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Top Gun

Helper Elf
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Everything posted by Top Gun

  1. Dude, get fucking laid or something. How pathetic do you have to be to bitch about Japanese cartoons airing at 2:30 in the goddamn morning?
  2. Togashi, as in the creator of Hunter x Hunter. I only saw its 1999 anime adaptation after sitting through Naruto's opening arc, and all I could do was be amazed at just how much Kishimoto had ripped off the Hunter Exam (down to very minor details!) for the Chunin Exam, only he managed to lose most of what made the former enjoyable in the process.
  3. Admittedly I still haven't made it around to San Andreas, and it probably has more content, but I never felt bored playing Vice City. I've never seen another game utterly nail a given atmosphere from top to bottom in every aspect of its being. It just oozes cheesy 80s nostalgia from every pore, and the soundtrack is far and away the best licensed-music collection any game has ever seen.
  4. They are tiny, but at least there's still tactile feedback and a clear differentiation between keys. Every time I have to type on a normal smartphone my sausage thumbs turn it into a living hell.
  5. Because you knew you'd be pepper-sprayed and/or arrested?
  6. TIL that we only get TCM in standard-def because Verizon is dicks.
  7. Vice City 4 lyfe.
  8. Hasn't Alabama inbred itself out of existence yet?
  9. Just 10 FilmAF pages' worth of disks, that's all.
  10. Eh, I definitely enjoyed Battle Tendency more than Stardust Crusaders, though Diamond is Unbreakable may have managed to leapfrog it.
  11. I figure it's tomato to-mah-to at this point.
  12. I can and will, because Togashi did it far better first.
  13. I will take Toei's horrible OP pacing a thousand times over Naruto screwing off canon material for two goddamn years straight. And yeah I know that was the original series, but still, just think about that. Two. Years. And then like 30 episodes into Shippuuden, they somehow need to launch straight back into more filler. It's pathetic. As glacial as OP can be these days, at least you're always getting a steady trickle of new content, albeit sometimes one agonizing droplet at a time. The only real thing Naruto's adaptation has in its favor is that Toei usually looks like they're making OP on a shoestring budget, and even its best moments are just 15-second flashes of good animation. Both the original Naruto and Shippuuden have a few select episodes with almost movie-budget animation that are a fantastic watch.
  14. Honestly I like that it's much closer tonally to the start of the original Dragon Ball than DBZ ever was. Toriyama was far better at writing lighthearted comedy than super-srs-bzns apocalyptic stakes. Toonami has been my first time going through both DBZ and Super, and I just could not get over how staggeringly dumb the former was.
  15. It's gonna be hilarious when you wind up on an episode of Dateline NBC and we can all say, "Wow, we knew him when!"
  16. Have you lost control of your life?
  17. Watching Perseus deal with dumbfucks was one of the few pleasures of the old boards.
  18. Do I really need to explain to you the difference between characters looking sexy and being "hyper-sexualized"? Because I'd think that someone with a modicum of functioning brain cells to rub together could figure it out.
  19. Can we ban him yet?
  20. That shot is from a smartphone-exclusive OVA short whose sole purpose was seemingly to cheesecake the hell out of everyone. It's no more representative of the usual anime than your standard Comiket doujin.
  21. Can we get him a Guinness entry for "worst goddamn taste on the planet" yet?
  22. Also you are goddamn terrible at counting syllables.
  23. ...what the fuck show are you watching where you're seeing anyone that's "hyper-sexualized"?
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