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Merging [as] into Toonami folder (and general public input on the state of the toonami folder *UPDATED W/POLL*)

Discussing the Toonami Folder  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you have an opinion on meeting Toonami & [as] folders?

    • Merge!
    • Don't Merge!
    • Cold Indifference!
  2. 2. Do you have an opinion on evolving the block discussion threads?

    • Keep the weekly episode discussion threads as-is!
    • Do show discussion threads instead of episode threads!
    • Do weekly block megathreads instead of episode threads!
    • Do a combination of #2 and #3!
    • Other (I will explain in a post)!

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Posted (edited)
  On 11/2/2019 at 5:56 AM, StarPanda said:

As far as episode threads go, I say we keep weekly episode thread discussions 


This. I'd definitely want to keep the weekly specific episode discussion threads no matter what.

We gather together and watch and react to each episode on Toonami LIVE all at the same time as a group watch, unlike other show threads where everyone's posting full thoughts after having watched the ep on their own.
Nor is it one of those insanely packed forums where threads are made at such an insane pace that individual ep discussion threads might get lost even while Toonami is on air.

Edited by DangerMouse
  • Thanks 3
  On 11/2/2019 at 1:51 AM, Top Gun said:

I genuinely like the idea of the single series discussion threads, since that's how sites like ANN handle it for their weekly streaming reviews.  Then have a single weekly floated block thread for people who enjoy the live +1 stuff.


900% support this idea

  On 11/2/2019 at 9:44 AM, DangerMouse said:

This. I'd definitely want to keep the weekly specific episode discussion threads no matter what.

We gather together and watch and react to each episode on Toonami LIVE all at the same time as a group watch, unlike other show threads where everyone's posting full thoughts after having watched the ep on their own.
Nor is it one of those insanely packed forums where threads are made at such an insane pace that individual ep discussion threads might get lost even while Toonami is on air.


You could still do that in a single dedicated thread for each week's whole block. The same people seem to stick around the whole night, so having 9 or 10 separate threads every week is kind of pointless. It also makes the board index a pain in the ass to navigate.

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  • D'oh 2
  On 11/2/2019 at 5:25 PM, Top Gun said:

You could still do that in a single dedicated thread for each week's whole block. The same people seem to stick around the whole night, so having 9 or 10 separate threads every week is kind of pointless. It also makes the board index a pain in the ass to navigate.


Float power should be used for announcements only not discussion threads its a true cluster fuck just in this folder alone

We're not adult swim we're fighting from threads it's a small section of the boards 

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  • D'oh 3
  On 11/2/2019 at 6:02 AM, Quackers said:

I think the entire board should be merged into 2 separate folders. Weeb and non-Weeb


Hi quick question what in the absolute fuck is your signature.


Also throwing in my hat into the "can it with the weekly individual pinned episode threads for every show" camp.

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  On 11/3/2019 at 1:14 AM, EmpressAngel said:

Hi quick question what in the absolute fuck is your signature.


Also throwing in my hat into the "can it with the weekly individual pinned episode threads for every show" camp.


I think it's Mario... with a pregnant Luigi?

  • Haha 1

I hadn't even thought of there being an Adult Swim folder.  I fell off with a lot the AS shows and the new ones really haven't interested me, so I really wouldn't have used such a folder in ages.  It doesn't help with some of their shows like Venture Bros. would have lengthy hiatus.  I still haven't gotten around to watching Primal, which I need to do.

Merge or not merge, I dunno.  Maybe people would be more likely to discuss the AS shows if they didn't have to go to another folder and could just discuss it here.  But I'd rather stuff stay focused to Toonami, too.  I dunno if it will be a huge difference, but I am leaning towards leaving it as is.

For discussions... hmm.  If we can't keep the weekly episode threads, threads for entire shows would be the way to go over weekly block threads.  It seems dumb to mash and mangle all the shows together like that.  Keep discussions relevant to each show.  Also there's shows people like more than others, and some dislike a lot or even skip.  Seems like that would cause navigation issues and possibly frustration.  My only thing is, some shows are going to be here for a long time.  Can the boards handle such long threads?  I prefer the weekly as is, but if we had to change it, I say go for show discussions.  Maybe that will bring people back to discuss the shows more than just for live reactions and discussion.

