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Rest In Peace Mr. Petty


You don't have stand your ground any longer


OMG! No, not Tom Petty! whut Another legendary lead singer dead. We already lost Soundgarden's Chris Cornell and Linkin Park's Chester Bennington. Now, Petty. RIP Tom Petty! :(


Generally speaking, 2017 has been just as shitty of a year as 2016. I really hope next year will be better for us all.


Just a few minutes ago, I heard on my local news that the LAPD sent out a tweet. They retracted their statement and said, that Tom Petty is supposedly "clinging for his life."


Yeah I keep seeing that...but he's brain dead and is DNR.


if he's off of life support, is brain dead, and is DNR. it's a matter of time


Surprised he hasn't passed yet, tbh.

They took him off life support hours ago.

Unless they just want to keep it low key before confirming it.


Yeah I keep seeing that...but he's brain dead and is DNR.


It would've been a lot better if they had waited for all the results to come in before broadcasting, that Tom Petty was dead. It's bad enough that people are still reacting to the latest massacre.


the news is really sucking at reporting things.


according to billboard about an hour ago


"Tom Petty was put on life support Monday (Oct. 2) after suffering cardiac arrest, and conflicting reports now say that he has died at the age of 66. CBS News' breaking news tweet citing LAPD has since been deleted. The LAPD later tweeted out an apology: "The LAPD has no information about the passing of singer Tom Petty. Initial information was inadvertantly [sic] provided to some media sources. However, the LAPD has no investigative role in this matter. We apologize for any inconvenience in this reporting."

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