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Top Gun

Helper Elf
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Everything posted by Top Gun

  1. Okay...but this is hardly going to be "Demarco's soundtrack." Even when he's not directing anime, Watanabe is a great music producer for other series (his choices for Shingo Natsume's "Sonny Boy" were fantastic). There's no universe in which he isn't making the calls on his own series.
  2. If you Naruto run the bullets won't hit you.
  3. Prime still does anime? Huh.
  4. Politicians hide themselves away. They only started the war. Why should they go out to fight? They leave that all to the poor.
  5. As a friend of mine put it, "'That's a short wait.' -- Frieren, probably."
  6. She actively supports people who would gladly make her relationship illegal in an instant. How profoundly fucking stupid do you have to be to do that?
  7. She's such a pathetic fucking sycophant. Also I'm assuming a huge masochist considering she seems to get off on us telling her to fuck off.
  8. The rest of us had better, more productive things to do. Y'know, like sawing off our own genitals with a rusty spoon.
  9. Without Space Ghost, there's no [as], and none of us are here. Rest in peace to a legend.
  10. I didn't know exactly what to expect going into this, but I really enjoyed the first episode. Whip-smart writing coupled with some genuinely impressive animation and background work. I know Mike Judge is an executive producer but it was still funny to hear him doing a much more subdued Hank voice as that asshole CEO. Definitely wasn't expecting to see two DEA agents vibing out to Harry Belafonte.
  11. No, Drake was the son of Diez Barrels, captain of the Barrels Pirates (and himself a former Marine captain). He ran away when Corazon attacked because his father was an asshole who treated him like shit. He had no involvement with the Marines until after his father's death; we saw the Marine ship pick him up at the end of this episode.
  12. That's not what she said.
  14. There was one funny rant in particular I remember when she was ripping on anime dubs.
  15. "Bitch" isn't a strong enough word on its own for them. I'm going with "beta cuck bitch."
  16. Double OP makes a lot more sense than temporary double Blue Exorcist at least. And thank God, someone finally took Old Yeller Kai out behind the barn. The Grunge/Shoegaze thing is still incredibly random.
  17. Two sniveling little bitches yelling at a real man.
  18. Yeah, if there's any Toonami that has real promise, it's this one. I'm assuming they just threw some money at Watanabe and said "do what you do best."
  19. Yeah, almost four years ago Brady bought a supermarket lobster and wanted to see if he could keep it alive as a pet in a home aquarium. The beginning was pretty sad, the rubber bands around Leon's claws had atrophied them to the point that they couldn't even function, but Brady managed to rehab them until Leon could use them again. He made regular update videos about Leon, and they wound up going viral and getting millions of views. Turns out lobsters are fascinating animals and even have something of a personality. Even beyond Leon, Brady's videos are a great watch; he has multiple other aquarium experiments and a bunch of rescue cats, and they just have this relaxing chill vibe to them.
  20. There have been a decent number of celebrity deaths recently but this is the thing that actually hit me hard:
  21. Heh, well that was fast.
  22. If we get any third-party acquisitions this year, I hope this is one of them. I love that gang of total idiots.
  23. Booooo
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