As for the show discussions not being what they used to be... has it really been like this since 2010?  Well, you can't force people to do anything.  I liked the more in-depth discussions we used to have back in the old days too, but if people don't want to do that, I can't do anything about it.  I usually go and re-read the threads because it's impossible to catch everything on screen and read the threads at the same time, and I'll typically just post during commercials so I don't miss what is going on in the shows.  Adding reactions is good enough for me on many posts I read live and on re-read, and I'd probably reply back to posts when I re-read or add something else to the discussion if I thought someone would say something back.  Most of the time they won't.  Maybe that is how it is with everyone else, they don't post again because no one else will, so no one posts.  Or maybe we are all just getting older and tireder and having less time and such.  I don't know.  Maybe ongoing show threads would be better for continuous in-depth discussion, I dunno.

I do know one thing.  Don't mess with things too much.  Forums often lose a lot of members or even fall apart after server and site moves or major rehauls and changing in policies. 

It seemed like we lost more people every time the brain trust at Adult Swim messed with things.  Changes to forum layout, getting rid of Action Discussion which seemed to partition the community and lead to less traffic overall (though we did have some great discussion in the Inuyasha folder and others.) 

Then Toonami coming back, which at first gave a huge influx of new users and mostly positivity during the grass roots campaign.  When Toonami actually got here there was mass negativity and toxicity because of its somewhat humble return and misconception it would be showing a bunch of the old shows.  At this point discourse in that original Toonami folder was untenable, so I stuck to show folders.  Eventually I wandered in there and participated a bit and seemed things had calmed down.  And there was actually a weekly block discussion thread there at the time, and episode threads in the show folders. 

Later on, the show folders got merged in with Toonami due to low traffic?  And AD got merged with it?  Not sure what happened when in what order, but it was a consolidation and some didn't like it as they liked things as they were.  Even though merging things together would be more like they were originally when it was just the AD folder.  But those users didn't all go back that far or had grown to like the show folders.  And some people in AD who didn't like the Toonami board or some of its regulars were aghast at having to merge.  I think we probably lost some users from that too.

Then we switched from Lithium to that other horrid system and that sure did wonders for our userbase.  And then of course the shut down of the ASMB itself and move to here.  We lost a lot of people then of course.  And not everyone knew about this place ahead of time so I can't imagine what it was like for those poor folks.  Their community was just suddenly gone forever.

There were actually a couple active people I was able to find off-site, I believe on DeviantArt?  But I guess those accounts were abandoned because I never heard back.  I was able to find alternate contact just basically by googling and whatnot but I remember that user said they were a private person, so I'm not sure how she would react, so I did not reach out.  I had actually been meaning to make a thread about this topic of trying to "rescue" ASMB castaways but kept forgetting.  I guess it's way too late now.

Anyway yeah I don't have an issue with maybe changing things up, experimenting perhaps, but don't do anything too drastic that will upset people.  We're lucky to still have as many people here as we do.

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  On 10/31/2019 at 8:15 AM, PurgatoryGirl said:

There's more complaining than there are fun discussions. To make matters worse, the hostile keyboard warrior antics over who's right and who's wrong is toxic as well as repulsive.

I've got much bigger problems in my daily life than fighting over a cartoon's ratings.

This may sound condescending but when I do have more time, I post on a much older forum with more mature adults that resonate with me.

There's nothing wrong with being passionate about hobbies and interests, but Toonami's fandom, especially from ASMB's community has the tendency to suck the fun out of watching a show.

After a long and stressful day, I like being able to enjoy what I'm watching in peace without someone nitpicking it to death or having to deal with someone's attitude problems because I'm not jumping on the bandwagon of hatred, for a show I actually happen to like.

For the most part, lurking and leaving is the best option.


The ratings thread is a dumpster fire, or at least it used to be when I regularly followed it.  I don't know what possessed people to start getting so obsessed with ratings but I wish it hadn't happened.  I think it wasn't around before Toonami or at least wasn't as much of an thing.  Personally I am concerned with the content and not the ratings for the the show, so long as they stay good enough for a show I like to stay on the air.  And so far only had that issue with One Piece.  And worrying about the ratings isn't going to make them go higher anyway.

So yeah, stay clear of the ratings thread and you should be fine.

Show threads are fine.

Not sure what shows you might be referring to.  But there is certainly not universal hate for Fire Force.  A lot of us have our issues with the show, but most of us our mostly enjoying it I think.  It's not like it is getting endlessly ripped.  People aren't the biggest fans of Food Wars but no one passionately hates it or anything.  If anything we have warmed up the show and some of its characters.  The show is like comfort food now lol.  Whoever didn't like Black Clover has dropped it from what I can tell and the current group seems mostly high on the show from what I can tell.  I mean the show genuinely did get a unfair bad rap and seems to be a semi-parody riffing on the shonen tropes while also executing things better than some other shows.

