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1. My forum will be better than this craphole. But none of you will survive more than 15 minutes.


2. My forum won't have any rules, so anything goes. But anyone who says anything negative about anyone or even seems like they might be a problem will get IP banned.


3. My forum won't have an admin that doesn't care or interact with the user base like luuv. But if you say anything about an admin over there you will regret ever being born.


4. The user base here is very very cynical, the world isn't out to get you. But for your own safety don't do anything on my new board, those people wouldn't like it.




come on, dude....just stop....please






Basically the admins are supposedly going to be doing all the changes the posters ask for and since you know, that's not possible, the people that don't like the layout will get b& for daring to say they don't like it, that's what I'm getting out of this thread.


Sounds like a real Internet Shangri-la >:D


The more I hear, the happier I am to not be among the elite invited.


I like the old, it is my favorite. (And if anybody gets that reference...)


The userbase of this place is a bit between reddit/4chan/ and somethingawful.






Ya been warned.

It's basically babbling 2006.

So basically it's fucking terrible then?


I have only ever been nice to you Pooh.

Why do you have Luuv's cock down your throat as far as you do right now?

You're too full of stupid and rage to understand anything I said to you.


Don't make me get nasty with you. I don't feel like reading the ten reply post that it will most likely bring.


I been nice to you. I'm not even not being nice now but since you like to alienate and humiliate yourself go right ahead.




Let me lay it down simple for you and why you are a giant pussy.


1 - Don't know what you look like

2 - Don't know your name

3 - You smell like shit covered pussy

4 - You're a 5th rate troll who can't even bother to go on an actual forum with intelligence. You have 3k post on a forum that 50 people post on.  :fap:


5 - Your only friend is your hand, and even sometimes that doesn't feel like getting you off.



6 - You're clearly butthurt



7 - I've never once attacked you on any forum. You should go eat your own cum.


These are great insults if you're a middle schooler from a religious family who's learning to feel comfortable saying dirty words for the first time. You have the most bizarre 'Look at me, senpai' fetish when it comes to Luuv. You go on and on about how he wronged you, how you don't need him, and you're totally gonna leave his forum for realz this time. But nope. Here you are again ranting and raving about the same shit while reminding folks that your unstable ass is an admin for your oh so exclusive Valhalla.


this isn't even funny anymore...it's just fucking sad...just leave viper...we were ok with you and we'll be ok without you...you don't like it here then don't fucking stay...this is just fucking ridiculous


I bet if I looked up "clearly butthurt" in the dictionary I'd find this post:



Let me lay it down simple for you and why you are a giant pussy.


1 - Don't know what you look like

2 - Don't know your name

3 - You smell like shit covered pussy

4 - You're a 5th rate troll who can't even bother to go on an actual forum with intelligence. You have 3k post on a forum that 50 people post on.  :fap:


5 - Your only friend is your hand, and even sometimes that doesn't feel like getting you off.



6 - You're clearly butthurt



7 - I've never once attacked you on any forum. You should go eat your own cum.


viper. dude. SETTLE. i'm sure your forum full of rejected fb trolls is gonna be plenty nasty. no one's trying to take that feather from your cap. but do you really think it's a good idea to come here, ask people to join, then tell these same people they can't handle 15 minutes with your shitpost buddies? really?


i can laugh really hard. you're welcome to keep trying.

I want to join and stick around for exactly 16 minutes just to prove a point.



Let me lay it down simple for you and why you are a giant pussy.


1 - Don't know what you look like

2 - Don't know your name

3 - You smell like shit covered pussy

4 - You're a 5th rate troll who can't even bother to go on an actual forum with intelligence. You have 3k post on a forum that 50 people post on.  :fap:


5 - Your only friend is your hand, and even sometimes that doesn't feel like getting you off.



6 - You're clearly butthurt



7 - I've never once attacked you on any forum. You should go eat your own cum.


1. Uh

2. Uhh

3. Language.

4. You have 4k posts and counting + being trolt this hard by one as shit tier as me doesn't bode well for your admin future

5. Sadbrains

6. Projecting

7. Ginguy is the only person who liked your post.


i used to have a pillow fort with "no grownups allowed" on the outside. that's what having a "secret" forum is like in the day and age where forums are a dead medium. stop being childish


Link me to viper's forum, admin


It's like you haven't figured him out yet......Just say that he's full of it and no site is up.  He will either give you the link because he can't resist proving you wrong, or he'll avoid the question because it doesn't exist.  Gently pull the strings, don't tug.

Guest The Hound

i know where your avatar is from, nab


You're not ever getting the link now.

Think I'm fucking stupid lol?

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