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In the middle of the night some knuckle dragging oxygen thief decides to shoot off fireworks. It's bad enough dealing with that bullshit every 4th of July but just shooting them off randomly in the middle of the night? Again I have no sympathy for anyone that gets hurt playing around with fireworks, that's one less oxygen thief in this world.

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I feel like I'm being left to carry a lot by myself and maybe I need to change jobs again. I'm so tired of this and I'm not sure what to do next.

The job I have isn't awful, but I'm continually disappointed in my team. I work with my friend who assured me she'd be able to handle my being her "boss", but she's too comfortable with blowing me off. She doesn't read emails or reply to messages. She's late about half the time, and she doesn't look at the PM software to see what she has to do, how, or when. I'm continually saying, "That's in the PM software..." because she doesn't read anything.

Meanwhile, the other teammate I manage turns his invoices in late. By design. I've never heard of someone billing for a project after it's 100% complete. How do you track the budget that way? How can I track the budget that way? I have no way of knowing when we're 50% through let alone over budget... Speaking of which, we're so far over budget on the Project From Hell that continuing to work on it makes me sick. When I bring up how out of scope we are (this project should have been done 3+ months ago), no one takes me seriously. My friend is even a bit dismissive.

I've added tasks to my list that aren't expressly mine to do and haven't received a penny more for my effort since I started 2 years ago. Why did I think I could make any real changes here? This isn't the first time I've tried to utilize my skills and expertise to help people who can't be helped, I really need to cut that shit out.

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That feeling when you distinctly remember going to the store, buying a particular product, bringing that particular product home and setting it in a particular spot for later. Then, when later comes, that product is nowhere to be found, leaving you to wonder if you actually bought it at all, or if you’ve finally gone crazy. :LithiumSmileyIndifferent:

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Posted (edited)

There goes another "friend" over political bullshit.

He constantly posts on Facebook because he retired early in life (insert snark about how "that must be nice"). He leans left and clearly enjoys political debate because, usually, he dominates. He's got a decent education, so he usually knows what he's saying, and I usually agree with him. He always seemed so level-headed, which I respected.

Then today, he swung, and oh did he miss. He decided to lecture people on not severing ties over political opinion, apparently because he hangs out with a lot of Republicans. He feels defensive about it and protective of his friends. He wanted a pat on the back. Instead, I and several others pointed out that voting someone into office because of, or in spite of, their bigotry has the same impact in the end. His friends know that civil rights protections will get rolled back, that it's already started, and they're okay with it. They certainly aren't concerned enough to do something about it.

As Dr. Kendi said, you can't be "neutral" on racism. I mean, how can you be "neutral" on whether all humans deserve to be free and treated with respect...what are you on the fence about? It's not going to matter to Trump's victims that you (claim you) aren't a racist. At the end of the day, those people are still being victimized by someone you put into power. Imagine voting for Hitler and then saying you didn't vote specifically for his race politics, you just thought he had leadership ability...a horrific number of people still died either fucking way!

He didn't handle the criticism well. He isn't used to being stumped. He stewed for hours, I mean for a good 4+ hours. Then he logs back in, deletes everything he didn't like, thereby removing all context, and tells me that I seem to think I know his friends better—didn't say that, I merely pointed out the problematic nature of writing off your friends as "brainwashed" to absolve them of guilt and responsibility—and that since I think he's a Nazi (never said that either), am I going to kill him? 

You know, there are places...like Germany...where sharing overlapping beliefs with Nazis isn't just a "political opinion," it's basically a crime. We only validate this shit in the US because everyone's feelings are valid now, even if those feelings are "POC are criminals" or "trans people deserve to die." It didn't even hit me until afterward that of course it's a retired straight white American male who thinks his dinner parties are more important. Nothing about his life will change either way. He doesn't want people to point out the very real impact his friends have on the lives of others, he doesn't want to have to face what they've done and are planning on doing. He wanted us to assuage his guilt so he could go on enjoying dinner parties without complication, without the anxiety he obviously feels.