But I have not seen that much immaturity or fighting in the actual show threads themselves.  The discussion of the actual shows on TV, not the ancillary crap like ratings nonsense.

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Posted (edited)
  On 11/1/2019 at 11:03 PM, rpgamer said:

Man, you've got no idea how much discussion we could squeeze out of something like Inuyasha back in the day.

Call anything as shallow as you want, they're still characters, with motivations. Some level of thought goes into their design and how it conveys their personality, what influenced their mannerisms, how would this character react to this situation, morality, behavior.

If anyone's truly interested in a subject, there's no end to the level of dissection they can achieve.

I still remember the "Kikyou: Good, Bad, or just Misunderstood thread," wherein we could debate, page after page, various ways to interpret the actions of one single character in one show.

I still remember GELLHA, some of the largest and longest running threads in the early board days, diving into every possible subject on any given anime.

I remember making a thread for just discussing anime eyes, sharing pics to show just how much emotion can be displayed through drawings of a single facial feature.

Of course, that was also back when we were all younger, able to fritter away our lives on the most simplest subjects that came to mind. Maybe it's just that we all got older, no longer having the time to dig very deep anymore.


We did have a lot of in-depth discussion on InuYasha.  I remember that Kikyo thread.  And Redemption of Sesshomaru thread.  The InuYasha FAQ threads.  I actually asked about spoilers in the FAQ threads then lol.  I really was a different person then lmao.  I was also having a good time discussing the manga in-depth as I finally got around to reading it.  But the discussion got so in-depth it took me forever to progress through the manga haha.  Then the board went through several changes and life stuff happened and I lost track with the manga and that discussion.  But I had good times.

Less in-depth and thought provoking were the "WHO'S HOTTER?  KIKYO OR KAGOME?" threads. :D

I don't know who all remembers the user Vladimir?  He had a Kohaku icon.  He would make special "Vlad and Chibi Vlad" threads, who were himself and chibi version of himself, characters, and wrote these MST3K-style skits to go along with the shows, and people would have a good time with that, making jokes and also having serious discussions, and those were ongoing show discussion threads and they were great!  We had them for many of the shows.  I'm pretty sure there's at least a few people here who were in those threads back then. 

I don't expect anyone to put in that kind of effort to lead a discussion like that now, but it is proof that the ongoing threads can work.  The Monster thread was also really great.  Though I don't think any non-AS shows got episode threads anyway at the time.

So I as I mull it over I do think ongoing show threads could work but only if the vast majority wants it and it doesn't disrupt the community too much.  If it is going to create more discussion and encourage more people to jump in, then good.  If the opposite, then no.

About eyes... WUT LOL.  The meme I made got posted on Reddit!

It's a joke, people! 

Kubo is great at showing emotion with art though!

And I can't find the original meme. 😧 It's a close up picture of Ichigo's eyes during some major moment/transformation, and I think said basically the same thing I put there.  Then there's another one where someone adds onto it and puts a picture of Luffy picking his nose. :D

It may be that we are just old fogies now lol.  But I talked more about this in my first post.

Edited by ben0119
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Posted (edited)
  On 11/2/2019 at 5:25 PM, Top Gun said:

You could still do that in a single dedicated thread for each week's whole block. The same people seem to stick around the whole night, so having 9 or 10 separate threads every week is kind of pointless. It also makes the board index a pain in the ass to navigate.


I feel like those megathreads are messy let alone during the crossover when one show ends and the next begins (not to mention during premieres and finales when some people actually do like to continue discussing the finale even after the next show comes on, especially if it's a show they don't like, like say SAO).
Plus I feel like it'd be almost impossible to easily find old ep discussions for specific episodes later that way for those of us who occasionally like to re-read old ep threads when shows come back after a long break (like Jojo or AoT), like I do sometimes.
Not to mention the messiness if someone actually wants to late post about an episode of a different show from earlier in the night while the rest of us are live reacting to the current show. Such as if someone actually misses a show and then wants to post about it later in the night (Owl for example seems to do this all the time when he finally arrives for the shows he's not here to watch live and sometimes threads like the Gundam threads would get late posts with questions about certain things that us Gundam fans would answer). With the current method everyone also knows exactly what ep the person is talking about when responding if an old ep thread gets bumped during the week when most of us aren't around, which makes it easier to look up.


