought it was a case of Adult Swim and CN in general being cagey about more easygoing anime opening. It reminded me of why they completely skipped the easygoing Naruto one even if the anime community at large was getting more and more disgusted by American-flavored anime openings like the 4Piece Rap. I think the Rurouni Kenshin OP was one of the last ones at the time that was more chill. Surprised to hear that they might’ve been trying to push L'arc~en~Ciel. There was that small fraction of time when US recording studios were trying to get Hikaru Utada popular in the states. But I can see the favoritism towards the more commonplace anime music bands like AKFG, Uverworld, or L'arc~en~Ciel. Or the rights were easier to obtain for Ready Steady Go before the home video release.
  6. My best guess was because the first OP sounded like a slower, bouncier version of “The Summer of 69” so they added some guitar licks and “HOO HAA WAA” chants in the background to keep the kids awake until Asian Kung-Fu Generation saved anime with “Haruka Kanata”. It reminds me of how Adult Swim skipped FMA’s first OP because it had no edge to it and took notes from Tetrapot Melon Tea on how to smash the tambourines.
  7. If linking to softcore cp on Amazon is acceptable, then an AV star’s nipple is fair game.
  8. Yeah, the main trick would be to bake something all the way through, and then broil for the last couple minutes for a good crust. Did that with Moussaka lately and it had a nice top to it. I’d also recommend it for Shepard’s pie and Mac & Cheese.
  9. It’s great for anything you top with cheese. Like lasagna, ziti, and pizza.
  10. Neon lights are pretty calming. There’s something cute and innocent about multi-colored Christmas lights.
  11. The story of Job and the prank that was pulled on Abraham to “kill” his son are the kind of stories that are supposed to be faith-affirming, but end up having horrifying implications of blindly embracing anguish. The Islamic equivalent of morally questionable stories would be the story of the man who killed 99 people (excluding the 100th person he killed, who was an imam who refused to accept the killer would be able to repent). He died on his way to repent, so heaven and hell wanted to play a spiritual version of Home Run Contest from Smash Bros where, if he was closer in meters to the mosque, he’d be forgiven for murdering 100 people. He was closer to the mosque so heaven welcomed a man that hadn’t done a single good deed in his life until he croaked close enough to a mosque for the angels to give him a passing grade for trying. It just made me think that awful people can be forgiven on a whim for heinous crimes just because of a half-hearted effort to repent while everyone else can be condemned for a few small misdeeds that go unaccounted for or for being devoted to a different religion.
  12. That horrible feeling where you close your burning eyes in bed, but you’re still awake.
  13. "You know Sebulba is available if you want someone to fight Ultraman.”
  14. Overall, the weirder ads I’ve seen on here are the ones for local tech institutes, online schools, and that one Bleach action figure commercial where they got JYB to promote an Ichigo figure, but the latter one was from ages ago.
  15. I’m a regular here and still lurk more than I post. I just have a hard time throwing my darts at which topic I feel like investing time into.
  16. The Rock playing a CGI scorpion man Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman’s divorce The Beatles becoming a duo The Gorillaz Discovery by Daft Punk Final Fantasy X The end of WCW
  17. Making the shot, but you instinctually said “Kobe” beforehand, reminding you of everything that happened.
  18. Wonder if he’s pulled the basghetti trick whenever they come together for a group date.
  19. I’ve mostly just passed by celebrities. Where I’ve seen Edward James Olmos and Gary Sinise walking around Disney on two separate occasions. Or one of Obama’s aunts at the mall one time with security intel heading to the Aldo. The one celebrity I did get to know was one of the main cast members of MTV’s Taking the Stage. He was joining the college radio station around the same time I was trying to be a DJ. He was very excited about the opportunity and gave out mixtapes to everyone at the station. The music wasn’t great (romantic rap about wanting to treat a girl to bacon and eggs), but he was a chill dude and it was probably the best mixtape I stumbled across in college.
  20. Do celebrities that hang out at conventions count, or is that cheating? Cause I can see William Shatner being high up based on all the meet-and-greets he’s had to do. I can see musicians who do regular local appearances being easy to meet like Juicy J or Uncle Luke.
  21. Darkness. For me, I take my coffee black, but I’ll either make it as a pour over or in the French Press. Occasionally, I’ll throw in some cream and sugar if I’m feeling like something sweet. French Vanilla or Irish Cream are my main go-tos, but straight-up Baileys would be ideal.
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