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Top Gun

Helper Elf
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Everything posted by Top Gun

  1. Eh, I've played TF2 for years but honestly don't have much interest in it. Plus I've never owned a Blizzard game and can't be assed to deal with Battle.net.
  2. Fun story: I have still never finished the Bleach anime. I'd fallen way behind on the block back then, and I managed to limp my way through the final filler arc, but I'd long since resigned myself to watching only for completion's sake, and knowing that what awaited was a random timeskip and one random arc that wouldn't lead anywhere pretty much killed the rest of my motivation. At some point I'll finally go back and kill the thing off, but I'll have to be pretty damn bored to do so.
  3. I'd say you should probably lock down your CPU, RAM, and video card before you worry too much about storage. Also, whatever you do, for the love of God make sure you get an SSD, even if it's just for your OS partition. I can never go back to booting off of a mechanical HDD after seeing the light. The Samsung 850 Evo is (or at least was) the gold standard there. Right now I'm running a 320 GB SSD coupled with a 3 TB HDD for file storage and most of my games, with only the OS and and a few favorite games on the SSD.
  4. Top Gun


  5. People actually bought a Vita?
  6. Um, no? The series has always drawn a pretty firm line between its dramatic and comedic moments. Even otherwise great series like FMA: Brotherhood struggled mightily with that concept.
  7. Every time I start feeling down, I think about Jman's endless cascade of shitposting and immediately feel better about my life choices.
  8. Guess that one sailed right over your head, chief.
  9. Yeah man the plot about an oppressive overbearing world government so obsessed with hiding the truth of its own founding that it murdered entire islands' worth of innocents was totally lighthearted and goofy.
  10. Given that you've been the resident expert for half a decade, I guess you'd know better than anyone what constitutes horse-beating.
  11. I was honestly shocked to hear that he was still alive. One of the all-time legends.
  12. Um, this is literally exactly what Vegeta did with Cell, i.e. "imma let my enemy power up to his Perfect Form just so I can then proceed to get my ass handed to me in ten seconds." DBZ has any number of pants-on-head stupid moments in it, but that one just about takes the cake.
  13. Honestly, the reason Naruto is so popular is because teenagers love the hell out of brooding wangst, and Sasuke is the living physical embodiment of such. Like I would wager a pretty fair guess that a decent chunk of the fanbase doesn't really give a shit about Naruto himself.
  14. Maybe if I change enough words in the posts I quote people will finally love me.
  15. The only thing that gives me a slight bit of hope that this could be decent is that Dai Sato is involved again. He had nothing to do with AO (to say nothing of the garbage movie), and from everything I heard boy did it show. Still seems very unnecessary in any case.
  16. Ran out of women to stalk online, I see?
  17. Blu-ray can do a massive deal for pre-digital shows like Outlaw Star that were shot on physical film. In fact, that's where a proper restoration shines the most. It's the series from about 2000-2007 that Blu-ray doesn't help a huge amount, since they were all digitally painted in standard-def and thus can only be upscaled. Early digipaint shows from the early 2000s suffer the most here, since animation companies were still figuring out the digital process, and so most of those shows didn't look too spectacular to begin with. In any case, I've heard the HD masters used for the UK Blu-rays were utterly gorgeous.
  19. About goddamn time.
  20. So in other words you were just being a dick?
  21. I really wish more than ever that the ancient ASMB archives were still accessible, because I would absolutely love to dig up some of your past posts ("It's a ripoff of a bunch of things that do it better!") and rub your nose in them like a puppy that's messed on the rug.
  22. I have a few specific game-related forums that I've been involved with for approaching 15 years now. Sadly my original Internets home vanished when GameSpy shut down its Planet Network of sites.
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