If uncluttering the "top level" is the only goal then, rather than making finding old ep reactions harder to find, I feel like it'd be better to just make another level down within the Toonami section that contains all the legacy threads of past episodes of each show (maybe even separate by show if you really want it clean, even though they obviously won't get much visitor traffic at a time) some fixed time during the week after Toonami is over, but that sounds like a lot of extra work. That seems way better to me than lumping a show's 20+ weekly live commentary reactions, or multiple different show's reactions each week, into a megathread where we also lose the ability to be able to look back at old episode reactions very easily. 
Myanimelist for example still has individual episode threads like we do, under each show's forum section along more show-wide threads in there too if people feel compelled to make them for certain shows. So it's not like there aren't other places that have individual episode threads.

I mean imagine looking for ep 10's reaction again for a certain show later, no one's going to remember that that specific show's ep 10 aired on say 11/2 anymore after some time has passed, especially when all of these shows are on different episodes at the same time since they aren't aligned.
At least people have actually been using the tags for a while now that's made it at least somewhat easier to navigate thread list for specific shows.


That said, something like creating a new additional main show thread in the main Toonami folder for each Toonami series that can contain more extended discussions and theorizing, without all the live reactions interrupting them, isn't a bad idea to me if you want more "entire show" discussion opportunity. Especially like someone said when we get shows like Promised Neverland or Attack on Titan, etc. joining that have a lot of mystery that spur more long term theorizing than some other shows.

Edited by DangerMouse
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  On 10/31/2019 at 12:23 PM, rpgamer said:

They're play-by-play reaction threads with minimal interaction between users. They're threads that end as soon as the episode is over because nobody cares enough to give them any extra thought. It's certainly a far cry from the days when AD would spend page after page on in depth character analysis or musical motifs or foreshadowing. It's all just "Wow, that happened."


There is discussion amongst users for sure.  You're playing that down.  Again I wish there were more and it went on longer but nothing I can do about it.  Like I said, it's probably a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy that no one replies later because they think no one else will, and everyone being older and having less, time, energy, and patience.

And I forgot the rerun aspect Al mentioned.  InuYasha, and other shows, had continuous discussion because they were constantly run in a loop or had frequent playthroughs even if they weren't back to back.  The appeal and popularity of such shows helped, but so did the reruns.  Buuut there were shows that were less popular or had fewer runs, and discussion for those shows would die off.  Stuff like InuYasha, Bebop, Big O, FMA, etc were always mainstays though.

And what about the "what are you watching" thread in Anime/Manga?  Instead of being a place to discuss exactly what the title would suggest, it's basically a group blog and no one discusses anything.  I thought that was so stupid when I finally decided to possibly use the thread and discovered that.  That thread is totally useless.  So unless a show is current and/or popular enough, how are you going to discuss it?  I watched Chio's School Road and wanted to talk about it, but.  And after all this time, I am not going to make an account on ANN or wherever else, to talk about shows.  And I hate Reddit's layout.  I basically only manage to keep up with a few communities at once, anyway, especially for a long time.  And right now, it's my wrestling podcast and the community which I have been listening and chatting with since 2007, and here, since 2003.

  On 10/31/2019 at 11:48 PM, rpgamer said:

Eh, I don't think a weekly block discussion thread would be so bad. Look at what we've got now. As soon as one show is over, the thread for it is all but abandoned as everyone flocks to the next show thread for their reaction posts.

Hell, why not both ideas? Weekly block thread for all the instant reactions and +1s, dedicated show threads for actually digging into the show/episodes.


I don't like that idea at all.  If we gotta do something else, have ongoing show discussion threads.  A block thread will be a jumbled up mess and be even less usable and revisitable than the episode threads.

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  On 11/3/2019 at 10:28 AM, DangerMouse said:

I feel like those megathreads are also messy let alone during the crossover when one show ends and the next begins (not to mention during premieres and finales when some people actually do like to continue discussing the finale even after the next show comes on, especially if it's a show they don't like, like say SAO).
Plus I feel like it'd be almost impossible to easily find old ep discussions for specific episodes later that way for those of us who occasionally like to re-read old ep threads when shows come back after a long break (like Jojo or AoT), like I do sometimes.
Not to mention the messiness if someone actually wants to late post about an episode of a different show from earlier in the night while the rest of us are live reacting to the current show. Such as if someone actually misses a show and then wants to post about it later in the night (Owl for example seems to do this all the time when he finally arrives for the shows he's not here to watch live and sometimes threads like the Gundam threads would get late posts with questions about certain things that us Gundam fans would answer). With the current method everyone also knows exactly what ep the person is talking about when responding if an old ep thread gets bumped during the week when most of us aren't around, which makes it easier to look up.


