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Top Gun

Helper Elf
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Everything posted by Top Gun

  1. Didn't exactly stop Ichigo's parents, now did it?
  2. If by "machete order" you mean "completely ignore the existence of the prequels," then yes, that is the proper order.
  3. To each their own I guess. Personally I'll stick with my bitchin' mechanical keyboard.
  4. I genuinely do not understand wireless full-sized keyboards. I mean a mouse I get, because the cord can be a pain sometimes, but your keyboard doesn't move in the first place. Just plug the thing in.
  5. Top Gun


    There were people who actually thought Blank Check was a good movie in the first place?
  6. You could always live in PA, where you can't get hard liquor and (except for very recent developments) wine outside of state-run stores--which don't also sell beer mind you, actual beer distributors were only allowed to sell half/full cases up until a few months ago, restaurants with liquor licenses are only allowed to sell you two carry-out 6-packs at a time, and everything's more expensive than it needs to be! Oh, and there's still a tax on alcohol established to raise funds for disaster relief for a flood that happened in 1936.
  7. Nah I like women my own age thanks :fap:
  8. "Most likely to wind up on a seat in front of Chris Hansen"?
  9. I figure she's going to take on Jack's mantle once he finally returns to the past at the end of the series. If you assume an Ocarina-esque timeline split, Jack goes back and takes care of Aku originally, while Ashi cleans up after him in the future.
  10. Whatever you're trying to link doesn't seem to allow hotlinking.
  11. Stranger tiem?
  12. "WE HAD A DEAL!!!"
  13. Unless you count educational games like Reader Rabbit on a truly ancient IBM machine, it was probably the original Sonic the Hedgehog and a few others of that era on my cousins' Genesis. I spent a massive amount of time at our neighbors' house playing Super Mario Kart and Donkey Kong Country on their SNES too. Sadly my parents never let us own a home console ourselves during the 16-bit golden years, since they figured it'd rot our brains or something. (Hell, they were probably right.) On the plus side, I did get in on some old-school PC gaming. My true first love will always be Descent, and I spent who knows how many hours being confused by Myst.
  15. Three months? Did you have some crazy complications or something? I think it only took a couple of weeks for me until the sockets were healed and I was able to eat whatever.
  16. Why are you not just ordering stuff online and having it shipped?
  17. I am okay with every single thing in that Jack episode. That is all.
  18. Man, this really sucks. He had a super-distinctive voice, and it was always fun picking him out as bit characters in FUNi dubs. It amazed me how he was able to take Fuhrer Bradley from a kindly, dignified leader to an incredibly menacing presence over the course of a few lines. Fuck cancer. On a much lighter note, since I'm finally mostly caught up, can someone tell me what the actual fuck Sand Whale was supposed to be? I mean I know Oshii is all about navel-gazing, but Christ, that was ridiculous.
  19. Sometimes I wonder if you've ever said more than ten words to a woman without being punched in the face.
  20. Well yeah, he was Frieza's bitch too. It was really all downhill after he turned into a giant monkey.
  21. Do you really think it matters? Vegeta was totally pussywhipped within an arc of him first showing up in DBZ.
  22. Patreon's designed for content creators who are able to produce bonus incentives for fans to keep donating. It doesn't really make any sense at all for a paying-forum-bills context.
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