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Top Gun

Helper Elf
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Everything posted by Top Gun

  1. I wonder if, at some point in his worst nightmares, P. Diddy woke up feeling like Kesha.
  2. Top Gun


    There is a very good reason why "anise" is only one vowel away from "anus."
  3. ...you do realize that the individual anime distributors aren't in any direct competition over broadcast slots, seeing as how it's Toonami that approaches them to acquire shows, right?
  4. Darkness
  5. ^ I think I heard that in an animu once. Also, the only correct answer is Master Balls.
  6. Top Gun


    So basically Zeni then? (Also orange Tic-Tacs are my jams.)
  7. Hell, I'm planning on marathoning it myself before the finale, so if the block does it too that saves me some trouble.
  8. Habitually, perhaps incessantly. The amount of shit piled around my room probably means I've reached peak weeb.
  9. MELTMAN! With the power to...melt.
  10. One of the biggest problems is the industry's byzantine production committee system, where a bunch of media companies and rights-holders form a separate entity for every single series under the sun and all get their own piece of the profits pie. It's intimately connected with the current late-night infomercial model of broadcasting anime, which is equally fucked-up. Honestly I feel like the entire industry is in dire need of a significant contraction/crash in order to wind up with something more sustainable over the long-term.
  11. Image sigs are cancer to begin with.
  12. Pretty sad when your own right hand prefers looking at a phone to spending time with you.
  13. Do you think it really would have made a difference?
  14. Now this is weird: I'm not seeing any image in elfie's post or your quote, but when I manually go in and have the URL open in another tab, the image appears just fine here too. But as soon as I close the separate tab and refresh, it's gone again. Bizarre.
  15. Yeah, unlike 7/11 Wawa doesn't sell 4-year-old hot dogs that someone just discovered under the Slurpee machine.
  16. Personally Battle Tendency was my favorite part so far, though Diamond is Unbreakable may have just edged it out. Joseph is best Jojo.
  17. April is the month when bugs come out en masse and plants start having sex all over my breathing air, so it can go fuck itself.
  18. Eat roast beef instead.
  19. Dunno what you're talking about, Hisoka slays it in English.
  20. Anyone who calls her Crimin is stupid, because that's literally the brand of designer shirt she's wearing. A brand created by Pappuag, no less.
  21. Don't lie, you'd rather be playing Gwent.
  22. This applies to at least 3 JoJo's.
  23. Of course it's one random night, and of course it doesn't affect people like us, because we watch every week no matter what because it's what we do. But Samurai Jack (and really Super to a lesser extent) is one of those precious few block properties that has grabbed eyeballs well beyond the handful of weebs who still give a damn about dubbed airings on late-night basic cable. We all saw the media blitz its return received on all sorts of big-name entertainment sites. Casual viewers are showing up for this, and they're not used to [as]'s random scheduling bullshit, because self-respecting programming blocks don't do that to popular shows. We know what happened here, but those sorts of viewers tuned in tonight, thought "Wait, where the hell is my show?", and almost certainly didn't stick around to watch anything else. Most of them will be back next week, but given that this final season is so abbreviated in the first place, the absolute last thing you want to do is risk losing any of your audience along the way. You don't need any experience in the television business to puzzle that out. Like, as soon as someone made the thread about April Fools' falling on a Saturday this year, I remember thinking, "Well whatever they have planned I'm sure they're not retarded enough to do anything with Jack's timeslot." If I didn't know Lazzo was a complete fuck-up beforehand ("Advertising doesn't work!"), this proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt. (The fact that I'm actually somewhat agreeing with ben's take on things should be enough to tell you that this bugs me.)
  24. Again. Use your words people!
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