If uncluttering the "top level" is the only goal then, rather than making finding old ep reactions harder to find, I feel like it'd be better to just make another level down within the Toonami section that contains all the legacy threads of past episodes of each show (maybe even separate by show if you really want it clean, even though they obviously won't get much visitor traffic at a time) some fixed time during the week after Toonami is over, but that sounds like a lot of extra work. That seems way better to me than lumping a show's 20+ weekly live commentary reactions, or multiple different show's reactions each week, into a megathread where we also lose the ability to be able to look back at old episode reactions very easily. 
Myanimelist for example still has individual episode threads like we do, under each show's forum section along more show-wide threads in there too if people feel compelled to make them for certain shows. So it's not like there aren't other places that have individual episode threads.

I mean imagine looking for ep 10's reaction again for a certain show later, no one's going to remember that that specific show's ep 10 aired on say 11/2 anymore after some time has passed, especially when all of these shows are on different episodes at the same time since they aren't aligned.
At least people have actually been using the tags for a while now that's made it at least somewhat easier to navigate thread list for specific shows.


That said, something like creating a new additional main show thread in the main Toonami folder for each Toonami series that can contain more extended discussions and theorizing, without all the live reactions interrupting them, isn't a bad idea to me if you want more "entire show" discussion opportunity. Especially like someone said when we get shows like Promised Neverland or Attack on Titan, etc. that have a lot of mystery that spur more long term theorizing than some other shows.


Wow, the more you explain it, the more getting rid of episode threads seems like a TERRIBLE idea.

So yeah, maybe adding general show threads would be a good idea, but don't get rid of the episode threads.


 I don't know what possessed people to start getting so obsessed with ratings but I wish it hadn't happened


Mmmm could it be that whole thing with Toonami getting canceled due to low ratings? =P

  • Like 1

I'm fine with a single thread for a shows entire run. But not a single block thread for each weekly broadcast. That would be a flustercuck.

  • Haha 1
  On 11/3/2019 at 3:35 PM, Daos said:

Mmmm could it be that whole thing with Toonami getting canceled due to low ratings? =P


Well worrying and arguing about it isn't going to do anything.  They even said the fans don't need to be concerned with ratings.

Also DeMarco claimed he wouldn't be able to tell us the REAL reason Toonami got canceled unless he wasn't working for Adult Swim anymore.

Posted (edited)

Despite being a person who no longer has cable, I believe that this folder should not be merged with Adult Swim and should remain its own entity. Likewise, weekly episode threads should remain as they are.

I no longer post, but I still watch the episodes through various sources and read these threads to see what people think. It's a shame that I cannot watch the episodes live anymore and comment as things occur.

Those were happy times.

Edited by Gyaos
  • Like 2

let's be fair....a majority of the people here came for toonami discussions and Adult Swim Originals wouldn't get anymore attention even if the two sub-forums were merged

it doesn't help that so much of Adult swim's original content is low budget garbage

  • Like 1

To clarify, the intent behind the consolidation proposal would be to make this folder the topical location to post general [as] news and the very occasional show announcements, rather than post that stuff into a dead folder that gets less views than it does responses.

Then if at any point people began discussing the comedy side of programming, I'd pull the original [as] folder back out of the archives. 

That's really my thought process.

  • Like 1

it just seems like it wouldn't mesh well if we decided to just this a generic folder for Any shows on adultswim.....it doesn't matter where they are located

people here didn't come to discuss Mister Pickles getting a new season or rick and morty's return

This is a toonami forum above all else and we can't pretend that the [AS] Shows will suddenly get more attention if they share the same folder as toonami

Posted (edited)

and how many people do you think would respond to such news and show announcements if it were merged with toonami?

no matter what happens nobody here's gonna care about the average adult swim original

it's just an entirely different audience than the one that's been built up so far here

aside from venture brothers and rick&morty  Adult Swim News is just "See What Low Budget Crap we have in store for you this time!"


Edited by CountFrylock
  • Like 1

For example of very recent things off the top of my head, there's news right now about Lazzo retiring, and Primal got shafted here because it's not technically Toonami. You don't think either of those things are discussion-worthy?

I'm just curious at this point.

If people wanted to discuss all the low-budget comedy to begin with, it would justify having an [as] folder. But they don't. So those other, general, one-off things-of-interest get routed to a dead folder which doesn't help anyone.