Also, it's outrageous that I'm supposed to give a shit about his shitty friends. Yeah, shitty friends, I didn't say it before but now that I see the way he acts, I'll say it now—they're shitty rich white people who live in a shitty rich white bubble of a town. If you have to preemptively defend being BFFs with the local RNC chapter, you damn well know what they're doing is wrong, and you're just playing activist on Facebook. I'm not about that fake shit.

Don't post if you can't handle the roast.

(ETA: Be friends with whoever you want but don't expect anyone else to love them as much as you do. I have to cope with my bigoted in-laws every day but I'm sure as shit not going to go to bat for them on this, they're adults, they can speak for themselves and their own choices.)

Edited by Blackrose321
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First the website borked out and it took an entire day to sort it out and get the order to process properly. 

Then it went from 'Arriving Early! - Friday' to 'Saturday by end of day' and today 'It's running late and the tracker hasn't been updated since the 18th so it's probably wandering around the world because of that glitch'. 

It's a backpack carrier for kitties with a built-in fan for cooling tiny kittens in the summer. She has her baby boosters on Friday and I kinda need to get this thing so I can make sure it's equipped with the right batteries/power bank so she doesn't fry on the trip. She needs this A/C pod. :| 

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Posted (edited)

If you advertise a position at $100/hr, then during the HR interview say "Whoopsie-doodle, it's really $100,000 a year, at 45 hours a week salaried with the expectation you'll be doing 50 hour work weeks before long", don't expect too many callbacks.  Because fuck those numbers and those hours in this economy.  And fuck you and your weak-ass excuse about the formatting, when you're lying to prospective hires.

Edited by Jman
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20 minutes ago, Jman said:

If you advertise a position at $100/hr, then during the HR interview say "Whoopsie-doodle, it's really $100,000 a year, at 45 hours a week salaried with the expectation you'll be doing 50 hour work weeks before long", don't expect too many callbacks.  Because fuck those numbers and those hours in this economy.  And fuck you and your weak-ass excuse about the formatting, when you're lying to prospective hires.

Yeah, I'm sure that was a typo. :LithiumSmileyIndifferent: Can you report the listing?  Not that I expect anyone to do anything but that shit is infuriating.

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1 minute ago, Blackrose321 said:

Yeah, I'm sure that was a typo. :LithiumSmileyIndifferent: Can you report the listing?  Not that I expect anyone to do anything but that shit is infuriating.

I reported it.  Which I'm sure disqualifies me from Round 2, but at this point, I couldn't care less. 

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Man, fuck this town craft vendor fair that specifically says "no witchcraft symbols" and leaving that vague enough to extend to all horror themed things. Horror things sell better than anything else, including the big sports team around here, and even disney things. fuck this town's fake christian bullshit.

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4 hours ago, little_girl_lost said:

Man, fuck this town craft vendor fair that specifically says "no witchcraft symbols" and leaving that vague enough to extend to all horror themed things. Horror things sell better than anything else, including the big sports team around here, and even disney things. fuck this town's fake christian bullshit.

I'm rude enough to do whatever I want anyway and claim the whatever are religious symbols so suck it up, buttercups. 

Conversely, I might also claim that any crucifixes and crosses celebrate murder and possibly zombies while any depictions of a Christ as being some white dude with long straight brown hair and blue eyes as historically inaccurate for anyone other than Romans living in the area at that time. Watch them fume. 


* * * 

I hate the heat. I've had a sinus headache since 5a. I'm recovering from a trip to the dentist in this heat. And I'm still waiting for FedEx to figure out where my shit is and deliver it. 

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18 hours ago, little_girl_lost said:

Man, fuck this town craft vendor fair that specifically says "no witchcraft symbols" and leaving that vague enough to extend to all horror themed things. Horror things sell better than anything else, including the big sports team around here, and even disney things. fuck this town's fake christian bullshit.

What weirdos. Did you know that the peace symbol is also offensive to them? Had no idea until my MiL was horrified at the idea of buying a mug with the "upside down broken cross" on it. 

