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I usually just try not to obsess about Smilez. Not having sex with him helps, too!

you don't know what you're talking about. smilez thinks you're disgusting, so you wouldn't have a reason to. he wants to be with me, but i know he's no good. i have to let go, despite how i feel.


people actually build attachments with others. it's normal for most. it goes beyond that festering sarlacc pit you have in between your legs.


people like you are a waste. the only thing you're good for is laying on your back or being on your knees. even then the people you attract are so lowly they completely disregard the blubber that encases your nonexistent heart.


Tldr: you are a fat whore who can't speak on anything regarding relationships.


Awww did i hit a nerve?

Bet youll never see me whine about a guy. And you whine constantly! Most girls would have gotten the point years ago!


Nah, you'll just make a bunch of threads about how miserable you are, how no one helps you take care of your daughter, boring things that you are completely ignorant about like cheap sushi, and the various creatures that infest your home.....You're clearly winning here  >:D


Fuggs, Most people wake up wanting to start their day, know what they want to do. You just wake up planning to be autistic. You don't scratch my surface or tickle my ass and i'm actually a very sensitive person. I just find you baffling. A big ass mess with blisters on your mud flaps.


You are a visible joke if i ever saw one.


Nah, you'll just make a bunch of threads about how miserable you are, how no one helps you take care of your daughter, boring things that you are completely ignorant about like cheap sushi, and the various creatures that infest your home.....You're clearly winning here  >:D


But i have men figured out thats fer sure!


Fuggs, Most people wake up wanting to start their day, know what they want to do. You just wake up planning to be autistic. You don't scratch my surface or tickle my ass and i'm actually a very sensitive person. I just find you baffling. A big ass mess with blisters on your mud flaps.


You are a visible joke if i ever saw one.


It was an ingrown hair on my groin and its better now. Thanks for the concern.


My mom told me that.


She hates that i still talk to him in any form after he left me stranded in Tennessee.


they're right. the busier you are, the less time you have for your brain to be occupied with thoughts of missing someone, obsessing over what happened and what was. you find something else in this world to feel passionate about. i don't think you ever really forget people who are/were important to you though. its just that over time you move on because eventually you realize, consciously or subconsciously, you have to... or you will self destruct. if you have a knack for doing such things anyways, it can be helpful to seek professional advice. sometimes, people just have less control over their emotional state of mind or rational thought and need help.


its hard, its sounds easier said than done but really... what other option do you have?


they're right. the busier you are, the less time you have for your brain to be occupied with thoughts of missing someone, obsessing over what happened and what was. you find something else in this world to feel passionate about. i don't think you ever really forget people who are/were important to you though. its just that over time you move on because eventually you realize, consciously or subconsciously, you have to... or you will self destruct. if you have a knack for doing such things anyways, it can be helpful to seek professional advice. sometimes, people just have less control over their emotional state of mind or rational thought and need help.


its hard, its sounds easier said than done but really... what other option do you have?

i'm going to try.

Slut shaming me when you've probably slept with more women than i have guys in the pass month, hypocrite.


Where do you even get this shit.....I have one girl, and we've been off and on for 4 years.......When we're together, I don't cheat on her....I barely even flirt with other women..........You just make shit up so you'll have something to say, no matter how wrong or stupid.


The last thing I need in my life is extra women.


EDIT.....Wait, I had to think about this....We met April 2014.......It hasn't even been 3 years.




i'm going to try.


good, i'm glad to hear it.


and remember boo, in those days of weakness when you feel like theres no point without them, ask yourself to prove it. prove to yourself that there isn't by exhausting yourself trying everything a person can to find a reason.


Amnesia, a lot of drinking or moving to a different country.


The classics.


My problem is that I can just randomly have someone pop into my head then they are all I think about, to the point that I just want to reach out and see how they are doing.