That was my theory.


I've been gone for a while, but I must insert my opinion! Merging Toonami into Anime&Manga is fine. I think some combination of a weekly mega thread (since lots of the posts in the discussion threads are short and reactionary during the episode itself) with a larger discussion thread for each show. 

I don't think it's needed for [as] stuff in general though. I mean get why there's a desire to still have a place to put that, but I think just turning it into a general anime/manga folder is fine.

  • Like 1
  • D'oh 1

I remember talking with Luvv on the old boards about merging different boards due to lack of inactivity. It was considered though then we had the format change, then the site shut down etc. The old boards had an extreme case of ocd autism when it came to segregating each folder and show. I know that some members were very "reeeee" over going back to the format we had in 2006 similar to what we have now where all new episode threads are simply present in one folder which I liked. Rather than having an individual folder and thread for each show; because people couldn't get along, and that somehow put a bandaid on the problem of people who didn't like a show being able to avoid threads for it entirely; which never made sense to me. 

One thing that I do think we need is an archive folder for toonami, to place episode threads. The toonami folder has like 3-5 new individual episode threads every week that never get posted in after that night. Having an archive for toonami would actually help should you merge AS with it. The reason being is that AS show discussions will be pushed down to the next page continuously unless they're bumped due to the timely addition of new toonami episode threads.  

As well something else I had brought up a long time ago were a filter option like what they have on pokecomunity. In the folder there are buttons for each game under the filters, click it and only ones with those tags will appear. This could be implemented well for Adult Swim and Toonami by only showing tags by one or the other in the same folder. You could also have a tage for discussion threads and episode threads etc. 

  • Like 2
  On 11/17/2019 at 4:18 AM, CountFrylock said:

if we're serious here there's a lot of dead sub-forums on this site.....not just the adult swim section and that's because people don't really think about posting anything non toonami related here







I'd say merge music, food/drink, and arts/lit into one folder. Sports I think could get merged with Movies and TV. There's usually only one active thread at any time in sports, depending on what seasonal sport is going on. Horror I think can also be taken into movies and TV. It didn't even get much use this halloween since most people used general discussion to chat about halloween stuff, and horror films aren't really discussed all that much due to the inactivity of the folder. I really don't see the difference in Rants and Dumpster Fires so them being one makes sense. 
So the folders in my view should be 

- Arts and Lit which will cover Art, books, music, food

- Games

- TV Movies and Sports 

- free for all

- rants/dumpster

The confusing one would be how to exactly merge adult swim with toonami as we may have to make that it's own dedicated folder rather than a sub folder of Anime and Manga. 

  • Like 1
  On 11/17/2019 at 6:29 PM, HardcoreHunter said:

I'd say merge music, food/drink, and arts/lit into one folder. Sports I think could get merged with Movies and TV. There's usually only one active thread at any time in sports, depending on what seasonal sport is going on. Horror I think can also be taken into movies and TV. It didn't even get much use this halloween since most people used general discussion to chat about halloween stuff, and horror films aren't really discussed all that much due to the inactivity of the folder. I really don't see the difference in Rants and Dumpster Fires so them being one makes sense. 
So the folders in my view should be 

- Arts and Lit which will cover Art, books, music, food

- Games

- TV Movies and Sports 

- free for all

- rants/dumpster

The confusing one would be how to exactly merge adult swim with toonami as we may have to make that it's own dedicated folder rather than a sub folder of Anime and Manga. 


Dumpster fire is however post restricted so if rants is merged with dumpster fire you're basically saying you need 500 posts just to post politics not a good idea the last thing you want to do is get the wrath of the original pod 6 inside toonami 

It will basically be a blood shed worse then nodde

  On 11/17/2019 at 7:28 PM, helpme said:

Dumpster fire is however post restricted so if rants is merged with dumpster fire you're basically saying you need 500 posts just to post politics not a good idea the last thing you want to do is get the wrath of the original pod 6 inside toonami 

It will basically be a blood shed worse then nodde


You should need to have a higher post count to talk politics, and keep scummy alt users who are trying to ban dodge out. The only thing that really gets you banned here is asking for personal info,  and threatening to murder or rape someone. It isn't hard to not do those few things. The only people who cry about muh pod 6 boogeymen days are the ones who are actually problematic and are banned often enough to find a post count barrier problematic. Really the only ones I can think of who are banned enough for that to matter are You, bucket, and zeni. That's less of a pod 6 and more of the special ed short bus compared to the dozens of people that were a problem in pod 6. 

