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you guys ever wonder what happened to people you used to know online/talk to

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when i was like 15 i had a small group of people i talked to regularly on steam. which eventually turned into attention whore bullshit/people being upset about attention whore bullshit.

there was this girl around my age who i talked to regularly and was as le epic memes/dumb as i was. i wonder what happened to her tbh.

inb4 she was a guy.


there's quite a few I miss from my time on the net ...from my small circle of friends on games like AVP2 to the anime fans of the techtv forums ...and so many from the boards of adult swim that I've lost track of from these past 10 years...






..sorry I just waxed nostalgic for several minutes .....I have a habit of thinking of the good people I once knew and then thinking really hard about eating a gun barrel...


All the time.

I revisited my old deviant art account once and found a message from somebody who was wondering where I was and hoped I was well. It had been years; she married and had a kid. It was touching.


Yes, in fact the other night I had a random dream about 2 of them.


In general the ones I had uh... relationships with stick in my mind a bit more, which makes it all the more unpleasant when I have to admit I don't remember what their names were. I do remember what they looked like, though. Most were from ASMB, but a few were from other sites.


While a fair number of people I knew were on the [adult swim] boards, I was no life-ing it online, so I met lots of people around the web. Good bit of buddies on Xbox Live and Playstation 2 Online (later PSN), and various websites. Kept up with people on IRC chats on places like Toriyama's World (free comic website), Naruto forums, and for messengers I was on AIM, YIM, and Chatzy. My only relationship to date was with someone on the [as] boards, too.


Sometimes I do find myself wondering what a few of those many people are up, though. Curious to see what my ex is up to, and beyond him maybe a few gaming buddies I used to play with all the time. That being said, the people I knew in person that I also hung out with online, but have also passed away have left a lasting impression on me. It's just fucking weird to pull up their profiles and remember they're never coming back.


the people I game with or have in the past that I really enjoy are on my FB...we still chat even tho I don't game anymore...it's nice getting to know them personally and seeing their family's


I'm still in touch with HonorableCloud, so no.


I guess if I really start thinking about it I could come up with some people who I would be interested in knowing how they turned out just for curiosity's sake but that's about it. I don't ever think about them or care


There are some friends from the old Action Discussion AIM chats that have fallen off my radar.  I keep tabs on a few via Facebook, but I haven't heard from some others in ages.


Yeah, mostly from the boards like others have said. A few I have on FB or text me like once a year, but most have forgotten me completely.


It's weird to me, I spent years here and had tons of internet people in the old cliques but if they aren't still here now or if I never incorporated them into my real like a la Facebook, I couldn't really tell you much about any of them on the spot other than that they were another name in the room. Do I really miss so-and-so or am I waxing nostalgic over a screenname with a human personality I don't really recall?


I'm still in touch with HonorableCloud, so no.


I guess if I really start thinking about it I could come up with some people who I would be interested in knowing how they turned out just for curiosity's sake but that's about it. I don't ever think about them or care

he was a musician wasn't he?

i remember him still being active on nodebb


While a fair number of people I knew were on the [adult swim] boards, I was no life-ing it online, so I met lots of people around the web. Good bit of buddies on Xbox Live and Playstation 2 Online (later PSN), and various websites. Kept up with people on IRC chats on places like Toriyama's World (free comic website), Naruto forums, and for messengers I was on AIM, YIM, and Chatzy. My only relationship to date was with someone on the [as] boards, too.


Sometimes I do find myself wondering what a few of those many people are up, though. Curious to see what my ex is up to, and beyond him maybe a few gaming buddies I used to play with all the time. That being said, the people I knew in person that I also hung out with online, but have also passed away have left a lasting impression on me. It's just fucking weird to pull up their profiles and remember they're never coming back.

the only place i kinda got to know some people on was steam. and that was only cause i played on the same server as them, and i don't really even remember how i started interacting with them  :|

but yeah, i too was doing nothing but be online/rotting my brain with chinese cartoons and playing video games for a good two years, so i lost what little friendships i had with irl people, and was a little anti-social during this time. these random online people kinda helped me realize that your world's not as self-contained as you think. idk how to really explain the feeling without sounding pretentious, but yeah.


It's weird to me, I spent years here and had tons of internet people in the old cliques but if they aren't still here now or if I never incorporated them into my real like a la Facebook, I couldn't really tell you much about any of them on the spot other than that they were another name in the room. Do I really miss so-and-so or am I waxing nostalgic over a screenname with a human personality I don't really recall?

just a name on a screen, but i knew their's and they knew mine, so idk that probably has some merit to it?


I keep in touch with some people from the boards. Crazy_Anime_Punk got her 4year eng major last month and got a job working at a video game company yesterday, LatinoGangstar is doing a game channel and just got a sponsor, and Ciddy has just been working.  Lost contact with foryouwhynot when the site went down. Last I remember he was looking into a transfer and had a kid. 

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