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Top Gun

Helper Elf
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Everything posted by Top Gun

  1. But it's probiotic!
  2. For many years Descent 3 was my jam online. I also sunk a ridiculous amount of time into TF2. I do try to pick it up every once in a while.
  3. Solar flare occurs, Internet collectively loses its shit for some reason.
  4. I want what Oshii was smoking.
  5. I choose to look at it a bit more optimistically. Simon wound up becoming the most powerful being in existence, and he quite literally saved the entire universe from subjugation. And yet, at the end of the day, he had always been Simon the Digger. He played his part, and then he chose to pass it along to future generations to move forward. But he stayed out there, watching over everything, and if there came a point in the future where his power was needed, he'd take up his mantle again. And as bad as Akame was, Dimension W wins this category head-and-shoulders above the rest. I have never seen moderate potential squandered that spectacularly.
  6. All I remember about it is that it felt like a massive waste of Tensai Okamura's directorial talents. The guy's way better than having to adapt mid-tier shounen.
  7. Also relatable:
  8. I always had nigh-infintely more page views than posts, like a good little lurker.
  9. This explains so much about how you post.
  10. Then just...don't be a fuckwit? Seriously, Interneting isn't hard. Wheaton's Law. That's all you need.
  11. Dirty little secret: it's not the ASMB anymore. People can be banned simply for being total fuckwits. What a joyous concept!
  12. Dude. It's DBZ. That thing will print money until the heat death of the universe.
  13. Will we be able to maybe, like, opt out of backgrounds and other such things that make actual post content actively difficult to read?
  14. They did fix some things for the home video release, but even then the artwork was decidedly sub-par. And the iconic transformation sequences were some CGI nonsense. Ben was the one claiming they were chasing Crystal, which would be more reasonable. New dub or not, general audiences have a (really ignorant) prejudice against shows that "look too old," so I think that would have been a non-starter for the original series.
  15. I won't watch live, but I'll probably record the whole thing and watch it at my convenience. I'd planned on rewatching the entire season regardless.
  16. I can understand not liking the finale, but that's just bullshit. Genndy's been pushing to get a sequel made for years and even had a movie treatment in pre-production. The entire staff expressed crazy enthusiasm to get this chance to finish things off.
  17. I was hoping for "bukkake magnet."
  18. I've loved Roald Dahl's books since grade school, and I deeply respect him, but he was dead wrong about the 70s adaptations. Gene Wilder's performance is one of the all-time greats, and the movie manages to be both heartwarming and really goddamn creepy at turns, which is just right. I didn't even have any interest in seeing Depp's version.
  19. Please tell me you're not just shitting us.
  20. That seems like it would have been a colossally stupid decision. Demographics issues aside, the first few parts of Crystal were absolutely savaged by critics, and for good reason: the artwork was terrible, and despite being a much closer adaptation of the original manga, it lacked much of the charm of its 90s predecessor. (I saw more than one fan argue that the earlier series was a marked improvement on Naoko Takeuchi's original work.) I can't see any way that it would have retained long-term interest.
  21. If you're out of college and still getting plastered enough to post like this, then you have a drinking problem.
  22. I really can't help but wonder how different things would have played out if the series had been given a 12- or 13-episode run. I mean this finale absolutely demanded a two-parter, but even beyond that, just a couple more episodes would have gone a long way towards fleshing out Jack and Ashi's relationship, or the build-up to the final battle, and most definitely some more to the epilogue. It's still far better than having no conclusion at all, and the first 6 or 7 episodes were the show at its all-time best, but a bit more time to play with would have put the entire thing completely over-the-top amazing. I wasn't able to verbalize it earlier, but you're absolutely right here. I think this would have felt like far less of a gut-punch if there had been some more explicit moment of catharsis. Not to belabor the comparison too much, but the main reason I didn't mind Gurren's ending nearly as much as some is that, in the end, we see that Simon and Nia have come to terms with the inevitable, and her final moments involve them expressing their love for each other. Ashi's? She says something like "I never existed" and then...*poof*. It's horrifically abrupt. And I'm in full agreement with you that actually invoking time paradoxes now at the end of it all, when it's something the show has explicitly never mentioned either in its original run or this final season, feels very tonally dissonant.
  23. Toonami almost certainly wouldn't show Sailor Moon even if they had (have?) access to it. It doesn't match the tone or demographic at all.
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