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Everything posted by rpgamer

  1. They'll just ruin your efforts by getting banned for something else soon anyway.
  2. Yess. The AB Special is how I used to do it. And damn, do I miss it. Haven't done that in years. But the results were pretty good. Mostly, I just loved being able to make jerky that's easier to consume than store-bought.
  3. This weekly clipshow has gotten so bad, I literally didn't realize they were back in present day fight after the commercial break. It took a few minutes for me to realize, "Oh, wait, I don't think this was how their original battle went." Also, ffs Kakashi, "That jutsu won't work on me," and you just believed him? Damn, dude, that just seems like a stupidly easy way to get you to not try anything. The last person you should be believing is the guy you're about to attack.
  4. Maybe they just need a visionary like you to pitch the idea. This is your big Hollywood break. Put them writing skills to use. Maybe you could even direct.
  5. Commercial definitely fails to get its message across. And why are you so hung up on what network it's airing on? You do realize it's airing on dozens of networks all over, right?
  6. This seemed like the biggest flaw of the movie. Soon as I saw she was involved, figured it wouldn't turn out very well. Nothing against her personally, but her comedy sytle ain't my cuppa.
  7. Nah mate. Next time they meet, she should just show up looking like this.
  8. I just want to know what statement the piece is trying to make by having the doctor hold the can the way he is. It's like he wants it to get covered in shit.
  9. My only hope is, much like Iggy, the writers kinda completely forget about that little quirk and it just fades away. (I posted rather late to the last finale thread, bringing up that point. Iggy gets introduced, is all "he pulls hair and farts in your face, and is nanners for coffee gum for some reason," and then he just kinda fades into the background mostly)
  10. I don't know how you normies do it. I have to wake up early for work, and it's got my whole day fucked.\ Although I suppose it wouldn't be much different working a later shift. Sure, I might be less worn out and more productive, but I'd still be either working or sleeping during normal activity hours and still wouldn't really be doing much of anything.
  11. That's a very nice old lady room you have there.
  12. Aha. Don't keep up with movies, so that was lost on me. Just chalked it up as a generic "magic man" comment ("The window is fancy and looks magical"), didn't expect it to be an explicit reference.
  13. There were.. so many twists to all of this, I'm pretty sure I've got whiplash. One thing I'm not quite sure on is whether we were supposed to recognize the house that Al was trying to interest Orpheus in. Either it's supposed to be a reference or some new hidden gold mine of history or they just needed to write in a reason for the Triad to move closer to everyone else. I know it's been a while since they've all resided at the old compound by now, but it's kinda just hitting me how... they've all moved so far along now, it feels a bit sad/funny that we'll never see that old mass grave again. And yet, somehow, after moving into a brand new facility, Venture Sr. still finds a way to make everyone's lives hell from beyond the grave that he was apparently never buried in. I don't really know where I was going with that. Just thinking about how a lot of the old problems were just messes left behind or poorly managed, and even with a fresh start, the Venture legacy continues to taint everything it touches.
  14. You people and your mammals.
  15. When you're flashing back to something that happened just a few episodes ago, you know you're going too far with that shit. That said, while the flashbacks were still too much this episode, I didn't mind quite as much as they depicted the contrast between Naruto and Sasuke. It was a bit heavy handed, but at the same time, it's pretty damned insightful for Naruto. He wasn't so entirely caught up in the starry eyed "He's so cool" that everyone else saw. He didn't know everything, but he knew there was a hidden pain there. Obviously the end results are in the extremes, but the underlying theme of revenge was put to good use, I think. Naruto knows that as he came into his power, he could've easily turned into a bullying ass getting back at everyone for the way he was treated. There was probably a time in his life that he thought about it a lot. And after his fight with Pain, and the thinking he's had to do lately, it actually feels a bit natural that he'd reach this point, where he sees how their lives could've been different, and it's not even about saving Sasuke as much anymore. It's just about getting the cycle of revenge to stop. Admittedly, killing him would probably also accomplish that goal. There's not really anyone left that would probably get revenge for Sasuke at this point. But, y'know. Principle of the thing.
  16. I never learned how to meme.
  17. Anyone remember what this show is even about?
  18. Introducing a new (sub)plot this far into the story. That's the sort of shit that makes me tune out pretty quickly. Also not a huge fan of adding even more significant characters to a cast that was already hard to keep track of to begin with. Also, I've been feeling this for a long while now, but, it's really hard to see any character as some badass when his name is a brand of jeans. (seriously, when I first saw his name written, I had assumed it would be pronounced levee, not lee-vai.) So I suppose it makes perfect sense to give his arch rival a name just as innocuous. But. Just. The way the introduced him. "Hey, you remember that story about that dude that we've literally never brought up before?" Weak ass writing.
  19. If this hair gimmick persists for very long, I'm just gonna write this show off. Had enough of that sort of shit with Inuyasha and "Sit, boy."
  20. So, I'd been meaning to dig this up earlier this week to bring up something that kinda bothered me about this series (at least, something that stood out more than most). What was the point of Iggy? At the start of the season, I couldn't help but think, "Oh great, another comic relief gag character." Dreading every moment the writers could shove the hair-pulling and farting gimmick. Don't get me wrong, in that sense, I'm kinda glad that gag didn't last very long. There's also the coffee gum thing, another gag that didn't last. So, it's great that those things didn't persist, but at the same time, it felt a bit like the writers just didn't really care to keep the character consistent. Sure, they managed to work him into some "important" moments. But I can't help but feel he easily could've been omitted from the show entirely and nothing significant would've been lost.
  21. There goes my suggestion.
  22. Yeah, that's about what I was feeling from it. Loving all the connections and twists. Kinda curious if they had this planned since Dr. Dugong, but I suspect they more crafted WW with that plot element in mind to lead to this point.
  23. I try not to follow any information on things like this. Is it really just 3 new episodes we're getting? Or just a 3 part lead-in to the rest of the season? Suppose I can't/shouldn't really expect it to get very far if they don't really know where they want to go with the story as a whole.
  24. This is the first I've heard of it. I have my browser set to never auto-play (because of shitty ads or other embedded videos), so it kinda doesn't work for me unless I switch browsers or change that setting. Looks like it'd make decent background watching, since I never did get into paid streaming services for exactly this reason of never really using it enough to get my money's worth.
  25. I wish I could find another sushi place that carries sardine. Surprisingly delicious nigiri.
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