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Everything posted by QueenoftheDorks

  1. Ready Player One (2018) ⭐⭐ Robin Hood (2018) ⭐⭐ Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse (2018) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Alpha (2018) ⭐⭐⭐
  2. I'm mildly interested in the new cast but ehhhhh I was never a fan. Probably because I was a depressed piece of shit myself.
  3. Like he for real thought he was gonna die and it moved me to tears. The only other superhero who can get me like that is Spider-Man. Deku is legit. 😭😭😭
  4. There are plenty of conventions out there. They'll be fine.
  5. I legit cried during that episode of MHA the first time I saw it (in the break room at work no less) because Deku is my actual child.
  6. I hope every single person going cancels tbh.
  7. The Rising of the Shield Hero 11 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind 23
  8. One Piece 937 My Hero Academia 221
  9. Same. When I moved I got in a bundle with my internet service. It's mostly just there in case of emergency cause about once a year someone takes out a cell tower here and knocks out the whole city. 😃
  10. Amazon might actually be worse than Walmart though.
  11. I worked there for about six months. It was terrible.
  12. I used to be very into Pinterest and had my boards nice and neat. Those were good times.
  13. Who knows?
  14. Give Cap his beard back!
  15. I recently got a landline when I moved. No one has the phone number because I honestly don't know what it is but every day at about 3:30 I get a robocall.
  16. Cause you're not a leader?
  17. Personally... I don't really care about sex. It's not something I need or feel like I am missing. Call me asexual if you must, but eh... It's not a big deal imo. I'm sure the sexual assault and harassment I suffered in the past has something to do with it, but honestly my life is just fine without sex. I don't feel like I'm missing anything or there is a lack of anything in my life.
  18. They gave away free cones today for spring.
  19. Jesus Christ I wish literally anyone who gets elected DJ at my job knew what "reasonable volume" meant. I mean I hate silence too but I work at a call center and when you can't hear the person on the phone then it's bad.
  20. I mean to be fair... You do that when you die too so...
  21. I often think that sometimes I would like a boyfriend but then I am super selfish with my time and I like my routine and a significant other would definitely hamper that.
  22. It's a legit company or it would have been pulled from Roku. There are some pretty good free apps/sites out there. Tubi is one of the best. So are Crackle and PlutoTV.
  23. I would actually second SEAL Team. I was not a huge fan of the first seasons but this one has been quite good.
  24. I just assume it's always Boyfriend Might Time.
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