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what do you think the scariest movie is?

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John Carpenter's The Thing.


There is another movie that scarred me from back in the day: Event Horizon.



Problem is its directed by Paul W.S. Anderson. That means the plot is going to suck but there are some decently scary scenes, especially if you are watching this late at night, in highschool and stoned :420: :420:











probably capitalism a love story, because while i didn't agree with all of it, it made me realize that we're too far into this shitstorm to get out really easily.

and as an impressionable teen, it sticks with you more than it should.


Actually terrified seeing it?


There are a few that come to mind (which will all be on my list coming btw)...


Most recently was The Babadook


Overall and probably most extreme would be Pascal Laugier's Martyrs (2008), also one of the most gruesome films I've ever seen as well... It was part of the New French Extremity cinema movement.


The Thing is up there for me.


Others that shook me:

The Shining

Kill List


Picnic at Hanging Rock

They Look Like People

The Invitation

The Others


The Thing is up there for me.


Others that shook me:

The Shining

Kill List


Picnic at Hanging Rock

They Look Like People

The Invitation

The Others


Honestly I don't see what is so good about the shining.


Silent Hill.


Though I think that was more because of all the references to the game, which made me shit a little when I played it as a kid.


Well, maybe not so much scared as filled with a kind of sick dread.


Honestly I don't see what is so good about the shining.


Different tastes. I'm enamored by the constantly-warping architecture, and the backstory(/ies) that stokes the present tension/imagery.

It's fragmented in a way that's always been really effective and interesting to me.


Different tastes. I'm enamored by the constantly-warping architecture, and the backstory(/ies) that stokes the present tension/imagery.

It's fragmented in a way that's always been really effective and interesting to me.


I might try watching it again just for the heck of it. Everyone raves about it, I thought it was only mediocre.


I might try watching it again just for the heck of it. Everyone raves about it, I thought it was only mediocre.


I'm also simply chilled by things that not everybody considers horror, or scary.


Like, atmosphere is what makes certain movies terrifying to me. Like Wait Until Dark.

But lots of people simply call that suspense, rather than horror.


Event Horizon is the opposite of scary.


I didn't say it was a masterpiece, only that it had scary parts. The concept of the movie wasn't garbage either. So its a sci fi horror movie, lacking yes, but decent.




Put this one under "movies that I rewatched thinking I'd be terrified as I used to be,

but found myself giggling at so much of it."


Still love it though.


I didn't say EH sucked. I just said it wasn't scary.


I seen that movie in highschool stoned at like 1am it was fucking scary :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :pumpkin: :pumpkin: :pumpkin: :pumpkin: :pumpkin:


Put this one under "movies that I rewatched thinking I'd be terrified as I used to be,

but found myself giggling at so much of it."


Still love it though.


That movie was tailor made to scare the shit out given my fear of spiders ::D::


That movie was tailor made to scare the shit out given my fear of spiders ::D::


I'm terrified of spiders too, but the interwoven drama between the protagonist and the stubborn citizens of his new surroundings

makes for some charming drama, along with the numerous funny lines throughout:




Lol, I can't wait to publish my list on here... I need to hurry up and get it finished before the weekend.


You guys are all posting shit that is rather timid for my tastes.


In the words of Pinhead, I have such sights to show you....




Based on that list, if you've not seen it, I'd highly recommend you watch Suspiria.


Great movie, and soundtrack.


what proof do you have?


Just look into their history, they were(I forgot Ed has been dead for 10 years) shysters. I wasn't attacking you btw just don't have a high opinion of them lol. Believe what ya want.


Trick or Treat

Hard Candy




Not for the faint of heart.


All of those are pretty tame. I might watch Trick r' Treat on Halloween.


It's usually only the gorry or sick shit that gets me like Cabin Fever, or the Human Centipede.

Though somehow the Grudge spooked me for a bit when I was younger.  I think it's just because

I was a kid and every time the lights were off I expected insaley pale contorted Japanese people

popping out at me or to hear those disturbing noises. Also my mom is a cat person and everytime

I'd hear cats growling at night it would bring the scenes back into my memory.






The last film to scare me wasn't even a horror film. It was a little film called The Matrix.


The questions it brought up about reality and existence made me stay awake all night long. I would have been 10 at the time.


the original "Night of the Living Dead." Not now, but the first time I saw it, it scared the absolute bejesus out of me.


"The Grudge." Not a good movie to watch alone, when you live by yourself.


"In the Dead of Night."I saw it when I was a kid, haven't been able to find it since, but the scene where a guy kills his ventriloquist dummy and then is taken over by its spirit gave me nightmares for weeks.

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