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  On 11/17/2019 at 7:40 PM, HardcoreHunter said:

You should need to have a higher post count to talk politics, and keep scummy alt users who are trying to ban dodge out. The only thing that really gets you banned here is asking for personal info,  and threatening to murder or rape someone. It isn't hard to not do those few things. The only people who cry about muh pod 6 boogeymen days are the ones who are actually problematic and are banned often enough to find a post count barrier problematic. Really the only ones I can think of who are banned enough for that to matter are You, bucket, and zeni. That's less of a pod 6 and more of the special ed short bus compared to the dozens of people that were a problem in pod 6. 


Eh I don't really care about the ban system 

You're also rusty on the people who have been  banned and have alts the current drama in the hey mod folder is an excellent example of no life 

But in terms of alts bucket has the most moose came back for a while then its buddy and me



I firmly opposed a lot of luvvs ideas in the past, and stand by the belief that the ocd levels of segregation the boards had at the time were the leading cause of their stagnation. I remember every single show had it's own folder for discussion threads. It had been that way ever since the RIFS. We went from having a general anime folder where every post would get bumped for a chance that people will see it. To individual folders that would only have activity if people were actively going into the folder; which killed discussion for a lot of older shows that weren't in the lineup. The mass number of folders then became cliquey. People felt like they had ownership of different discussion boards. X is the only one who can make the episode thread for this folder, Y knows that this is a show Z likes he's only here to start trouble. Then anytime those lines were crossed it would turn into a screech fest until luvv would have to come in and rub everyone's back and tell them to go back to their rooms like the children they were.  Luvv admitted that he did not like the way that the boards were segregated, but the toxicity was so bad at the time, the boards were being pushed aside, and wanted to take a more passive role when it came to punishments. Which is all how he felt was the best way to run things at the time.  He's gone and things are run different now. The current mods take a lot less bullshit with a smile than Luvv would put up with. The forum while having a handful of members who cause issues, is far less toxic than it was on adult swim. The last 4 years of ASMB were the most toxic I've ever seen a community get, and I have been on reddit, tumblr, DA, youtube, and 4chan. People would have arguments over something from a fucking show that lasted for years, and hate each other over it. Then rather than let it drop they'd follow each other into different threads and not let the arguments drop; and Luvv just let it go on because "bans only make people more angry and don't solve anything". Just because luvv thought of something doesn't mean it was the ideal solution for everyone. It was ideal for how he felt he would like to handle it himself. Though not everyone is keen on holding Luvv's ideals.  

It isn't my call, but how I view it is that the less folders, the more topics will be seen by people, the more chance there is for discussion.  I'm 30, a lot of you people I've been talking to for literally half of my life. I know the majority of the board is in my age range with a 5 year swing. Everyone should have a level of maturity by this point to not be complete asshats, and cope with sharing a folder. You can still not click on threads if you don't like that content. Really you don't have to merge rants and dumpster. They're already pretty much the same folder, and despite the fact that it's the same exact people posting in both folders; yeah it sounds kinda dumb when you actually think about it. 

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  On 11/16/2019 at 5:19 PM, Admin_Raptorpat said:

For example of very recent things off the top of my head, there's news right now about Lazzo retiring, and Primal got shafted here because it's not technically Toonami. You don't think either of those things are discussion-worthy?


Did Primal get shafted because it's not Toonami, or because there's not really many people here that care to discuss it?

It's there easy to be found if discussion were to occur. In a general [as] folder, it'd get buried. It'd get buried because many that would frequent such a folder are still just the toonami peeps, who are only here for toonami.

Posted (edited)

There should really just be 4 folders on the boards:

- Pod 6 (Movies/Music/Games/Life/Art/TV/Troll Threads)

- Diplomatic Babbling (Politics/Religion/The Last Jedi/Philosophy)

- Adult Swim (All [AS] related conversation)

- Other Anime (Anime not aired on [AS ACTN] or Toonami)

The way this site is so separated makes it hard to stir any sort of decent discussion. Something like the GAF/ERA model of 3 or 4 folders where anyone can bump into any kind of discourse/bullshit because it's organized chaos is ideal I think.

Edited by MasqueradeOverture
Posted (edited)

How is that fixed when it's exactly the same as I wrote it?  Whup, never mind, I get it now. It's just instinct for me to assume "fixed" means you fixed my comment.

