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How much of a pirate are you - on a scale of 1 to 10?

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Guest The Hound

Actually find myself pirating things less these days as content distribution has gotten a lot better thanks to things like Steam and other companies having their own distribution platform, such as Blizzard. Also find it that some companies make it more viable to pirate something.

Perfect example V

I'm a big fan of the Forza franchise and would love to play the new Horizons on PC, but the PC version is actually encrypted and heavily affects performance on all systems and GPU solutions.


I really don't know how to quantify it. I pirate two things: Porn and Music.


All my porn is pirated. The end.


Music, I'm a "download before I buy" person. I download a shit ton more than I buy, but I usually only listen to a pirated download once before I make a decision on whether to buy it or not. If I like a download enough, I'll put it on my metaphorical "To buy list." And sometimes I'll buy it. I just recently bought 5 CDs, 3 of which I pirated first and decided I wanted to buy them.


I was captain of the IB pirates, not the flying ones the regular kind. As for illegal things only anime when I cannot get it legally, like no one has licensed it or has it available.


Same as you, I used to pirate lots of shit but no longer feel the need to....there's enough legal avenues for entertainment these days.

Guest The Hound

Same as you, I used to pirate lots of shit but no longer feel the need to....there's enough legal avenues for entertainment these days.


i really dislike though when software doesn't work properly because of copyright protection code. i will always pirate that kind of shit unless its an online game i want to play which is rare. I have all the multiplayer games i need atm


i really dislike though when software doesn't work properly because of copyright protection code. i will always pirate that kind of shit unless its an online game i want to play which is rare. I have all the multiplayer games i need atm


I'm not much of a gamer these days but the only time I watch anime illegally is when it's not available on sites like crunchyroll.....and for music I just listen to commercial free radio....used to pirate lots of music.




i have no need to pirate anything anymore because it was always all music and maybe a few movies. streaming has upped its game since then and i make enough money to splurge for the things i really want to own.


Just old games/movies/anime that were never licensed or are old and only available to buy from gougers on ebay/Amazon/etc.


0 because I don't torrent anime anymore, I don't watch movies anymore, and I barely have time to play games since I have a job and responsibilities like any other adult.




1, since 0 was not an option.


As somebody who hopes people will buy my work one day, it seems like it would lead to some sort of misfortune to be taking people's work for free.


honestly like a 2. i still do music if i can't find it but otherwise i stopped doing that stuff years ago. i don't watch movies/music and i pay for my games because i'm too lazy to get them to work on my laptop

Guest The Hound

This is why I cam & escort instead of shoot new videos


Never pirated porn.

It's free everywhere.

Why pirate it?

Guest The Hound

Yea I keep seeing people posting about music.




Spotify is love.

Guest The Hound

I'm actually really fucking surprised by these poll stats.

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