Looks like I know what I'm doing today.


dude I forget people all the time....I got adult shit to worry about and if they aren't directly involved in that...poof gone...it's not because I'm trying to be rude....I just legitimately can't retain that much pointlessness.....sorta how my PMs are filled with this guy (who I didn't remember mind you) who is pissed off about something I did ten years ago....how the fuck am I suppose to remember that? Or why the fuck have you been harboring it for ten years? Just get over it ya know?.....w/e but you see my point?


Yeah, usually forgetting someone does hurt, but it's only the process that seems to kill you.


It requires you to move on, passed that person, and forge new, better memories.


Maybe realizing that the person you're trying to forget probably isn't the healthiest person to keep around and for your own sake, you find someone / something less volatile...some relationships just simply were not meant to be, and that can be a hard pill to swallow. Sometimes you may have to admit you were wrong and maybe a little blind, too.


Basically, you live, you learn, and you grow. You'll meet other people. I don't know if this was necessarily love related, but it goes for most any relationship. You need time.


Awww did i hit a nerve?

Bet youll never see me whine about a guy. And you whine constantly! Most girls would have gotten the point years ago!




You whined about being abandoned by Military Hottie in favor of his wife all the time. Didn't you even try to break them up by telling her?




i can't be helped.  :P


Eh everyone can be helped some just require a little more then others.


As a pretty emotional person or someone who "feels deeply" it just takes longer.


Personal growth can be a bitch sometimes and a bit of a process.


Booze is a cheap and easy escape for people so I can see why most people make that option one, the problem is that it doesn't make the problem go away and can exacerbate it


i don't think indulging in a binge or two is the problem with drinking when you're going through prolonged period of heartbreak or loneliness. its when you're self medicating by drinking a lot regularly to escape that is the problem. anyone who has ever had close relations or was/is an alcoholic themselves and have been through the motions of trying to quit, they know exactly what happens to your moods and emotions over time because of the alcohol. it is an insane roller coaster that i don't wish upon anyone. and thats the thing too, it doesn't just effect them, it effects the people close to them too. no bueno. using booze as medication when you're in pain is a slippery slope and you're bound to take others down with you or lose them completely on your way down.


thats more my point than just having some drinks when stuff sucks.


i don't think indulging in a binge or two is the problem with drinking when you're going through prolonged period of heartbreak or loneliness. its when you're self medicating by drinking a lot regularly to escape that is the problem. anyone who has ever had close relations or was/is an alcoholic themselves and have been through the motions of trying to quit, they know exactly what happens to your moods and emotions over time because of the alcohol. it is an insane roller coaster that i don't wish upon anyone. and thats the thing too, it doesn't just effect them, it effects the people close to them too. no bueno. using booze as medication when you're in pain is a slippery slope and you're bound to take others down with you or lose them completely on your way down.


thats more my point than just having some drinks when stuff sucks.


Yeah I don't know many people who know when to stop when they are dealing with things like this so it tends to go on over days slowly destroying everything.


I've been constantly thinking about someone from my past and people related to them for many years now. But I never miss any of them. My emotions when thinking about them range from anger, regret, and indifference. Pretty much all of my experiences with them were god awful, but they sure were memorable, if nothing else.  I think the only ways I'll stop constantly thinking about them is if I get a really good, really busy job, I fall in love and start a family with someone else, or if my band really takes off and I get wrapped up in that. But since the time I interacted with them, my life has pretty much completely stalled so I got nothing to keep them off my mind.


I was going to recommend beating up on fuggs, but she beat me to it with her stupid.


Unfortunately, the only way to get over someone is convincing yourself that you don't need them anymore.  In theory, it shouldn't have to be said that a confident, intelligent woman doesn't need any man to make her worthwhile, but sometimes old gender stereotypes and meddling friends (who mostly mean well) obscure the fact.  Things will turn around for you once you get your new job and you start working in the field you trained for.  People will see you for the valuable person that you are, and you'll feel better about yourself.

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