I was like... I'm pretty sure that's the symbol for peace and it has its own history but sure, add that to the list of things you've stolen...

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Fuck people that don't want to do anything unless they can be seen doing it.   And also, fuck people that hate the idea of giving canned food to a food pantry because they can't pick the people it's given to.  Some Christian they are.

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I want a fucking raise. I wasn't offered that high of an hourly rate to begin with, the fee for my services has just been raised by 22.22%, I haven't gotten a single penny more since 2022, and these people are driving me up a goddamn wall.

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C’mon, retro places. If your broke asses can’t even get the fucking cover of what you’re trying to sell, don’t make a 40-year-old scratched disc go well beyond full price.

Only a matter of time before you’re turned into yet another pussy ass Starbucks, and you’ll only have yourself to blame.

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Baby got her second boosters today. She was really good and got mushies as a treat once home.

She's been lethargic all day though. Too much too fast for someone so little.

And then she jumped up on me and FARTED. 

She is apparently feeling a little better. I am surrounded by essence of chicken pate. :|  

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5 hours ago, The_annoying_one said:

I’m too damn old for these all-night gaming sessions but I keep doing it lately and low-key hating myself the next day.

That's like the only thing I can still actually do

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Posted (edited)

I just don't get why people would lie to a person who is notorious for not caring. You wasted a lie and now I just don't believe anything else you say....you literally could have said you didn't want to go and I would have said "ok, don't" and you know this.

Edited by André Toulon
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22 hours ago, The_annoying_one said:

I’m probably the most awkward person you will ever meet when it comes to talking on the phone. So, I guess it makes perfect sense that I’m actively looking for a job answering phones in some capacity. Herp-a-derp….:disassociate:

I used to have terrible phone anxiety, and I still had it when I began working as a librarian. I worked more hours on reference than any of the other librarians because they were catty assholes so I had to get over that pretty fast.

It was painful...I feel for you...

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Posted (edited)

I can't tell if I'm overreacting to something that commonly happens to everyone or if I'm really experiencing this more than average, whatever the average even is.

After years of isolation, I'm trying to be more social, so when I go to the gym, I talk with people. Yesterday, the conversation went something like this:

Anne: *shows picture* This is my daughter. Look at her curly hair!

Me: Aww, so cute! I wish my hair was a little more interesting—

Beth: No, you don't.

Me: —mine just falls flat. My mother-in-law tried to curl my hair once...

By this point, both women had already turned to their phones and begun to ignore me. I was literally just talking to myself, so I stopped.

I mentioned my husband later, and they were all like, "Oh my God, you have a husband? We didn't know that!" You didn't know because when one or two people insist on being the center of attention, everyone else gets left out...

It happens at work, too. I'm a PM, so I try to hop in. I should be able to hop in, but sometimes it's just impossible. People talk over me, and I feel stupid. It used to happen at the library all the time. It was a 100% woman-run library, so cliques formed, and I, as per usual, got left out. I was targeted for three years, and one of their favorite pastimes was pretending I didn't exist.

My mother-in-law is similar. When she does ask about me, she moves on quickly as if she's checked off a task, or she uses what I've just said to talk about herself. We somehow started talking about jaw pain—I think I wasn't feeling well—because my jaw has been in horrible condition for a long time now, at least since 2020. I clench all the time, even during the day. It's a long story... Anyway, she uses my pain to launch into a story about how she has jaw pain too. And I'm like, "Lady, I literally have a 24/7/365 disorder that my insurance won't cover. Your brand new, as-of-this-conversation problem doesn't compare to four years of being in so much pain you burst into tears."

I'm invisible... Maybe I should just go back to keeping to myself.

Edited by Blackrose321
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The same happens to me, but I don’t have to contend with the isolation you were dealing with so it’s not nearly as bad.  Very few people will ever listen the whole way through, even when you’re making genial conversation.  It’s not always self centered, though it usually boils down to that, and that makes it really hard when you’re trying to express yourself.  People just seem to have a hard time processing other people’s emoting because they don’t have the ability to identify with anyone other than themselves.  I’m sorry you have to deal with it.