Edited by PokeNirvash
  On 11/18/2019 at 3:52 AM, HardcoreHunter said:

I firmly opposed a lot of luvvs ideas in the past, and stand by the belief that the ocd levels of segregation the boards had at the time were the leading cause of their stagnation. I remember every single show had it's own folder for discussion threads. It had been that way ever since the RIFS. We went from having a general anime folder where every post would get bumped for a chance that people will see it. To individual folders that would only have activity if people were actively going into the folder; which killed discussion for a lot of older shows that weren't in the lineup. The mass number of folders then became cliquey. People felt like they had ownership of different discussion boards. X is the only one who can make the episode thread for this folder, Y knows that this is a show Z likes he's only here to start trouble. Then anytime those lines were crossed it would turn into a screech fest until luvv would have to come in and rub everyone's back and tell them to go back to their rooms like the children they were.  Luvv admitted that he did not like the way that the boards were segregated, but the toxicity was so bad at the time, the boards were being pushed aside, and wanted to take a more passive role when it came to punishments. Which is all how he felt was the best way to run things at the time.  He's gone and things are run different now. The current mods take a lot less bullshit with a smile than Luvv would put up with. The forum while having a handful of members who cause issues, is far less toxic than it was on adult swim. The last 4 years of ASMB were the most toxic I've ever seen a community get, and I have been on reddit, tumblr, DA, youtube, and 4chan. People would have arguments over something from a fucking show that lasted for years, and hate each other over it. Then rather than let it drop they'd follow each other into different threads and not let the arguments drop; and Luvv just let it go on because "bans only make people more angry and don't solve anything". Just because luvv thought of something doesn't mean it was the ideal solution for everyone. It was ideal for how he felt he would like to handle it himself. Though not everyone is keen on holding Luvv's ideals.  

It isn't my call, but how I view it is that the less folders, the more topics will be seen by people, the more chance there is for discussion.  I'm 30, a lot of you people I've been talking to for literally half of my life. I know the majority of the board is in my age range with a 5 year swing. Everyone should have a level of maturity by this point to not be complete asshats, and cope with sharing a folder. You can still not click on threads if you don't like that content. Really you don't have to merge rants and dumpster. They're already pretty much the same folder, and despite the fact that it's the same exact people posting in both folders; yeah it sounds kinda dumb when you actually think about it. 


For all our quirks and stereotypes, I do like to think we’re all a lot more mature than the kids that first used the ASMB.  We grew up, graduated, got jobs, experienced triumphs and tragedies, realized how dumb the internet tough guy act was, and we mellowed out.  There should be some separation, no separation at all doomed the old ASMB, but Anime and Toonami should be fine together.

  • Thanks 1
  On 11/19/2019 at 2:44 AM, Jman said:

For all our quirks and stereotypes, I do like to think we’re all a lot more mature than the kids that first used the ASMB.  We grew up, graduated, got jobs, experienced triumphs and tragedies, realized how dumb the internet tough guy act was, and we mellowed out.  There should be some separation, no separation at all doomed the old ASMB, but Anime and Toonami should be fine together.


Yeah I don't think that things should go back to there being one folder; like that horrible final months of ASMB trying to be more mobile friendly, and compete with large social media platforms. Just logical folder mergers. 
The 13 folders we have now
Anime and Manga


Arts and lit

Food and Drinks


Movies and TV

Adult Swim




Free for All


Dumpster fires 

How I think the folders may work best the addition symbol will just be used to show what folders should be merged not a name suggestion 

Anime and Manga + Toonami  I don't think that toonami needs to be a sub folder, if anything the toonami sub folder should just be switched to the Toonami archive to place old Episode threads since we get new ones weekly and it's just clutter. 

Arts and lit + Music + Food and Drink  This makes sense to me since food is a form of culinary arts, and music is always considered an art. These folders also have very little traffic so merging them may be more beneficial.  

Movies and TV + Sports + Adult Swim + Horror   Movies and TV, Adult Swim, and horror are pretty much dead folders. Sports has a couple of active threads, but all this stuff is either film or airs on tv so it makes sense to meld them together, and possible gain better conversations. 


Free for all

Rants + Dumpster fires  IMHO these can be combined, they're the same concept and have the same posters who use them. Though really it doesn't matter since I could care less if these threads succeed or become stagnate. 

So with this we go from 13 to 6 folders.  I know originally the idea was to merge Adult Swim with Toonami, but the more I thought about it the less it really fit, and the more likely its threads would become buried by the mass of toonami episode threads. Having it merged with TV/Movies Sports Horror feels like it would give that folder the best chance at activity it could have; without it being outdone and overshadowed by anime manga and toonami. 

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