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You ever take the time to really think about the vastness of the universe

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If you think about it in how insignifigant any crime you could ever commit is in the grand scheme of the vastness of the universe; and how that is even nothing compared to the infinite of time. It makes anything you could ever possibly do, and everything that has every been done to be as insignificant that it may as well have never happened.  



Not really because there are a lot of people who don't contemplate how truly insignificant this little mote hurtling through the void truly is. And those people really bring me down.

Those people also get really upset when you smash a window and take all the Twix bars.


No. I commit whatever crimes I commit for reasons relevant to my own life. 

Nobody knows how significant we are or not. If they say they do, they're foolish or a liar. Size and duration alone are no indication.


You ever think that ever second of every day of your life there is a star somewhere compressing matter into heavier elements that billions of years from now might make another planet like us with initelligent creatures that use the internet to wonder about how vast the universe is too.

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