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Everything posted by rpgamer

  1. Got a pretty good deal on your mom last night.
  2. We all know nothing outside of the DC Animated Universe is worth paying attention to.
  3. I had a similar reaction when I tried to play Crisis Core. The game just throws you into a fight with no idea what you're actually doing, and by the end, you're even more confused about every mechanic they tried to explain or introduce.
  4. I think Gundam's been in an odd place for me, personally lately. I know it's sorta always had that sociopolitical context, but I'm not sure if it's felt a little too heavy lately (at least the Toonami picks), or if I just haven't had the attention span, or maybe nostalgia is just glossing over that aspect of older iterations. But I can say that I like the idea better than basically everything else mentioned here. At least any single Gundam series is its own complete story. I mean, I guess Jojo has sorta had that going for it, too; each arc has been somewhat self contained. I just never got into the campiness, and genuinely can't tell if it's meant to be intentional or not. But still, yeah. It's kinda dragged on for a while. The monster-of-the-week format isn't so entertaining in the long run. As for AoT, well, that's just my personal distaste for the main character that ruins the show for me.
  5. I think I just gagged a little. If we're going to be fine with dumpster ratings, can we at least not air dumpster shows? Dig up some actual gems maybe?
  6. I thought we agreed that too many subfolders is what killed the original boards in the first place. I never really liked ramen.
  7. Mixing lolis with wincest. Two great tastes that don't taste great together.
  8. It's the stylized Ms stacked on top of each other. In the original, it was most prominent on top of the hat of the giant hand robot in Brittle Bullet. But I'm pretty sure it shows up on all the MM robots. I seem to recall seeing it quite clearly on the facility itself at some point in Progressive.
  9. Jinyu holding the headphones, noticing the small detail that I certainly overlooked. The Medical Mechanica logo.
  10. Lol. 2 Rolls. This was from one of my better nights.
  11. You say that like it's a bad thing.
  12. The top. Sleeping on the under side just seems too uncomfortable.
  13. Hey, it probably works better than a scythe.
  14. As board caricatures go, I'd take him over the resident trolls any day. At least he was entertaining when you didn't take him seriously.
  15. Calling it now, Danzo will reveal his final form when he removes the bandages on his head. Probably still a few episodes away, tho.
  16. I vaguely started to like the VA scene, but I think it's mostly because the awkward comedic dub reminded me of MXC: Most Extreme Elimination Challenge. With Kenny Blankenship and Vic Romano. Dammit, now I really miss that shit.
  17. Typical FLCL fashion, leaving us with more questions than answers. But, like I said before, at its core, just a story about maturing through adolescence. Hidomi did some good growing up.
  18. I really liked the bus scene in this episode. It was a nice way to point out that high school popularity doesn't translate well outside of high school. A good introduction for Bakugo to get his shit together and grow up.
  19. Think they could've at least kept Champa's food motivation more of a priority. "He got so wrapped up in the competition" just feels like too much of a stretch.
  20. The premise of this filler is that.. Champa wants some Earth food? Doesn't he have his own Earth now?
  21. Are we going to turn this into another "What are you listening to?" thread? Most recently, this is the latest group I've stumbled on and immediately needed more of their stuff. But I'm into weird shit like that.
  22. Here's an easy way to remember if something can be struck by lightning: Does it have electrons?
  23. Cumming soon: The Fuckable Mattress.
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