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Everything posted by rpgamer

  1. I get super bored of hearing music that's nothing but guitars and drums. If it even has any instruments at all. With whiny twats yelling their bad poetry into the mic. But I guess musical talent is hard to come by.
  2. If you read any of the old comics, you'd know Sonic was always all about the furries.
  3. I took at as some sort of significant that they also dressed opposite of what they've typically been presented as. I'm just happy Bismuth is back. My only disappointment was that Lars didn't show up. But since it wasn't exactly the expected "final battle," maybe makes sense. Also the "event" promotion maybe could've done better about not spoiling so much. The only ads I ever saw were about Yellow and Blue showing up. Maybe could've been better if they were just promoting the wedding. Although, obviously maybe wouldn't have drawn in the viewers just waiting for the plot progression. Kinda the crummy thing about the "events," seem to follow the pattern of 4 light episodes followed by a big reveal, then the wait until the next batch. Which seems to be in regards to the corruption. This could get good. Expecting to see Jasper reformed by the end of that. Also, Cluster. I know the Diamonds had been bringing it up repeatedly, but I had kinda expected that to be written off, too. Dunno if it was really used to great effect, but oh well. Also also, while I'm sure it's possible, I find it hard to believe Blue and Yellow were alone on those ships. Where were their Pearls, for one. And surely there would've been at least some extra crew around.
  4. Ok then. I didn't really see that one coming. Like, sure, it's great that it happened. It needed to. But I totally expected Bismuth to be forgotten and written off by now.
  5. It's still a kids' show. They're not going to kill off the titular character. At best, they'll somehow separate. Not sure if I'd expect it, since so much lately has been about dealing with the mess she left behind. In a sense, they're all realizing how they sorta need to move on from her.
  6. They've sooorrrta waved this one away lately by saying others that act more spontaneously or unexpectedly negate the future vision. Garnet hasn't been able to predict what Steven's going to do a lot of the time lately, because he's not acting the way she expects. In a sense, in an ideal gem society, with everyone fitting in and fulfilling their intended designed roles, the future vision probably works out just fine. While the diamond thing has sorta been heavily implied lately up until the reveal, I was still holding out for something bigger. It was obvious PD wasn't shattered, but I was at least kinda hoping she was secretly bubbled somewhere, like Bismuth, or possibly just living a life of exile who knows where. Mostly I just didn't like how suddenly gems are able to rotate their gem during shape shifting/reforming, something that hasn't been shown at all up until now. Speaking of, super curious to know how Bismuth would handle this news. And Jasper, for that matter.
  7. I'm just waiting for this to get enough posts for the boards to declare it "hot."
  8. "Siblings." I didn't really like the octopus deal. Like, the sniper part started out great, but the whole "I think you're cool" interaction was dumb. Felt as if the writers realized, "Shit, at this point Kil should really be dead, but we need him to not be dead, let's come up with some cheesy shallow reason he gets saved."
  9. Subway's bread to meat ratio is atrocious. And their bread is kinda balls to begin with.
  10. I mean, I get it. Robot Chicken basically operates on the same principle of "here's an idea for a funny gag, but it's not enough to warrant more than a few seconds of thought, so we'll just make a show of nothing but short gags." Blended with a Tim & Eric et al sense of "this is so not funny that it's supposed to be funny." It's almost an [as]-inspired show in itself. But it doesn't belong anywhere on Toonami. As bad as some of their picks have been, at least they've kept the vibe somewhat consistent. This is like going to my typical sushi place and finding they've installed a big screen tv for sports broadcasts. Not what I'm here to enjoy.
  11. Just to note, the parts you were commenting on as Final Fantasy were in fact a Chrono Trigger spoof. Chrono runs into Marle, Marle loses pendant, etc. The flashy effect was from one of the skills, Luminaire. Otherwise, there was nothing redeemable about this. I'm gonna take the 30 minute break every week on this one.
  12. If bucket's still allowed to be here, I don't see how we have any room to have anyone else removed.
  13. I watched the recent-ish movie, which had arguably the best card ever. Blue Eyes Alt White Dragon. Alt White. I swear I genuinely couldn't tell if the movie was a legit Abridged-style parody of itself.
  14. Got a lot of ground to cover before he could fill in for the likes of virtual satyr.
  15. Idk. For me, things feel a little more sluggish since the update. Closing programs seems to cause a little bit of a crawl (MSI power LED changes from normal operating blue to "hang on I'm thinking about it" orange).
  16. FLCL has been a story of liminality, passing through puberty and discovering who they are. High school would be way too old.
  17. It just pushed the April 2018 update on me a couple weeks ago. Prompt came up as I was about to head to bed, "updates are ready to install." Me: "What updates I didn't tell you to update shit." Knew that if I just hit "Remind me later" it would come up again while I was sleeping, so I just let it restart and do its thing. Which, again, I never wanted in the first place. But done is done. The inconvenience of going to the trouble to make reverting possible far outweighs the inconveniences that the update has created.
  18. Oh for fucks sake. Evidently my waiting until this weekend to rollback this shitty windows update has disabled the option to do so. I'd have to completely reset everything. Re-install my shit. Fuck you windows. There's no real support question here. Just wanted to vent. I could move things around to external drives and everything, but at this point I can't be bothered. The most frustrating part of all of this is I have automatic updates off to avoid issues just like this. But apparently there are still some things windows decides to force on users. I did not consent. Quit raping my computer. 10 days bullshit.
  19. Your brain is preparing you for the old man speedo look.
  20. It's the Russians, man. They're spying on us. I warned sponges not to ask so many questions.
  21. So, 3 eps in, and, this is kinda feeling pretty normal compared to the original. Like, it's doing plenty of crazy nonsense, but, doesn't feel like it's pushing any boundaries or anything. Not in an edgy sort of way, just "do something new, something different, something unexpected." Classic was great at throwing curve balls. This, feels like it's all right down the middle. But I am liking how the opening dream sequences set up the vibe/theme for the episode.
  22. What ever happened to Panty and Stocking being a perfect Toonami pick? I never did actually get to watch that. But for shows with dumb premise, gotta be better than this. Can we go back to Shin-chan instead? I mean, I don't know shit. I'll hope this doesn't have a long run.
  23. Sooo... Didn't Zeno kinda have like 11 other universes or whatever to lord over still? Or did he literally wipe out every one of them because of Zamasu?
  24. My favorite thing to do after getting home from work is look for a new job.
  25. Did nobody else catch the word game Haruko and Jinyu were playing? It probably works better in Japanese, but it was something like they replied by starting their sentence with the last word or syllable that the other finished on. That's why Haruko lost when she started with "lone" instead of "wolf."
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