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Top Gun

Helper Elf
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Everything posted by Top Gun

  1. Seriously though, let's make the obvious Gurren comparison: in that case there was no way to see it coming, and no real way to prevent it, so even though it sucks when it happens you (mostly) understand it. And it was greatly aided by the fact that both Simon and Nia accepted it and had come to terms with it. So it hurt, but it was bittersweet, and it somehow fit. But here's what's bugging the hell out of me right now: they never once addressed any of this beforehand. Like, people have fans for years about how if Jack really did go back into the past and kill Aku, it'd mean that everything that happened in the future never happened (including him going back into the past, whee time paradoxes!). But after Jack falls for Ashi, there's never a moment of contemplation about what happens to her if he goes back: even before they knew she was Aku's freaky magical biological daughter, the only reason she was born regardless was because of that cult. And then there's like two seconds between Ashi realizing she can time-travel and opening that portal. No hesitation, not even a breath in-between. And that was sort of cool in the moment, but it meant that what should have been foreseen instead just surprises the hell out of everyone. And what sucks is that I loved the ever-living shit out of the first 80% of the episode. Pretty much every cameo ever? That amazing original intro callback? One huge battle royale against Aku? Jack and Scotsman banter? The POWER OF LOOOOOVE winning out? The final stab? It was fucking amazing. But those last few minutes are leaving a ridiculously bitter taste in my mouth. And one other thing? Her final words were awful.
  2. I am...displeased. And it's fucking killing me to say that. But that doesn't change it.
  3. 1xd3CGRQXlo
  4. My roommate freshman year in college once came back from a toga party (yeah, really) completely plastered and managed to drag his toga across his desk, handily knocking off just about everything on it. The next morning he asked if I'd seen his glasses, and I had to fight to keep a straight face when I told him to check the pile of crap behind his desk.
  5. Zoinks!
  6. What I loved were the claims that it "humanizes being nerdy." And then you watch 10 seconds, hear the first canned laugh at someone mentioning they play D&D, and realize no, it's every bit a piece of fucking shit. Seriously, the fact that people keep paying Chuck Lorre to make shows is nauseating.
  7. Just gonna call Poe's Law on this entire conversation.
  8. ...valuable? Again, what could a civilization that was capable of large-scale interstellar travel possibly want here? Nothing about the Earth's composition is particularly unique. There would be literally thousands, if not millions, of other solar systems between us and any far-flung travelers, full of far more accessible resources. Hell, just in our own solar system, we could mine the shit out of the asteroid belt and other terrestrial bodies for millions of years. In the grand scheme of things, to paraphrase Carl Sagan, our planet is an insignificant speck of dust, floating on a sunbeam. Again, the Fermi paradox. If these galaxy-spanning civilizations really exist as you say, then where the hell are they? This is not how proof works. If you make an extraordinary claim, the burden of proof is on you to provide testable evidence for it, and at least attempt to discount current explanations. And no, a simple "I saw some lights moving around!" does not constitute testable evidence.
  9. I haven't watched non-anime [as] in years, outside of Venture Bros. premieres, and I didn't even get through the last season. One or two shows like Rick and Morty seem fun, but I'm not going to go out of my way to watch them. The rest of it's just sort of a general white noise of bleh.
  10. Maybeeee because there's no evidence whatsoever that chiropractic works any better than a placebo? Or that it's founded on any number of pseudo-scientific claims? Turns out if you want to practice actual medicine, those things are kind of important.
  11. Yeah man, evidence-based science and rational thinking are sooooo dull!
  12. Not remotely. You can definitely transmute gold atoms from lead (or more easily, bismuth) using a particle accelerator, but you'll literally produce no more than a handful, and probably won't even be able to pick out the non-radioactive isotope gold-197. This article cites a production cost of a quadrillion dollars per ounce. So yeah, go dig it up.
  13. No, you see, I'm an honest person who doesn't try to bullshit other people with complete woo.
  14. ...you really don't understand the point of the Drake equation, then. It was a series of conjectures designed to generate discussion on the steps required to detect a hypothetical advanced extraterrestrial civilization, not a testable scientific formula. Most of the values used have no real locked-down range and thus produce a result that varies by many orders of magnitude depending on the initial assumptions used. I'd advise you read into the Fermi paradox, or look up the fantastic sci-fi short story They're Made Out of Meat. So I guess you'd treat yourself for cancer if you happened to contract it, then?
  15. My mom used to watch all of the CBS lineup (Bold and the Beautiful, Young and the Restless, As the World Turns, Guiding Light) when she was stay-at-home and raising us. Hell, I got to know a bunch of the prominent characters by proxy. Would go gay for Victor Newman.
  16. So hyped for this. Lupin is life. And most of the fantastic Part II Geneon cast is back for it as well.
  17. ...and yet they're still not real doctors.
  18. As usual, you are objectively wrong.
  19. Little protip: if there's a civilization out there advanced enough to master interplanetary travel, there is literally nothing they would need from our insignificant little rock of a planet. Least of all our anuses.
  20. Top Gun


  21. Yes, I'm well aware of that, and I appreciate your work, but that doesn't change the fact that it's still Luuv's place. And in the grand scheme of things, if I had to get by on the default SMF theme and couldn't like posts, I think I'd manage. I cut my forum teeth on a hideous homegrown ASP solution.
  22. You've said absolutely nothing to suggest that it will be, and possibly a few things to suggest otherwise, but honestly this type of ridiculous hyperbole serves no one. No one's "tied" to Luuv specifically; in fact I fundamentally disagree with most of the statements he's made over the years re: moderation philosophy. But what I do see is that he dedicated a ridiculous amount of time and effort towards keeping the ASMB semi-functional (and was pretty much the only person doing so at the end), he gave everyone a place to hang after it went kaput, and he hasn't done anything particularly egregious since then that would compel me to look elsewhere. And really, that's all I need out of someone running a forum. I'll also reiterate my firm belief that providing redundant divergent options for a community this small feels like it will only serve to make both options poorer.
  23. Given the list of people you suggested as staff members, I highly doubt that. Also still chuckling at the idea that the vast majority of people will jump ship from here just 'cause. But I've been wrong before, I suppose. "Running a forum" is hardly some sort of hours-per-day commitment. You provide the hosting, you update the software, you get decent people to do the modding, and you stay in contact to fix crap when it breaks. (Granted this place hasn't had a stellar track record on the last point, but eh.) The rest is up to the userbase. Honestly the fact that you're turning this whole announcement into some sort of massive production is what I find the most amusing. Honestly, a Discord channel just to say "hay guiz I'm creating a forum"? You're overthinking this way too much. As I said elsewhere, I've been part of a community where a certain group took their ball and went elsewhere because of some bullshit personal drama. Said alternate forum is now a ghost town, while the original soldiers on. I hope for your sake that you're more successful.
  24. Running a forum via direct democracy is one of the worst goddamn ideas I have ever seen. But hey, have fun with that.
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