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I probably shouldn't have laughed at this, but I couldn't help it...was reading all that and going "well, at least he didn't hit her" .... '>.>


i'm surprised you're not a more violent person, Boo....

I'm actually a very sensitive and affectionate person.


Not that it hasn't affected me. I got kinda used to people hurting me. I make justifications for people hurting me and often apologize when i haven't done anything wrong.


I wouldn't let anyone beat my ass like he used to. That's for sure.


Something doesn't add up....Having a girlfriend and not having sex at 27 means you're either gay or she is.


Assuming you're not both gay.


Nah more like no one got the reference to 42 and that I wasn't serious at all.


Go on...

eh, it was nothing special.. it actually hurt.. and it was on a mattress on the floor :| and from that moment I didn't have sex in an actual bed until I was 21. :| LOL my wild years were from 18-20

eh, it was nothing special.. it actually hurt.. and it was on a mattress on the floor :| and from that moment I didn't have sex in an actual bed until I was 21. :| LOL my wild years were from 18-20


It seems most peoples first time tend to be disappointing. I'm glad mine wasn't.


It seems most peoples first time tend to be disappointing. I'm glad mine wasn't.


Now if only we could ask your partner if they concur........My first time was amazing if I don't consider how it turned out for the other person


It seems most peoples first time tend to be disappointing. I'm glad mine wasn't.


your loss....you only get one chance to share this mutually traumatizing experience...I can tell you I appreciated it...I truly felt a right of passage as I gave my penis a pep talk while being semi-sarcastically cheered on by the girl who certainly by that point knew I would soon be disappointing her, but was no less willing to let me give it the old college try anyway  >:D


Now if only we could ask your partner if they concur........My first time was amazing if I don't consider how it turned out for the other person


Oh, she would.


your loss....you only get one chance to share this mutually traumatizing experience...I can tell you I appreciated it...I truly felt a right of passage as I gave my penis a pep talk while being semi-sarcastically cheered on by the girl who certainly by that point knew I would soon be disappointing her, but was no less willing to let me give it the old college try anyway  >:D


Gods, that's depressing as fuck.


This sounds a lot like Ghostie......I mean it's not ideal, but the last thing you want to do is meet that person you're attracted to and have no experice so you fail miseably......Everyone should get a little practice in before attempting to go for the gold.


At your age, you should definitely bang a chick you have no attachment to first before you fuck it up when you meet the one.....Or Cuck....I guess that's cool too.


Yeah, sounds a lot more like Ghostie than I'd like to admit.


I guess I see your point, but despite my age, I'm not really in a rush to lose my virginity just to lose my virginity. I'd rather do it with someone I think is attractive. Like I said, I can see your point, but that's still my mindset.


Yeah, sounds a lot more like Ghostie than I'd like to admit.


I guess I see your point, but despite my age, I'm not really in a rush to lose my virginity just to lose my virginity. I'd rather do it with someone I think is attractive. Like I said, I can see your point, but that's still my mindset.


Cool, do you....None is this is written in stone.


Oh, she would.


I hate it for the rest of us that couldn't be a sexual professor in the first go round.......Bet you rode a bike without ever falling and beat Battle Toads without warping on your first run too.  Stilgar, you're so cool.


My first sex was amazing but men cant make me cum. After 2 hours he caught me looking at his clock then finished up and sent me home. My debit card and id fell out my pocket and be found them on his floor and tossed them out. I was a nervous wreck but he had no idea i was a virgin so mission accomplished.


My first sex was amazing but men cant make me cum. After 2 hours he caught me looking at his clock then finished up and sent me home. My debit card and id fell out my pocket and be found them on his floor and tossed them out. I was a nervous wreck but he had no idea i was a virgin so mission accomplished.


Massive wutting commencing.


17. first serious relationship. in my bedroom.


it was... bad.


or i was bad? idk. she dumped me about a month later so it couldn't have been great.


didn't really date for like a year after that.  :(


I was 18. Likely would have happened a bit sooner but I was a big ole gal in high school. Slimmed way down at the end towards the beginning of college. That was with another girl at the end of a party. Was 19 when I first got with a guy.


Neither...incident is of note. Boring teenagers being swept up by hormones and failing in bed.


About a week before my 33rd birthday. On my wedding night.


The actual WOW....So many questions.  Like your wife is the only woman you've ever been with and since it was on your wedding night, I assume your religious beliefs played a part in this........Correct me if I'm wrong.



I'm not even attempting to degrade you in the least....In fact I completely commend this level of dedication........But I'm asking.....as a heathen PoS......She is the only woman you will ever have sex with....Forever?


23.  Met a large woman online during my chat room Role-Playing days while I was running a storyline.  She came over for a weekend under the pretense of love, but she just wanted to take some dude's v-card.  It was not pleasant, additionally, due to my constant daily self-abuse sessions I lacked the sensitivity to effectively get off. 


I mean, she did.  Multiple times.  ( Or so she said. )  No issues keeping it up.  But I just didn't go anywhere.  This may have partly been due to the fact that she wasn't so much doing sex as she was vibrating wildly on top.  She went home a day early and told me she was engaged, that her fiance would murder me if I talked to her again, and that she went to Renaissance Fairs and slept with random men.  So I may have blown it.  I fondy dubbed her "The Fleshy Washing Machine".


That has been the only time I've been allowed to penetrate another human being, so I might as well just be a virgin.


23.  Met a large woman online during my chat room Role-Playing days while I was running a storyline.  She came over for a weekend under the pretense of love, but she just wanted to take some dude's v-card.  It was not pleasant, additionally, due to my constant daily self-abuse sessions I lacked the sensitivity to effectively get off. 


I mean, she did.  Multiple times.  ( Or so she said. )  No issues keeping it up.  But I just didn't go anywhere.  This may have partly been due to the fact that she wasn't so much doing sex as she was vibrating wildly on top.  She went home a day early and told me she was engaged, that her fiance would murder me if I talked to her again, and that she went to Renaissance Fairs and slept with random men.  So I may have blown it.  I fondy dubbed her "The Fleshy Washing Machine".


That has been the only time I've been allowed to penetrate another human being, so I might as well just be a virgin.


This story is so weird that you are the least virgin of anyone here.........I'm still not completely sure if this has happened to any one other than you....Correction, I mean I'm sure it has but this is almost the darkest sex meme ever.


Dude....Is this just a dark sex meme?


Everybody fcking had sex either in their teens or early 20s holy fck fck this bullsht!!!!!! FCK YOU!!!! AKFKAEKRAFKFKFCAKFEKAKFCKAWEKCKWAFKCAEKCK


Just make up with viper and let him fuck your ass after you fuck his.


Might as well go into details, I was 22, she was a co-worker that was 20 years older than yours truly :|


Older women rule....I had this 35 year old chick when I was 19 in college........She lavished me with gifts and all she wanted me to do was go to family function with her.....Hell yeah I'll go to this fish fry and hug up with you....I'm 19.....My life is nothing but a big ass fuck you to my future.


Yes, Buddy. My religious beliefs played into it. And yes, she will be the only woman I ever make love to. (And I'm the only man she will ever make love to.)


Yes, Buddy. My religious beliefs played into it. And yes, she will be the only woman I ever make love to. (And I'm the only man she will ever make love to.)


I am so glad my love life isn't that boring.


I really dgaf about sex anymore. I just want to find woman who I want to be around for every single moment of my life. I want a woman who would make my heart race with excitement Every time I see her face, and a smile so godly that it would give me a heart attack.


Unfortunately, that will take eons to find since the modern woman is a thot who needs pounds of make up to cover up their insecurities.

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