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Top Gun

Helper Elf
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Everything posted by Top Gun

  1. I will never get the appeal of that thing.
  3. There are some friends from the old Action Discussion AIM chats that have fallen off my radar. I keep tabs on a few via Facebook, but I haven't heard from some others in ages.
  4. Top of the class, pretty much socially nonexistent.
  5. Well that explains pretty much everything.
  6. OCR is the shit. Been listening to their stuff for more than a decade.
  7. Funny thing is that the next volume release will still sell hand-over-fist.
  8. Pale Moon. It's a fork of Firefox without all of the massive bullshit Mozilla has added to it over the past several years. Tabs on the bottom! A status bar! No fucking Australis!
  9. That show hit uncomfortably close to home on multiple occasions.
  10. People actually watch this show?
  11. People shouldn't have to use an ignore function as a replacement for proper moderating. Like, I'm genuinely curious as to what sort of moderation philosophy looks at someone who has been shitposting for a literal decade and thinks, "Yeah, that's someone we want to keep around our community!" At what point do you call a spade a spade? Again, it's okay to ban someone just for being a fuckwad. That's part of what a moderator does. If you're not willing to remove someone whose raison d'etre is apparently to make the rest of the community miserable, what message does that send to the rest of us who want to post in relative sanity? Or what sort of message does it send to random passers-by who see people able to post racist or pedophilic garbage without consequence? Because man, that totally sounds like the sort of forum I'd love to join. (Honestly ignore functions are fairly shitty in principle, since all they do is turn threads where an ignored person is posting into a one-sided unreadable mess. At that point you're better off not reading the thread in the first place.)
  12. Eat the sun-dried tomatoooooessssss....
  13. Oh I think we have plenty of just cause.
  14. Dunno what you're talking about, their fries taste awesome.
  15. Here's the thing though: in an age when the majority of your audience is probably DVR'ing at least part of the block, does it matter nearly as much at what specific times shows actually air? I'm an old man now, and I can pretty much never pull a whole-block marathon like I could in my halcyon college days, so I wind up DVR'ing the entire block and watching chunks of it at my leisure. I don't really care in what order the premieres occur, just so long as I get them all recorded. I can't be alone in this either.
  16. You still don't get it. Not touching Windows Update for two goddamn years and then proceeding to go online is the direct digital equivalent of banging anything that moves for two years without ever once using a condom. You're not only asking for your own system to get infected with all sorts of bullshit. you're asking for your machine to spread it along to any other machines it connects to. As a fellow denizen of the Internet, get that shit off of my network. I don't want what you have.
  17. God I miss when the Internet was limited to technically-competent people.
  18. And why would any sane, rational person desire this, pray tell?
  19. Allman Brothers Band is the best goddamn driving music on the planet.
  20. People like you shouldn't be allowed on the Internet. If you connect your machine to other people's machines, you sure as hell better make sure it's safe.
  21. ...you can't be real.
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