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I want her to stay in kitten form for a long time because kitten-size is fun-size.

However, I also need her fuzzy ass to grow up just enough that she no longer misjudges her everything and ends up using my various body parts as last minute claw holds. I literally heard the skin on my back being ripped open when she 'slipped' off the back of the computer chair and decided to dig in.

It sounded like denim. :| 

  • Sad 3

When the rental market is dogshit, there is no "moving out" without taking on an excessive financial load.  I hate my apartment.  It's tiny, roach-infested, and the only thing I can see out the window is the windows of the building next door and the asshole staring, so the windows stay closed.  But my family going "Oh, then move somewhere else!" is re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic for an extra $500-$800 a month.   Unless I get a better job, which seems impossible, there is no leaving this...prison without bankrupting myself.

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I get irrationally annoyed when this episode of Family Guy winds up in my shuffle because Quagmire lays into Brian for wanting to fuck Lois....Like I'm just supposed to forget that was your thing in the early episodes.

I've stated I hate pretty much every character on that show, but Brian is likely the worst....but Quagmire with this holier than thou bullshit really irks me. Lois is for the streets, but she found a sucker to wife her.

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Potato Bug learned things today.

I don't need to be rescued if I'm taking a bath. And water is really really wet. 

It was kind of funny but she also ended up ingesting bath perfume from the cube I used which made her sleepy and weak for most of the day.

She now is restored as I'm getting ready for bed and has super-spaz-zoomies with the goal apparently being to eat one of my toes at some point for the humiliation. 

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On 8/9/2024 at 11:30 AM, The_annoying_one said:

Yes, I am actively avoiding your calls right now.

No, I don’t really have a legit reason as to why I’m doing it. 

Maybe I’m a bigger POS than I thought. Sorry, not sorry.

I take back the last portion of this rant.

I finally just called this “friend” back. Got to listen to 71 minutes worth of condescension, blatant antisemitism masked as “I’m not trying to be a jerk; I just know things”, and an utter disregard for the good things going on in my life.

I don’t need this psychotic bullshit in my life.

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Neo Ultra Mike singlehandedly ruined “I will say” for me. It’d always be followed by the most unintelligible fucking non points that would take up the entire page. Good debate, Carl Sagan.

Hope he gets stuck in an Iron Lung so maybe he’ll stop fucking following me in places he’s not welcome.

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I think the shittiest and laziest thing ever put into a video game to make it challenging is obscuring my vision. Well of course it's hard now. I can't fucking see. Way to go devs.

This irks me the most on platformers. Soooo, you just don't want me to make the jump. You want to piss me off first and make me guess. 


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I was really looking forward to leaving everything as easy breezy as possible this year for my friend but nope.

Baby kitten got put on meds today for the next 20 days for a mystery lung infection. Which means my friend will have to potentially pill a baby kitten instead of just being able to play with her. And I need to figure out how to set up a way to administer the second daily dose since she'll only have a visitor once a day. 

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So, let me see if I understand this…

You invite me on a hunting trip, knowing good & well that I’ve never been hunting a day in my life and don’t even have a license.

But that’s okay. I’ll dig cash out of my bank account that I’d rather not spend. Problem is, I still wouldn’t get the license until weeks after you wanna go.

Yeah….not my fault, not my problem.

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Apparently my router got struck by lightning? Which, okay, but it's plugged into a surge protector, and it's thankfully seems to be the only thing hit, and it was only $50 but it's still irritating.

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Goes to print something.

'Out of Cyan'

Okay, I just need to print in black and white. It's words. Can that happen?

'Printing may be continued using other inks at this time.'

Okay then, print.

'Out of Cyan'

I feel like the robot upraising will be less overwhelming overlords and more annoying derpy 3-year-old that asks 'Why?' 50 times a minute.

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