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Everything posted by rpgamer

  1. What I'm hearing is fuggs is gone, so, that's already a significant improvement. Probably one of the major contributors to why some of the older folks abandoned ship. Re: new members, that's just been an issue for the community since [as] stopped promoting the boards. We stagnated ages ago, which led to the insular group that slowly pared itself down. Since then, growth and fresh faces were typically thrown straight to the wolves, survival of the fittest style. We might want new members, but it's not as easy to find others that hate themselves as much as we do, enough to fit in with the shit posting. And, I'd say you've still got one or two members that probably still keep new folks from settling in. For myself, this place is a pale shadow of what I'd want. I'm not even sure I could really dedicate myself much to a forum again anyway. The old guard isn't coming back, the new stock is lower quality. It's a place I can count on for some random Toonami posting, see some of you dinguses still dingusing. And I don't have to learn how reddit or twitter works. So, it's about all I could really ask for.
  2. Don't forget the Containment Wave plan. Conveniently swapped to "Eh, we didn't really like that plan anyway" as soon as they got there. I mean, until Bulma whipped out the super glue, it seemed like they were legit just falling back on the same plan that hasn't worked out so far a few times over.
  3. Crazy time travel paradox question time. How does Future Trunks, whom we know is from an "alternate" future, keep traveling back in time to the "current" timeline? I can sorta understand at the origin point, saving Goku from heart disease or whatever, when that timeline was still part of his own. But after that, it's established that Trunks is on a completely different timeline. So, if he travels back in time, why isn't he traveling along his timeline? He's clearly not only traveling backwards, but sideways to make it over to the alternate line where Goku was saved. (side note, in Trunks' future, Goku was still killed by heart disease, wasn't he? Where'd Goku Black come from again?) All of this is also completely ignoring the question of why the hell Trunks doesn't just keep time hopping to share new information faster so everyone can keep being more prepared with each iteration. They know Beerus' plan failed, so maybe hop back a little further so they can get ahead of the game on that one.
  4. Why does our smallest currency have to be darker than all the rest? Is it some sort of ironic joke to put Lincoln on it, too?
  5. I mean, Trunks did spar with SSG Vegeta, didn't he? Easy justification for "saiyan got stronger." More importantly, I feel like Beerus/Whis really should've known about the time rings being able to null any past effects. They really ought to have expected some sort of complication. What are the chances they pull out a "bad guy trump card" and use the potara earrings to fuse? Would they retain Zamasu's invincibility plus the combined boosted fusion of power?
  6. I'm pretty bad at remembering all the names, and keeping track of all the stories that were happening. But, overall, that was a decent ride.
  7. So, I can probably rationalize this one way or another, but rather than dealing with Beerus time traveling, why not just... go find Beerus in the future? I mean, I guess since Goku died, he never found a Super Saiyan God to fight, so maybe he just doesn't give a shit. Or, possibly, frustrated at not finding a god, he probably woulda just destroyed Earth or something, if he ever actually came hunting. But sure, obviously he doesn't know anyone or care about Earth in the future, but they coulda at least asked Wiss to give them a letter of introduction or something.
  8. Does anyone remember the "My true identity is this" scene having more of a strobe effect previously?
  9. So, I meant to ask this last week, but, seriously, why was Beerus getting involved in killing the kai at all? Where was the 10th universe's destroyer? Shouldn't he have thrown a fit at some other god coming in and making a mess? More presently, with time rings and super mega divine dragon wishes, basically the show is saying screw the rules, we'll make shit up when it's convenient.
  10. I've never actually seen the movie. But I know him from a bunch of other shit, that I can't really think of any specifics. He's done some good work.
  11. Takes me back, every time. But, damn, did they have to cut out the next episode previews? Those were every bit as good as the rest of the episode.
  12. Adventure Time kinda got dragged a bit long. Not sure if creators just weren't creating much anymore, or if they suffered CN giving them the slow death. Shame how it went from one of their big shows to repeat, to nobody even knows its still around anymore. Also, lol, GoT canceled.
  13. That's how these things work. Half of it is going to be callbacks to the original for that good ol' 'member-berry effect, and the other half is going to be making every attempt to spawn new memes.
  14. Tap that nap.
  15. So I kinda forgot to pay attention tonight. Has it just been a marathon of this? (nvm, waiting around another 20 minutes answered that) The Aussie twist is fun. Yeah, I'm loving this as a jab at last year.
  16. I'd say this thread ought to be today's winner.
  17. Honestly, the first few episodes of the regular block seemed somehow perfectly timed for this prank. Could there have been a better episode of Jojo than magnetic blowjobs? Is there any Hunter more fitting than these mind boggling numbers? It even felt entirely appropriate that it would be the first episode of Bebop that we'd see subbed. Scavengers... when I saw the block was airing stuff on the :15/:45, I knew something had to be up at the end. Wasn't this something that aired a while back? Feels so familiar.
  18. Kinda thought the same. But I'm willing to give it a chance. They know what they have to live up to. Unless this is supposed to be another 6 episode "season," I'll trust that this is just them knowing they'll have to pace themselves a little differently. At least they're still using the pillows for the soundtrack.
  19. Why is this getting so clogged with TG discussion? Did they ever air Evangelion 3.33? I mean, still think movies are probably a terrible idea, but, those are popular for some reason, right?
  20. Garbo. Isn't it cashing in on some Lego Movie meme material or something? The whole "cute character turns into fiery rage beast" gimmick can only be milked for so long. It also feels a bit too obviously merchandise-y. Idk if they're actually pushing out any toys or anything, just that that feels like CN's m.o. It either needs to push toys or be childish meme fodder. And I think treatment of more quality shows bears that out. Personally, I just don't understand how CN gets away with airing the same small handful of shows all day every day. They still put out new episodes of Adventure Time, but refuse to air it at all otherwise? Steven-bomb, and then forget the show exists for another few months? I mean, I guess I should be thankful that they've also dropped some other bad failures. But I'm kinda missing stuff like Chowder lately.
  21. Toonami has been up for how many years now, and in all that time, how many pranks have seriously wrecked the lineup? Toonami has earned its separation from [as]. They're not going to pull any comedy stunts. Remember, 4/1 was a Saturday last year, and Toonami was not greatly impacted. A stealth premier is a maybe, I would guess, but doesn't really seem like a Toonami thing to do. And, basically being a copy of last year, seems rather uninspired. If they picked the right movie, I could see that happening. But I don't think it's enough of a dead ratings weekend to warrant tanking with any movie. Same for any marathon. Maybe it'd be fun to do some sort of DBZ Abridged type stunt. But, personally, I'm not sure Toonami has the luxury of tossing out the schedule for a prank the way [as] does. Although, with Outlaw Star and now Bebop over, with no announcements/ads for replacements, I would sorta expect something to fill the week before starting up "new" stuff next week. (this would mean they went to the trouble of making the newest schedule bump for just a week-ish, bit of a wasted effort, but... idk.)
  22. I've heard good things, but I'm not really interested in getting into another unfinished project. I'll wait to see if it ever actually gets finished.
  23. Ooh such a good time.
  24. 6 of the 15 on my list are from here, but you ain't one. If I ever wanted to track down a babbler, I figured I could probably find them somewhere on saddy's list or adjacent. I doubt any of them remember who I am or where I'm from, tho.
  25. Ironically, Metalocalypse fans were far more tame.
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