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Everything posted by QueenoftheDorks

  1. I almost feel like this is a rehash of Toy Story 2 in a way at least from the trailer.
  2. I still need someone to explain to me what Iida is supposed to be...
  3. Yes. Yes it does. Also Todoroki still sleeping, eh?
  4. But did they work hard on it? It's just text and a textured background. Plus I have some discount Target books. That peels off pretty easy.
  5. I've used the same two photos of me as Facebook profile pics for like three years now. I like using different pics for my icon/profile pic in most places. Makes me feel more expressive.
  6. Josuke is to Rohan as SpongeBob is to Squidward. Okayasu is Patrick.
  7. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind 24 The Rising Of The Shield Hero 12
  8. I just moved into an apartment. I haven't lived in one since I was a kid. I like it. It's quiet and close to work.
  9. My Hero Academia 222 One Piece 938
  10. Tetsutestu Tetsutetsu about to become everyone's favorite redundant hero. #TeamHardBoy
  11. Nothing because I don't associate with trash people.
  12. Honestly this is a perfect fit imo. A Weekly Shounen Jump manga that had enough cross appeal to air in the Noitamina block. Good job, Toonami.
  13. So far I'm probably gonna watch Fruits Basket and idk what else. I have too much to catch up on.
  14. Aquaman ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Really surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Good job all around.
  15. Freeform just continuing to piss in Pat Robertson's cereal. 😃
  16. Oh God I love Investigation Discovery.
  17. My old Strawberry Shortcake and Rainbow Brite dolls. I loved those things
  18. Do you remember reruns of Let's Make a Deal where Door 1 had a brand new car and Door 2 had a trip to Hawaii and Door 3 had like a lifetime supply of beans?? It's kind of like that except I'd rather have the beans.
  19. lmao I mean I feel bad for the people going now because they don't really have control over the guest list but goddamn that is hilarious
  20. You are 100% right. They spend all their time putting out aggression and negativity but can't handle it in return.
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