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Everything posted by QueenoftheDorks

  1. Well I mean if they think Diamond is Unbreakable is a dud, then they're sure as shit not gonna like Golden Wind. Which is basically the same "but who is Kira?" storyline but for all the episodes this time instead of just the last two-thirds.
  2. Dororo 12 The Promised Neverland 7
  3. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind 25 The Rising of the Shield Hero 13 Fruits Basket (2019) 1
  4. Bumblebee (2018) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Maybe it's nostalgia and maybe it's just joy at finally getting a good Transformers movie but goddamn I am just delighted.
  5. The first two episodes have been solid. The cast is perfect and goddamn I love Colin Robinson, the energy vampire.
  6. I love ebooks. They are so convenient. I had to switch back to traditional books because we aren't allowed to have electronic devices on the floor where I work, but man I love how easy it is to carry ebooks.
  7. Finished In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware.
  8. Look I love John Cho and generally believe he can do no wrong, buy I'm still super weary. Even the most enjoyable Netflix original productions end up feeling too long and bloated. I'd be more jazzed if this was just something they were importing.
  9. I prefer to just haul ass.
  10. This is just a huge amalgamation of "hard pass".
  11. What about Johnny Depp?
  12. Just finished A Storm of Swords.
  13. Literally the only thing that gives Mr hope is that Taika wants to direct it. If they pass over him or he drops out then it's gonna be a no from me.
  14. I actually have no alts here. Which is for the best because a lot of decent screennames died on the old board because I couldn't remember logins.
  15. Oh wait is it that star thing? That's pretty cool tbh. Kind of like a "best answer" thing.
  16. Yes. It seems like the symptoms can be so vague that I often wonder "oh fuck is this cancer" when I can't quite pin down my symptoms. There isn't a lot of cancer in my family on my mom's side (I have like one great great aunt who died of childhood leukemia and a couple of smoking induced lung cancers) but I have absolutely no idea about my dad's side so sometimes when I go to the doctor it's just hanging out there in the back of my mind.
  17. But they already have a live action version of Outlaw Star. It's called Firefly.
  18. Do I not see these because I'm usually here on mobile??
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